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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. The mayor from Advance Wars DoR. I don't mind characters who disagree or don't like the main characters but jeezus anything he says I want to break my DS.

    Peach from Super Mario Bros. How ironic of me. I am a huge Super Mario Bros fan but I don't like Peach at all. I don't even want to rescue her. I just want to kill Bowser in the games. The RPG series somewhat negate this but in terms of mainline series no I don't like her at all.

    Roy Earle from LA noire. Enough is said.

  2. But didn't the lag get worse when the background got more erratic?

    And got better during the sea part?

    Granted, I played a 3vs3 in this tournament in the Mushroom Kingdom U. stage and had no lag, but even tought the background changed, it wasn't as erratic as FD and Halberd.

    no. When a player got disconnected, everything started running smoothly.

  3. Found the reason for the lag:


    It seems that stages with to much things happening like Final Destination and Halberd cause a lot of lag

    EDIT: I'm now 100% absolutely certain that the stages are responsible for the lag. This last match was proof.

    I doubt it. I have had many battles on FD 4 player without any lag. It's always someone's connection being flubbered up in the end.

  4. Yeah, fun 1v1s DDD~ And ggs to everyone!

    Honestly, the tournament mode seems fine to me. It's nice being able to rotate between players. Is the lag in that maode really different from other online matches? I honestly can't tell.

    it honestly doesn't. When i played with you alone there was no problems whatsoever. It isn't until around 4players or so that lag is prominent but that's pretty much a common thing for 4 player online anyways.

  5. The name is Serenes Forest like I put in the spoiler, couldn't you search that? I am kinda new to this though... >_< Sorry if I've made some mistake...

    Tournament id = a number that you can enter to search for without having to bother to go through the main search engine. It's the same thing with Mario Kart 8's tournament id.


  6. Tournament Mode impressions:

    This is one of the best things to be added in Smash Bros Online ever.

    The tournament system plays like the Mario Kart 8 where you set up a lobby and then you get everyone to gather around into the lobby and have a blast together. This allows you to set up matches without having to bother with adding friends together to join a private match. You can also set the time limit so that the tournaments can last an hour or set it on forever. Tournaments are won by 2 different rankings, number of wins (meaning placing 1st) or by points (number of kills). However, the lobbies are setup so that you will be randomly matched with anyone in that lobby so you are not guaranteed to play against the people you want to play depending on how many people are playing in that lobby. For example, if a lets play person sets up a lobby with 100 participants then 100 people can join in for a chance to battle him/her without having to bother with adding him/her to the friends list.

    Tournaments can be setup to the point where you can completely set any rules you want. This includes:

    Number of participants (how many people can be in that rank)

    Time battles, stocks, time stock, coins,

    items on or off,

    which stages are available for both omega or regular,

    1vs1 or 4 player battles (edit: nvm it's 4 players. No teams But you can still play 1vs1 if no one is joining)

    Turn on/off sudden death

    Custom moveset battles

    Setup a password system to join

    Anything you want to set up in offline and friend matches you can set it up in tournament mode.

    I played about 6 matches and it has been a blast to finally play stock, free for alls with reasonable battlefield style stages available. So this will be great if you guys want to setup a weekend smash bros gathering without having to add anyone in your friends list. I will probably be playing this mode for random battles only for now on and will never touch FG or For Fun ever.

    However due note that you can only participate in about 4 tournaments at a time and if you want to join another tournament you have to unregister one of those tournament and lose your entire rank for the one you unregistered so be aware of that.

  7. Something I realized about K.Rool,

    He's a character that doesn't have much of a natural following, but on Smash communities, he has a fanbase that represents a vocal minority, most of which aren't even fans of the character, they simply bandwagoned him because he was popular in that community for a little while, and because a lot of people are kinda running out of ideas for characters they want in Smash, specifically first party ones. So some of them vote for being popular.

    This can also apply for Ridley.

    You can say that for most characters in Smash bros honestly. Marth, Ike, Ness, Roy, and Captain Falcon are notorious for this. I always constantly hear people like them for the gameplay and Smash Bros but they don't care about their source materials.

  8. Considering we now have 2 Awakening characters, I would prefer if we got something different as a playable character.

    For one, since everyone's crying about too many sword users, that can leave out our sword weilding characters to represent.

    Another thing is, aside from Robin, every FE character is a Lord. This leaves out Hector and Ephraim.

    You know what we do need though? A Villain.

    I think you guys know where I'm going with this:


    Come on guys, let's do this.

    he too big.

  9. I also spent $500 for the Awakening Music CD Collection and $250 for a sealed copy of Path of Radiance. My collection is coming along rather nicely despite how much money I am sinking into it.

    Jesus am I glad I only paid MSRP for the awakening OST.

    It's such a shame at how limited these things are sometimes.

  10. Yep. As kingddd said, North America has it really bad regarding amiibo supply. The only place in Canada that I know of that actually got restocks of amiibo is New Game + in Calgary, Alberta (they also take online orders and deliveries, for those on SF who are interested). Even then, they really pumped up the prices like having Marth, Ike, and Wii Fit Trainer for $60 new.

    Though comparing my personal experiences to kingddd, I've never actually seen a Pac-Man amiibo in person, even at New Game +'s panel at the anime convention I went to. Also, I've only ever seen Toad, Silver Mario, and Sonic in stock once of all the stores I visited.

    I have probably only seen like 4 pacmans and even then, those were wave 4 launches. I saw 3 silver Marios but I witnessed a guy buying all three of them. Luckily I didn't really care about recolored Marios so never bothered. Not to mention my local craigslists and Kijiji are nothing but people attempting to sell their Silver and Gold Marios but with no results at all.

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