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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. I got the Famitsu Apron gear on my first update shop. Really happy with that.


    In terms of Heavy Weapon I do love it but at the same time, I really hate it. You really have to be in medium range for it to be effective and the charge is a bit eh. I much preferred it if you can just hold and shoot the ink without releasing the button.

    The bucket's range is ridiculous and it's great at damaging enemies in tower control but I don't find that I will use this weapon often.

  2. Release dates announced for the major Wave 6 amiibo release in NA. September 11th, 2015 and the retro characters September 25th. Same day as Mario Maker release. This is going to be a riot.




    Also update that the mii fighters are available on November and it seems like they may be exclusively a 3 pack and may not come in individually. The Retro Fighters maybe the same thing.


  3. I owned and played Lego Island 2 Gameboy Color. Was not the best decision my 10 year old self made since I loved the original Lego Island on the PC. It's a top down adventure but very uninspired.

    MySims DS. Very boring and cheap knockoff. Very uninspired customization.

    Sonic Genesis. Most people talk about the original Sonic the hedgehog and the many ports it has on multi-platforms but this GBA version was the worst port they ever made for this game. Check out a video to see why. The game's framerate chugs, the screen was crunched a lot more, the music was butchered and the physics were completely botched.

  4. Fire Emblem Awakening - Lack of mission objective variety

    Zelda Windwaker - the original sailing speed and the triforce hunting

    F-Zero GX - Diamond Cup. It's my most least played GP and for good reasons. Also the Car Stats in game do not reflect the stats of the cars at all.

    Elite Beat Agents - only 19 songs for a rhythm game. It's too little.

    Battalion Wars - no multiplayer for the original and the sequel removed the point units to any specific locations you desire.

    Super Mario Galaxy 2 - The green stars were an unnecessary padding to get to the final level

    Pokemon Gold/Silver - the level difficulty curve was really out of wack. I mean sure I could beat Red with level 50s but it was still dumb how much level increases it was.

    Secret of Mana 3/Seikan densetsu 3 - the UI was a cluster. Especially when you play co-op where you will constantly pause the game for all your teammates breaking the pacing of the game

    Ace Attorney - no replay value like most linear VNs.

  5. I was once part of the Sonic fanbase.

    It wasn't a pleasant experience.

    I'm still a Sonic fan. I just don't go around constantly complain about every single detail in the games, characters, settings or every single fantier fiction. If I enjoy the games, i enjoy them. If I don't well tough luck on me.

  6. That match was great, people were just getting hit everywhere~

    I honestly love playing with you guys. Seeing random crap flying around is the kind of mayhem I like about Smash 4. It's just too bad most of the players in for fun are campers majority of the time.

    These are the kind of matches I want to play more often.

  7. Ahh, okay. They sure limit a lot of the good options to Nintendo-made tourneys only. :v

    not really. Most of the good options are in the community tourneys like turn off items, sudden death turn off, turn on/off customization and stage selection disability. It's only the lack of 1 vs 1 option that most people are complaining about.

    Most of the Nintendo tourneys are 4 player 2 min times and generally with items.

  8. Is there any way to do a proper, ladder-style Tournament?

    I remember they showed that in the 50 Fact Extravaganza.

    It's a little unfair to just base it on number of wins.

    yes. You see that icon that shows Mario and gang icon? That takes you to the Nintendo Default tournament mode which is all brackets. However the rulesets are crap like 3 min 1 vs 1 2 stocks. Like WHAT?

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