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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. That's because they're actually getting properly stocked unlike other Amiibo. And they did sell well enough, I never saw many of them for awhile until they got restocked. Especially Toad, he was nowhere to be found.

    Only in the beginning that they did sell well. Currently they're piling on the store shelves everywhere and I have talked with my local store clerks and sales and they're constantly calling Nintendo to please get them other amiibos. They really don't want any more Mario amiibos at this point.

  2. Why more Splatoon Amiibo when the Super Mario series is dying for a second wave? We saw Rosalina, DK, and Wario models for them in Mario Party 10, so where are these actual figures? And I'd love for Daisy and Toadette to be added too...

    because the Mario series amiibos actually don't sell at all. They are piling on the store shelves for weeks and months and they haven't even left store shelf at all. People have been begging for merchandise from other Nintendo IPs for a long time and Splatoon is successful enough that their amiibos have been flying off store shelves. I haven't seen a single splatoon amiibo on any stores since release. There is very little demand for Mario amiibos at all.

  3. And thus Volume 3 is now 100% complete. I really hope you guys enjoyed volume 3. As usual credits go to the translators in the video descriptions.

    Hmm this seems very familiar....


    A lot of controversy with this track and it's up for debate. It was difficult to make this one considering how vague it was. I don't know if I got it right.


  4. I haven't played an Ace Attorney game since Trials and Tribulations, since I felt that was a good end to the saga.

    But who knows maybe I'll bite.

    go for the AAI1 and AAI2 (English Fan Translation). The first one you need it for the setup for AAI2 as it brings back the lore of the original AA. I consider AAI2 to be right at Trials and Tribulation as all the cases in AAI2 are amazing..

  5. Thank you for all the work you've been doing. I'm holding off on watching them properly until you're done, but from what I've seen, good work so far.

    It wasn't too long ago that I thought I would have to give up on hearing the drama CDs for myself (unless I learned Japanese, which is a bit difficult), so I'm glad to see you're sticking with this project.

    Thanks, but credits should be given to the translator for making this a possibility.

    Have a double update for anyone actually interested. These ones didn't take long surprisingly. Only 1 hour each to make.



  6. Also, question: How are you guys able to use the SMB3 and SMW styles? I don't have those options...

    You have to unlock them by playing with the level editor a lot.


    How to QUICKLY Unlock everything! (It's NOT 9 days anymore!)

    For everyone who doesn't know how to get all the tools, here's a quick guide:

    1.) Place every New object you have at least once. Go ahead and visit new themes too. I'm not sure if this helps, but you may as well experience and play around with all your new tools while waiting, because there IS a waiting period between unlocks. Bear in mind that while the unlocks ARE still locked by a period of playtime, IDLING WILL NOT WORK (or is at least less effective). Just actively mess around in the editor while you wait, that's why you bought the game - it's freaking fun. :D
    2.) Eventually, you'll get a message saying new tools will be available on (tomorrow's date). But we won't stand for time locks, will we?
    3.) Place a large square of blocks. ? Blocks, Brick blocks, whatever you feel like.
    4.) Hold L to enter Multi-Grab Mode and highlight the biggest chunk of Blocks you can.
    5.) Hold ZL to enter Copy Mode and Copy these blocks everywhere. About 5 times might do it.
    6.) Release ZL. You should hear truck noises, followed by an early shipment unlock process.
    7.) Repeat until everything's unlocked ;D
    Due note that you may have to copy a lot more than just 5 chunks of blocks. I used this method and I unlocked everything in 3 hours.
  7. These are awesome, and I look forward to seeing volumes 3 and 4 eventually! Thank you for making these.

    Thanks and surprisingly I have an early release today since I had enough time to make one yesterday.

    And now we have one of the darkest chapters in Fire Emblem Awakening timelines. Ever wondered what the children were doing before they went back to the past? This is the story of a woman who brings children into the light.


  8. Thanks for the feedback. My friend appreciated it and realizes some of the flaws. Pipeline was his first stage and he does agree its too clustered.

    no probs. Some of them are pretty creative but if executed right, I'm sure his levels will be really enjoyable.

    Have you tried my stages yet Jedi?

    In other news, I kind of wished the starting upload limit wasn't so small.

  9. Hey Jedi let your friend know about what I think.

    Pipeline Reef

    I love the level design but the enemy placements annoyed me more than it should have. I think the spawning goomba from the pipe is the main culprit that screwed me over more than all other enemy placements. It's a bit too clustered because of it. It was challenging at first but it was pretty easy to adapt to after dying for the 5th time but most of it was me trying to figure out the level design and it has been a while since I played Mario bros 3.

    Lakitu's Bob-omb Raide

    The shortcut made the level a real breeze but the normal route was more frustrating than it should have been. The hidden fire flower in the middle part threw me off and it was tedious to destroy all the blocks with the bob-ombs in that area since it's using traditional 8 bit Mario, I could not grab any the bob-ombs nor reposition myself better. The fire flower when you do find the hidden block in that area still makes the task really tedious and goes on for a long time when you use the fire flower to reposition those bob-ombs. It would be nice if it was in a different Mario style game that is not the original game.

    Breakblock Madness

    I felt the secret pathway to get to the 8 giant 8 bit Mario was not worth it. The beanstalk that leads to the pipe was cleverly placed but when you use the red koopa troopa to get to it, the pathway it opens is usually very inaccessible and I once had it where the block for some reason broke and it made it easier to get under for some strange reason. The pathway is too narrow to get through especially for big Mario. The rest of the level was not really a problem after although there was a lot of those typical troll moments. The beginning concept was done right with the heavy reward for the giant 8 bit Mario but the accessibility to it was too difficult to get through. Good ideas but the rest of the level kind of did not do too much for me.

    Swimming the Jelly

    The hidden stuff was neat and the level itself was fun without anything that frustrates the player. I enjoyed it.

    Cargo Conondrum

    The three way pathways in the autoscroll section was a lot of fun and I enjoyed how it requires the players to do low jumps to get to that fire flower with the throwing wrench moles. Overall, I feel this is the best design level he has made and it would awesome if it was expanded further since after I got through the third part, I was kind of disappointed it ended there.

  10. Cool I'll try it in a bit, you get a chance to play mine?

    Also those who have played my stages I got a new one with a simplish design and one that references a certain smash mini game. Although that's the beta version.

    Cheep Cheep Creek
    I liked the priate ship aesthetics. I definitely didn't think about making something like that. Props
    SSB64 Race to the Finish!
    Hehe it's been a while since they made a proper race to the finish for smash huh? It's great although I feel that it would be nice to have only the initial mushroom instead of another mushroom to make it slightly more challenging but that's just me
    Bowser's Vanguard
    Short and fun airship level. Finished on my first try. I like it good ol traditional Mario level.
    Airship Assault
    I really liked the multiple pathways you were going for at first. As much as I like the first part, the 2nd part was kind of eh because it felt like another typical rush to the finish and really nothing bad happens when you just hold the run button. It has a lot of great premise but the ending felt lackluster despite the aesthetics.
    Feathery Test (Basic)
    As a Mario vet, this was definitely no difficult to pull off. Although for beginners I can definitely see some problems for them to try and pass this. Luckily the 1 up is good to help them out but it won't really do much if it was in the 100 Mario challenge considering there is a 1up cap limit. Good idea but I think more space is needed. Definitely can be expanded on.
    Water Hazard
    I enjoyed the ending where it's high risk and high reward. Classic level design.
    Keep it up!!
  11. Lucina to the Time Portal

    - This one demands you to know how to manipulate Bowser (Grima) movements

    - Low jumps and running jumps are key to succeed in this level

    - Two morgans will appear later on

    - Can you beat it while keeping the amiibo costume on?


  12. Most of the levels I have created are traditional Mario levels without any of the really difficult jumps and huge challenging timings so most of my levels should be beatable for most Mario vets.

    ZSS Escape from Zebes

    - a 70 second timer level. There are ZSS powerup mushrooms however they are huge risk and huge reward for getting them in certain locations.



    - a Standard Mario haunted house like level


    Air Time

    - an autoscroll airship level with a boss at the end.


    Good ol First Levels

    - an easy course

    - this was designed as a first few sets of levels in traditional Mario sense


    First Level

    - First level I ever created. Meant to show off the Lucina amiibo really


  13. Yeah, it seems that every time Nintendo messes up, they bounce back in a big way. The Virtual Boy was a failure, but the N64 was a hit. The GC failed, but the Wii blew everyone else out of the water. The DS and 3DS have as well. The Wii U is sorta failing, so Nintendo will probably bounce back again. At least I hope the pattern continues.

    the GCN was in no way a failure. It was the only console at the time that actually profited for each console that sold. Even the PS2 was selling at a huge loss for every console sold despite the sales numbers, They gain back that cost with licensed software.

  14. It's nothing complicated. All you have to do is remove the front hair bangs and it will reveal the pegs to attach the faces onto the head. You cannot remove the actual mask itself from the hair bang though.


    For hands and arms, just gently pull the peg off. Try twisting it a bit but in most cases you can just pull them off.

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