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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. Elite Beat Agents/Ouenda - 15 to 19 songs per title. It's a very small song list for a rhythm game.

    F-Zero GX - GP in general can be very inaccessible especially in the Diamond Cup where the amount of precision you need to do well just gets out of hand.

    F-Zero X - Rival AI cheats. Forcing you to have to be top 6 majority of the time. In GX, there are rival AIs but they aren't always constantly top 6.

    No More Heroes - pretty bad framerate here and there and some of the level designs are just plain boring or unnecessary. In NMH2 that mall parking lot. Why does it have no music/song?

    Fire Emblem Awakening - map designs in general could have been a lot better. The early levels were decent. The late games not so much.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles - you had to have own 2 copies of games to get the proper full experience. At the time, you would have paid 140 bucks. Even then there are still issues of getting both expansions together into one.

    Metroid Zero Mission - it's very short but that's expected of Metroid games and a lot of those backtracking for upgrades at the endgame felt really unnecessary to get 100%

    Zelda Skyward Sword - the amount of warnings and handholding was still too much. I really did not need to know about the sidequest item for the 100th time I picked it up after a reboot and Fi thinks I do not notice the battery indicator.

    Splatoon - the 2 map rotation sucks. Now with all the newer maps finally released, there should be more map rotations at this point. Not to mention I always play when Bluefin Depot is on which is my least favourite map.

    Grand Theft Auto IV - postgame had very little content to do and the multiplayer has a lot of lag issues.

    Team Fortress 2 - the community cannot comprehend that more than 4 snipers and 4 spies on the team is bad.

  2. MP 4 and 8 were the only ones I ever owned, and I have neither one now.

    I honestly didn't care for either one, but that may be because I had no friends then to play them with. still don't honestly, :(

    If you can get 4 friends that are trolls with each other it's a freaking blast. I have 3 friends who do nothing but troll the hell out of each other with items and star stealings it's great fun. It's also the reason why I'm always last everytime we play Party Mode.

    Something like below is pretty much the shit me and friends do everytime.


  3. Yep they've tried to preserve the original mechanics of each era.

    The only exceptions I've noticed are that the spin jump from SMW has been brought into NSMBU, which didn't have it on the Wii U. And the ability to run up certain walls in SMW has been removed (as have those walls)

    New Super Mario Bros. Wii had the spin jump however.

    Yeah they both did however they function a bit differently compared to one and another. In NSMB, it adds extra air time, different fireball mechanic and revealing things covered by fog etc. Mario World spin jump breaks blocks and prevents you from getting injured by specific spike obstacles.

  4. but they were only 4 games, all on different systems...so they can have a 2d mario on all of them.

    There may have been only 4 NSMB but two of them were being released in the exact same year. NSMB2 and NSMBU. It also started the Nintendo rehash trend that has affected the fanbase's perception of what makes 2D Marios unique.

    I personally would not be happy if they made another NSMB game at this point. While Mario Maker is technically one, the customization helped differentiate it enough to be considered one.

  5. I don't know about crashing the market, but thing is, that Activision is still making money of something they don't need to put much effort in.

    From a business standpoint it's gold so they won't stop unless people stop buying the games.

    It may seem like gold but it's unfortunately a short term gold. There was a reason why they had to put Guitar Hero on hiatus and many of their other IPs being completely gone because they oversatured their games to the point that no one is interested in the franchise anymore. If Nintendo were to be releasing Mario Kart every single year would you actually be interested in the Mario Kart series? Not really. Even I started getting that feeling with the NSMB series. Sales for the game may have been high but having the same sequels over and over again makes people disinterested in the product.

  6. Now, I see some people not wanting COD (or apparently shooters in general? Yo, don't be such weebs , Kappa ). I for one never played COD so it doesn't mean anything to me.

    Just ignore it, really, it's not like it means/meant something to you, so why bother with it? : )

    (In case it does mean something to you, because you're a fan of COD4, I apologize.)

    I have been a fan of Call of Duty since the original 2003 WWII shooter and at the time it was a phenomenal game. Unfortunately it fell into the Activision yearly release plague that affected all their other IPs ranging from Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero etc. Because of this, Activision constantly funded the game to the point of oversaturation in the market where there has to be one new game every year. Yes there have been spin offs even in the original WW2 series but most brushed them off until around the CoD5 era and up. I have played most of the games in the series until Black Ops 2 and while I loved the campaign in that game, I felt it needed a break at this point.

    There comes at a time where you just need to stop and let the IP rest for a while before you start and crash the market.

  7. Osu Tatakae Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents.

    - Osu's user created levels just don't have the same charm as the dev's beatmaps not to mention the scenarios are all great.


    - self explanatory. I want people to experience the charm of the later games of the series. The 30 racer roster and the mayhem and challenge to pass through all those AI racers is exhilarating and heavily rewarding. SNES F-ZERO IS NOT A GOOD EXCUSE OF TRYING OUT THE SERIES!!! The X and GX are far superior games. Play those ones!

    Mario Strikers

    - Out of the Mario sports titles, this was the best of them all. Lots of personality see video below. Huge variety of competition, strategies, real time inputs and fast paced action. Football/Soccer with no rules. Just pure mayhem.


  8. I really must ask this question I don't mean to be ignorant or make people jealous but are the rare amiibo as hard to find as the internet says they are?

    My situation may be rather unique because I live in a small but popular tourist town that's kind of like a hub to other small towns so the shops are well stocked.

    Four splatoon packs have been sitting in display shelves forever and a large range of single amiibo are available from $14-$21 so I find it really hard believe people are struggling to find just a few that they really want.

    Yes they are as hard as the internet says they are especially for majority of North America. Every single store is nothing but Mario Amiibos and the occassional Link, Zelda and Peach Smash amiibos. Nothing more. I have never seen a single splatoon amiibo that was available to purchase on shelf or any of the wave 4 amiibos on shelves in my local area at all. Wario and Pacman is not even in any of the shelves here. My local stores keep saying they have been getting nothing but Mario amiibos stocks and they have been telling Nintendo and uppers that we need the other amiibos not more Marios.

    The only solution most people can do is import from Europe and Japan since the demand there is not as huge and they are overstocked on a lot of the amiibos that are considered unicorn here. We have had the occasional restocks but those are so little to the point that all stocks are gone in a hours time.

  9. From the early review copies, it seems like you can just fastforward your internal Wii U clock and unlock everything without having to bother waiting for 9 days.

    The best method of doing this is to set your Wii U 9 days earlier before putting in the game and then fastforward it to unlock the contents.


    Remember you can unlock a random costume if you complete the 100 Mario Challenge.

  10. I don't understand this complaint in our current meta. Of all the generally accepted high-to-top tier characters (namely: Sheik, ZSS, Pikachu, Rosa, Luigi, Diddy, Sonic, Fox, Mario, Ness, MK, etc). only a single character (Rosa) is generally played defensively. Every other character achieved their spot due to bieng an offensive powerhouse. I really don't see why people think defensive play is so overpowered in this game, to the point of warranting such universal changes. Shields and dodging are definitely irksome online with lag (the endless Links and Spamus in FG are a total bore) but real tourneys are far from dodge-fests. Most pros have absolutely honed their ability to crush FG-esque rollers.

    most of the problem is because all the other characters can only be played well defensively. The top tiers are top tier because they have the best offensive and defensive options. Majority of the characters don't have many offensive options to do that well. I can't play falco offensively any more because of how slow he has become now. Marth can't be played offensively well either with his lack of combo game now.

    The wait and bait style of playing is unfortunately the best way to play with majority of the characters that aren't top tier making it difficult for majority of the cast to attempt to play offensively.

  11. I'll say the Inkling has a much bigger chance of making it in as DLC that people give it credit for. It definitely seems to be one of the most popular picks.

    considering the amount of success it has spawned in Japan and the merchandising that has been coming in, I would not be surprised if they actually do even with the mii gunner costume.

  12. I'm so fucking pissed right now.

    I just lost on the third round of a tourney to a For Glory Link, who literally did nothing but roll all over the stage.

    When I would chase him, he would spam arrows, and when I was ripe for the killing, forward smashes.

    No strategy. Disgusting.

    ...I'm going to go cry now.

    welcome to my world. It's even worse with input lag as it gives them even more advantages because of it. Everything I want to do offline I can't do it online.

  13. Some updates pics and videos of nice levels that people have created. Yes autoscrolling is an option.


    Peach Amiibo gameplay

    Lanky Mario gives Mario Luigi physics


    Some Amiibo Character sprites. Be aware, you can only use amiibo powerups in 8 bit original Super Mario Bros. theme unfortunately.

    Although it would have been hilarious to see a Yoshi amiibo power up riding on a Yoshi in the Mario World and U theme games.



    Silver Mario


    Squid Girl


  14. Been looking forward to this, we should like create an SF course.

    Also has it been confirmed that you can only send out a stage if you can actually beat it? Kinda key.

    yep at 4:30 in the trailer. You must have beaten the level at least once. If you modify it in anyway, you have to beat it again to make it publishable again. I like that.

  15. The overview trailer is out. September 11th, 2015 release date


    Features include:

    - building your own levels, building and setting up your own courses

    - record and create custom SFX for 3 seconds

    - Over 50 amiibo compatibility for your own powerups and characters

    - 6 course themes

    - 4 different Mario Themes from the original, mario 3, mario world and mario U

    - Some feature will be locked for a set period of time. About 9 days. To unlock each feature, you must play around with Mario Maker for about 5 mins each

    - 10 to 100 Mario challenges

    - Share levels online

    - Play sample courses

    - 60 prebuilt levels to play around with

    Amiibo Compatibility


    Anyone ready to create their own kaizo mario? I can't wait to see what creativity people will be making for something that people have been asking for a long time. A convenient way of making Mario levels.

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