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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. You know, I've actually always kinda thought that the original four racers in F-Zero should be the first choices for fighters in Smash Bros. I mean, we got C. Falcon, so that leaves Samurai Goroh, Dr. Stewart, and Pico. I figure most people would probably say 4 characters for F-Zero is too much, but I do think at least one more F-Zero character would be cool, and I'd want them to pick from those three. For some reason it's always just felt right, I dunno why...it just has.

    it's mostly because the original F-Zero is the one that has been the most played in the series. Sadly because of that, most people don't really care too much about the other characters in the series where the cast got large with up to 40 different racers in the later game. I personally would have liked to have Black Shadow playable since he's been the most prominent villain in the series in X, GX, and the anime.

  2. Tell me, how was Force3 Heroes?

    I think I stated it in the OP. It was a lot of fun. My only complaint is shared HP but that's about it. Of course it's much harder than 4Swords since it's much easier to game over and it was our first times playing it and we picked the most difficult course.

    Pretty cool!

    Also, those FE4 figures were an interesting surprise!

    I know that people here would have killed for those figures.

    It was from this dealer. I have no idea why it states that they are sold out though since they have a stockpile of them everywhere. So many blind boxes of it. If anyone is interested you can ask them or shoot an e-mail. Because they had lots during pax it was quite insane.


  3. So I was not available for the entire weekend because I was at PAX Prime 2015. My first PAX attendance ever and it was amazing!!! Where do I start?

    The first thing I did when I went into PAX was taking a picture with pikachu with me and my sis and it was awesome.


    The games I played were Star Fox Zero, Mario Maker, Zelda Tri-Force Heroes and a bit of Smash Bros 4.

    Me and my sister were lucky enough to play the demo on the 1/2 cockpit seats for Star Fox Zero. The game itself was amazing fun, played really smoothly and the gyro controls aren't as bad as all the press was saying. You only need to move the gamepad slightly which a lot of people were not doing correctly. The corneria level was great, I like the phases they did like in Star Fox Assault style of missions where each mission is broken into segments. I only got to play corneria and not area 3 since I was sharing the demo with my sister and the lineup was really long. We had to wait almost an hour to get a booth. The funny thing is, the guy teaching me the controls told me I was one of the few guys that actually played really well and the first one to get 2nd rank. Here's a video of me playing.

    Zelda Triforce Heroes was great. Me, my sister and a random attendee played together. We had to vote on a course to play and of course our random attendee partner was a dick and chose the hardest course. We did decently enough except we died at the final boss. At least we get a free t-shirt. Right beside the booth had the amiibo displays and chibi robo. The shovel knight amiibo was not added until the day after so I could not record it.

    For Mario maker, I was a dick and made a moving platform that went right only and a pitfall with a bunch of lakitus and flying bloopers. I couldn't beat it and of course the demo overseer just said lets just put a star there. It was great fun I can't wait for release.

    I went to the smash bros tourney for a brief checkup and I got a chance to see and meet M2K. I got to attend the smash bros community panel with D1, Gimr, AlphaZealot and Crimson Blur. Video of it will be up in my channel soon. I played a bit of smash 4 with some people and I completely obliterated a bunch of guys. Even against a guy who got 3rd place in a random community tourney (Not the PAX Prime main tourney), I obliterated him. Gimr even came to us from behind and asked how was everyone doing? I even got a chance to teach a Street Fighter guy how to play smash bros and he improved a lot when I helped teach him some advice and some controls.



    We played a bit of giant Jenga and that was fun.

    Interesting story about this pic related cosplay. The miciah cosplayer (left) could not attend or go into the convention because she didn't have a Sunday ticket because they were all sold out when she got into the ticket queue. She asked someone if she was done for the day with the convention and they gave her the ticket for free. It was so sweet.


    During the last day of the convention. I was taking a charter bus back to Vancouver and our bus broke down and all the passengers were nothing but PAX attendees so during the 1 hour 15 min replacement bus time, we waited near a gas station and we played Mafia Werewolf version, a bit of Mario Kart 7 and Smash Bros. We were all enjoying our time together that we are planning to setup a facebook group along the lines of Broken CharterBus PAX group. The 4 hour journey lasted 6 hours and we were all thanking the bus drivers and she was really happy that we were in such high spirits after a long day of attending the convention.

    Some more pics, cosplays and swags. Surprisingly one booth actually had FE4 figures for sale for 7 bucks each blind box. There were tons of them too. Like over 50 stacks.






  4. I really like this idea because I actually wanted to do something similar but with drawings for the 4th drama CD while the audio plays in the background but like you said, there's a lot of legal boundaries. I wouldn't be too worried about translations as long as you aren't trying to profit from this project and I find it that translators are usually fine with it as long as you ask their permission and provide credit (but that's just assuming so there probably are translators who are a bit more protective about their translations).

    The most I would worry about if anything are the music in the tracks because sometimes when I try to upload music to youtube, let's say from an anime, then youtube will automatically disable the sound because of copyright issues. I wouldn't worry too much about the actual voice acting because I've uploaded everyone's My Room skinship videos to my youtube channel and I haven't gotten into any sort of trouble.

    But I think in general youtube is a bit more lenient towards video game soundtracks in comparison to anime soundtracks (not entirely sure why) because I find it that there's more channels that consist of just video game music than anime music.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you do get permission, feel free to continue with the project because I would love to see it! I would suggest doing a little bit of research in regards to copyright infringement and stuff like that and post maybe one or two products of what you've made and if you don't face any trouble, then listen to your gut.

    Thanks for your thoughts. It does seem like most of the copyrights involving translation is all asking for permission use. I'm still waiting for a response from the translator even though I've sent them a message a couple of days ago.

  5. So I’ve been playing around with the Fire Emblem Awakening Drama CD and I have listened to the entire tracks from all 4 volumes but I felt, would it not be neat if there was a visualization of it instead of just audio? So for this random personal fan project. I’ve added and made a couple of videos of sprites, audio and dialogue translation dialogues included.

    Currently I finished about 4 tracks in vol 1 and it works and flows well with the audio with some minor hiccups. Below are some screenshots preview of what I have been working on:



    However, there are some legal issues, that I am concerned about. Right now, I am trying to get into contact with the translator for permission on using their translation work and credit for the FEA drama CD but so far, I have not received any response yet and there maybe some issues with the audio being shared. I am planning to only share maybe 2 tracks and leave it at that. What do you guys think of this situation? I want to share it but at the same time, there are legal boundaries for concern as this is something I wanted to play around with for a while now.


    Sprite Credits to:

    askmeandillwriteit and dekodomo for children sprites
    Translation credits to: azurillturtle, Amelion
    Dialogue Creation Credits to: FireEmblemIfTextSimulator
  6. I wouldn't want to just kill a game series, per se, but for games that have their own woven story, some games really don't need a sequel. You can only push continuity so much before you've had enough of it, or, the story would have been completely fine if kept.

    I have the same feeling for some games. For example, the World Ends with You is a game that I really enjoyed and loved it to death. But it's also one of those games that I feel does not need a sequel. It ended well for what it was going for and I felt the story should not continue any further than that.

  7. D-did he do it?

    Did he drank his own urine?

    I must know!

    And, this is off-topic, but here's something interesting about Splatoon:

    It's a shooter that's a popular in Japan.

    A shooter that's popular in Japan.

    Not only that, but I've heard that because of Splatoon, japanese players are getting interested in other shooters.

    And even though I love Splatoon, I'm not really a fan of shooters, but even I know enough to realize that Splatoon achieved something impressive.

    Yeah majority of the Splatoon players you will encounter online are Japanese Players. It's widely popular there that we're already getting lots of merchandise for the game. Keychains, plushies, lots of doujins and a soundtrack it's quite insane actually.

    My stance with Call of Duty has alwasy been the same, it's a great mindless fun shooting series and it would kind of suck if it were to discontinue since I have been a fan since the original WW2 shooter. However I really do feel it needs a break at this point. Sure they alternate developers to work on the games to make the workload less on the developers the fact we get a main one every single year gets stale. If they can branch out the yearly releases, it would not have receive the same rehash backlash it is continuously getting and I feel it would have helped its image better. Sure it's generating millions but that interest has been dying a lot now.

  8. Maybe because the game was somewhat overhyped at E3 last year?

    But still, originality beats anything anyday.

    Honestly I've had a lot more fun with splatoon then all the other Nintendo games that I have played for the last few years. It wasn't that overhyped. I remember when a significant amount of people were putting it down and they still are. A lot of them are indenial that it was a successful new IP and they probably will continue to think that way. It's no surprise that Nintendo really wanted to push this game since it was created by the Animal Crossing team and new devs at the same time so there was a lot of efforts to get the game onto the market and I felt they got it right. At the same time, I could not wait to see what holds for Star Fox 0 since that's being developed by the original Star Fox and F-Zero team.

  9. We'll see. I just hope when Sonic Team actually does a new project (and people should learn its Big Red Button behind Boom not ST) it'll be in the Unleashed/Colors/Generations style that worked so well.

    Well the Sonic Boom 3DS games aren't developed by BRB so that's something to consider.

  10. The cartoon is good yes, but the games thus far... Um... yeah, it makes me wonder how a SATam game would have gone back in the 90's actually.

    Yeah there isn't much hope with the new Sonic Boom games but you never know until they actually attempt to try.

  11. Also Splatoon is really, really good from what I've heard.

    It actually got my sister to play a shooting game online for once. That's an achievement considering she does not like shooting games at all.

    Then Sonic Team had nothing to do with Sonic Boom. But why is that getting a _3rd_ game.

    The Sonic Boom cartoon is actually really good and I enjoyed every single episode that has been released so far. So good in fact that it's universally praised by the fans of the Sonic community. So why not take another chance to make another Sonic Boom game.

  12. So out of curiousity, how many of you guys got Gold on all 80 Challenges in New Super Mario Bros. U? I want to get an idea of who on SF will be making and uploading (you have to beat your own levels before you can upload them, after all) the hardest Mario Maker levels.

    I was personally able to get Gold on all 80 Challenges (I even did the Boost mode challenges solo controlling both Mario/Luigi/Toad and placing platforms at the same time). I even have a screenshot showing I got Gold in all 5 categories as my Miiverse account photo.

    I never really bothered too much with the Challenge mode personally but I did hear a lot of people preferred that mode over the actual main game though. I did reach to this challenge though.

    Never again will I do it again.


  13. zera no zering in here pls

    you...know you can kill racers, right? then they get 0 points...and theyre not smart enough to do that to you. you can kill 5 racers for an extra life too, and killing racers gives free energy. i think its fair lol.

    I am aware of that. The issue is attempting to actually kill them when they zip past you with 5 times to speed of a regular racer.

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