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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. http://splatoonus.tumblr.com/post/126588896567/news-flash-tomorrow-evening-at-7-pm-pt-a-new

    A capture the flag style ranked battle mode is going to be in the update tomorrow.

    Video explanation



    NEWS FLASH! Tomorrow evening at 7 PM PT, a new mode will join Splat Zones and Tower Control in the Ranked Battle playlist!

    Introducing…. Rainmaker! In Rainmaker, both teams compete to snag the, uhhh, Rainmaker. Once you’ve got it, the goal is to carry it into the other team’s base!

    How’s it work, you ask? As soon as the battle begins, grab onto that Rainmaker! It’s guarded by a shield, though, so you’ll need to bust it out first. Once you snag it, head for the other team’s base. And be quick about it!

    If you run out of time or get splatted, the Rainmaker will be dropped and its shield will also reactivate. The Rainmaker is crazy heavy, so you can’t Super Jump while carrying it. Hopefully your teammates will watch your back!

    But don’t think the Rainmaker is just some shiny object - it can shoot ink like an Inkzooka. You can even hold to charge the Rainmaker up for an extra-powerful shot! The closer you get to the enemy base while holding the Rainmaker, the lower your goal distance will drop. If you retreat too far while holding the Rainmaker, it’ll explode sooner! If the battle ends without anyone carrying the Rainmaker to the goal, the team with the lowest goal distance will win.

  2. I don't think Nintendo has anything new to announce, hence why there have been no Directs. I haven't been updated to Nintendo news or speculations since Iwata passed away. I guess they're just taking a break and have retreated a bit in that aspect to define the CEO and how things are going to be handled, etc. I guess they'll do a direct by Sept or Oct

    this honestly. What else is there to announce really? We have Mario Maker, Star Fox Zero and maybe some more information of the games that have been announced almost 2 years ago? Maybe some splatoon updates? Animal Crossing amiibo board game?

  3. Normally I'd agree, but bunnies, tho . . .

    no they're filthy subhumans

    Reminds me of how everyone on the FF14 forums complaining about how they haven't gotten any new races. But seriously who even plays any other races when everyone is a catgirl?

  4. Didn't Mario Kart 8 remove the Rubber banding? It's hard to get up to 1st place again. To catch up, you must earn it.

    No they reduced rubber banding compared to the other series. They never eliminated it since the original Mario Kart. Mario Kart 64, Wii and 7's rubberbanding was atrociously too good though.

    If you're talking about online multiplayer, no there never was any rubber banding in any of the online multiplayer.

  5. Comes to think of it, there were times in Kid Icarus Uprising's online where the opposing team was literally floating on nothing.

    They try to dodge, but I see them fly way off the arena, out of attacking range. And then they warp back and forth all over the place.

    No wonder Kid Icarus doesn't lag online. The game doesn't worry about keeping stuff in sync.

    Yep it's what many online games does to keep the graphical lag to minimal level. Other wise you'll get weird rubber bandings, characters flying everywhere or players in completely different locations if the player lags.

    I have played many fighting games online especially on the PC and I have experience huge slideshows like smash bros online very frequently.

  6. Then that would mean a lot of people have crappy internet which doesn't make sense...

    You would be surprised how many people in the world still have crappy internet.

    And I did say there are two factors, the netcoding and the player's connection.

    The netcoding = the game's network programming side. Depending on how well the done the network programming is can greatly effect how optimized the connection can be. However there is a reason for why the game runs graphically slow. Lets take a look at Mario Kart 8's online performance. Everything runs very smoothly correct but there are the occassional graphical hiccups where you see players ramming in walls but in reality they never did? That's because Mario Kart 8's online does not need to sync in everything graphically which is why you may seen delayed responses for some actions. This means the game's graphical performance will be consistent with 60fps while at the same time have loppy graphical fidelities. Which is why many shooters in online where you have people complaining about how he shot the opponent why didn't he die first complaints. Not everything is purely in sync with one or another.

    Smash bros and many fighting games are a completely different beast all together. Since it is a fighting game, everything has to be sync, All hitboxes, all items, every single player input, stage transitions and graphics. You don't want to go into a battle where all of a sudden you're battling a player and he's all of a sudden 50 feet in the air. Everything has to be in sync. This means the player's connection will have to constantly wait for updates from one player to another. Put in 4 players all those factors above with items and stage events makes the game chug even more since now all 4 players have to constantly wait for updates with one and another and it all has to be in sync. You can compensate this with input lag but no fighting game player wants input lag at all.

  7. Nintendo, get more better servers plz.

    There are actually no dedicated servers in Smash Bros. It's only the matchmaking server that Nintendo provides for you to match up with other players. Once you have establish a connection together with 1 or 3 players, everything is done purely p2p. Meaning it is all on the player's connections. If one player lags then it affects everyone in the match. Nintendo's servers have nothing to do with the online performance of the game. It is all purely on netcoding and the player's internet connection.

  8. Weren't we all into Zoras when we saw Ruto in the Water Temple for at least a couple of seconds? No just me? ok...

    Nah the Zelda 1 to 3 Zoras were the best Zoras.

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