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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. I finally had time to start watching and I'm only up to Volume 1 Track 4, but I'm really enjoying these. Keep up the good work ^^

    Thank you so much. It means a lot. This project was actually inspired by a personal friend of mine where I suggested him to read and listen to the Drama CD but he refused even though he really liked FE13. So this is what made me kind of motivated to do this project.

    Gaius and Stahl on the nightwatch when suddenly.....


    Looks like even Plegians get dialogues....


    Credits are all in the video descriptions.....

  2. I'm starting to think that Ace Attorney has something against the west, I mean, did you know that japanese theme parks have arcade machines with exclusive cases on them?

    Here's the proof:




    ok WTF. How does this even work? Are these really short cases because I don't think I will be able to stand playing ace attorney standing up at an arcade area for 4 hours straight.

  3. I personally think the problem is the compatibility transition between the 4 versions.

    When I played Mario Maker at the PAX demo, you can change the engine to any specific Mario game on the fly immediately without significant consequences.

    Each enemy will be replaced to that specific game's enemy. For example, the goombas from the 8bit Mario will be transformed to their proper Mario World goomba where they behaved a bit differently.

    The 8 bit brick blocks will be replaced into those flipping blocks from Mario World.


    Basically when you switch to a specific Mario game theme, they have to replace something. Because the original Super Mario Bros does not have any slopes, making that transition from Mario Bros 3 or World or U to the original game will be difficult because what object can they replace the slopes with? Definitely not into a random terrain or something because that would not make sense at all.

    In other words, they probably want to make object replacements easier when you switch themes.


    Literally every costume revealed

  4. I deeply resent putting Dorothy in the same tier as Ike. I've heard she apparently sucks, but she at least can get better boilers and a subweapon and can obliterate the hell out of the weak point of a gunner. The why tier should be Ike exclusive.

    Also... holy cow, Queequeg is good? I've never used him after his intro because his speech pattern annoyed me and his stupid penguin bombs were way too annoying to use in the level they introduced him, compared to most others where they put the new agent in a perfect opportunity to showcase their talents if said talents are situational.

    It also factors in multiplayer online since it's all about range. Queequeg has in theory unlimited range so on flat maps, he literally dominates the entire map.

    Dorothy is that low because she requires being right in front of an enemy to do any significant damage. Later stages have a lot of enemies that overwatch so it makes it difficult for her to even approach and has to rely on her teammates to apply those pressures.

  5. So... I just bought some amiibos. I really don't have any plans on getting any other than the Fire Emblem ones (because Intelligent Systems is the only company doing anything remotely cool with them outside of smash brothers). I bought all four: Marth, Ike, Robin and Lucina, and I tried them out on Code Name S.T.E.A.M. on my new 3DS.

    Word of caution: DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, PURCHASE IKE IF ALL YOU WANT IS TO USE HIM IN THIS GAME. And whatever you do, don't import it or buy it from a scalper, for the love of all that is capable of love! He... sucks. royally.

    He is objectively the worst character in the entire game to a horrific degree, he's almost a joke. It's almost criminal how bad he is. His main attack does, at best, like 20 damage while everyone else is doing an average of 50, it costs 4 steam (an extremely steep steam cost), and his other attack is a melee attack with knockback (which hikes up the steam cost to use it immensely) and he doesn't have a skill like Marth's to counter the fact that he's bringing a knife to a gunfight. And being an amiibo, you can't switch out his crappy weapons for good ones, or give him a better boiler (the others, ESPECIALLY Robin and Lucina, have attacks and abilities good enough to justify having this disadvantage). In short, he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I'm honestly horrified that anybody at Intelligent Systems thought that this guy was properly balanced. Maybe somebody on IS's CNS team just hates the Tellius games.

    The others are good enough and quite fun to use, particularly Robin and Lucina, who have really cool and useful subweapons (Robin's got a relatively cheap AOE long-range spell that doesn't knockback under any circumstances meaning you can attack multiple targets and they'll still be in the same spots to attack again, and Lucina's Nidhogg is a really steam-cheap and powerful attack once you get the hang of how to aim it.) Marth's got the lowest steam recharge rate in the game at 6, which doesn't really help a guy who's meleelocked, but his ability to totally no-sell all overwatch attacks and make the enemy waste them is really nifty and if you have tin man's team recharger you can make great use of him.

    This will always be accurate.


  6. Probably because of the amount of work to animate and create HD models for all 700 pokemon for little benefit. Not to mention sales for each console Pokemon games got worse overtime. Sure they animated all the Pokemon in 3D in X & Y but they predicted that sales were enough to make up for the costs of it. Pokemon battle revolution while supported online and random battles with others did not do well reception and sales wise. 1.5 million may seem a lot but in the pokemon universe, those sales numbers for a big Pokemon spin-off game is pretty atrocious. Not to mention it was on the Wii.

  7. Mine just arrived from AmiAmi today, I was surprised at how quickly it arrived.

    My post office delivery man couldn't get the scanner working on the first day it was suppose to be delivered when he was trying give me my package. So he tried again today and it still didn't work, it kept freezing. Frustrated he said, "you know what here take it! It's not fair to have to your stuff being held by us."

    So yay I got my Lucina figma.

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