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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. Just wondering why some character are considered so bad on the tier list


    Good range, good recovery, very fast. Ik his range was nerfed but it's still good.


    Samus is just so low. Why?


    I thought people saw potential.

    Wario and Shulk-

    Both seem better than "B+".

    Captain Falcon

    Heavy, fast, powerful, has good combos, has attacks that move long distances, meteor smashes. Seems mostly flawless to me.

    Doctor Mario-

    DM is more powerful but slower right? He has worse recovery but isn't that work Dr. Tornado is for? I just don't get why he is SO MUCH lower than Mario (and why is Mario so high.

    Edit: There are probably more that I missed feel free to post your own if you want.

    Marth's frames or most of his moves have been nerfed to the point where he could not combo anyone anymore. In Brawl and Melee, his attacks were smooth and it allowed the user to transfer to one move to another without any lag. With that gone, he feels like a slow medium character rather than a good speed medium character making most of his attacks unsafe and easily punishable. While yes his attacks got buffed in some parts, it consequently made his attacks a lot more riskier to use. His grab range was also nerfed.

    WiiFit's range is laughable and that her forward smash can go through kirby and jigglypuff and not even hit them. While their tilts are fast, the range on them is still pretty awful and their smash attacks are practically unsafe to use as it has a lot of frames before you can recover from it. This makes him/her very unviable and this is coming from someone that mained her for a while. The range is compensated by the fact that their attacks and hit both sides and her side B and neutral air has a spike but it's very rare to pull it off.

    Samus's rolls are slow, her A+A isn't even a combo and her close quarter combat is a bit slow and she is very floaty. She has to rely on range attacks to do well but even those can be easily punished and ZSS just outclasses her. Her speed is just mediocre overall.

    Wario has really unsafe smash attacks, his down A hit box is pretty wonky, his 2 main tilt frames have long start up. While his recovery is amazing and can outright kill any enemy at 40% with his waft, he is a character that can easily get gimped and his kill potentials are very unsafe and this is from someone that uses him frequently. The only reason you see Warios do well in Japan is because they constantly run away to build waft and kill their opponents with that.

    Dr. Mario has very little options in offstage play and his recovery is downright near little mac tier. The tornado is not consistent enough to save him for his recovery. His weight pushes him down to much to make those recoveries. His slow speed makes it difficult for him to gimp opponents and has to rely on standard smash bros tactics to play well.

  2. I'd honestly prefer it if FE would stay on handhelds.

    Considering having played each FE, the only console I really enjoy is POR, and I enjoy all the GBA ones and Awakening way too much, handhelds are where it's at for me, in terms of FE.

    This not to mention the Japanese market is more geared towards handhelds nowadays then console. Putting it on the consoles at this point is risking too much.

    Awakening sold around 1.5 million? On a system with 53 million units sold, that's about a 3% attach rate. If an FE game were released on the Wii U (installbase 9.7 million), it would have to be over 3x more popular among Wii U owners to even break a million in sales.

    I would be very surprised if they released a mainline FE game on the Wii U when it is so successful on 3DS currently. It's possible, but the Wii U is dead in the water and FE needs as many eyes on it as it can get. It doesn't make sense, FE isn't a system seller.

    Not to mention that console gaming is not selling all that well in that area now and the FE userbase community is much larger there than in the US and EU. Even Nintendo saw this with the performance of PoR and RD and has even stated they would have to break 700,000 in order to even get the proper budget and profit back if they were to be putting it on the console.


  3. Have you ever considered that Dr. Mario is, you know, not supposed to go offstage?

    Yes and that is his unfortunate biggest weakness. In every smash game, offstage games are key for majority of the competitive games as denying your opponents from ever coming back can completely change the outcome. If I don't have that extra option then I am gimping myself from doing what other majority of the casts excels at. Not to mention recoveries in Brawl and Smash 4 are insanely good making those kill potentials pretty useless using smash attacks. Flexibility and having many options to maneuver around is what makes those characters in the top tier list so good.

  4. I still play as Dr. Mario occasionally. Maybe it's because I can't FLUDD, maybe it's because I like high-risk/high-reward characters, or maybe it's because I like to cosplay as Italian doctors.

    I use FLUDD quite frequently, in fact it's great for throwing off the opponents. A lot of people underestimate Smash 4 Mario's Fludd considering the buffs it has gotten is way better than in Brawl. I've used it many times to spike off or cape opponents and it can really screw up their recoveries because of it. Dr Mario's high risk and high reward especially for offstage playing is unfortunately not worth it for what you're going for considering Mario's abilities to do that is much better.



  5. Remember, this is Serenes Forest's tier list. Common sense need not apply.

    Is Dr. Mario really that much worse than Mario? Three tiers difference seems a bit... exaggerated to me.

    No the tier list isn't exaggerated for Dr. Mario. I'm a Mario main and despite him being better than Mario in melee, he is too slow in Smash 4. His recovery is god awful compared to Mario, his weight prevents him from ever coming back on the stage, despite having the similar movesets and the Mario tornado back. Off stage playing is also too risky for him and it makes it difficult to comeback on the stage because of it. Mario has fast combos and can dish out amazing damage with decent enough speed. I've had better success experiences playing with regular Mario than Dr Mario if at all ever.

  6. I agree with this, but you know what I find interesting. Zelda and Samus while very meh at one v one combat, shine in teamplay.

    Robin as well, despite being more solid at said one v ones then them.

    Honestly I find Smash 4 doubles to be the most interesting in the competitive levels considering the variety of characters are a lot more diverse there than in singles. Unfortunately it's not a popular mode for a lot of viewers considering people want to see individual skills rather than coordinated teamwork.

  7. As hyped as I am to get to use the Walker with 60 frames per sec and a joystick, I can't help but feel slightly let down by the fact that we are back to the original team. I know this was an extremely unlikely scenario to say the least, but considering how much Star Fox 2 I played, I can't help but see them as part of the team and would have loved to finally see them make their official debut after all these years. Unlike Star Wolf, they never got a chance.\

    I am very mixedbag about going back to the original 64 team. It feels like they're trying to retconn everything that happened in Command because of its multiple ending arcs and the reception from the very vocal fanbase. Not to mention the overall plot was kind of a mess in Command and the fanbase itself is very divided on how the story should continue but at the same time, I felt the game would have been fine if it continued right after assault instead of just going back to the 64 arc. It felt like a lazy fix to admit that they made a mistake on the cinematics and the story telling at the time and that caused that "reimagining" instead of a continuation.

    I was personally fine with krystal and seeing the orbital gate assault stage in Smash 4 with the original team and her not appearing was just odd for me considering that stage took place during the aparoid invasion of Assault.

  8. GOp4P2O.jpg

    Here's mine:

    My feet hurts.

    This bread tastes awful.

    This milk has been expired.

    Why is my room filled with crates?

    Why do I have two chairs in my room?

    Joker is more interested in pots and wooden chests than me.

    I wish I was back in Nohr being hugged by oneesan.

    Make your own caption.

  9. The one gripe i have with the online multiplier is that I always get into a lobby with two or three level 20 players, and they are always on the opposite team (and thus kick my team's arse).

    Also, I'm getting really unlucky with the random ability unlocks. I have many pieces of gear that have duplicate abilities, which would be fine if they stacked with each another, but they don't.

    The past few days have been nothing but losing streak for me. Out of the 20 matches I've had, I only won once. Not to mention my Rank went from B to C+ in a few days now.

  10. I wonder how many more he means by "several." Like...four? Five? Maybe even seven? And if they're going to be more fanservice-y, then is it safe to assume that Wolf, Isaac, King K. Rool, and Daisy all have a good shot? I do see those four brought up a LOT so they'd definitely fit the bill.

    probably 2 to 4. I don't see it being anymore then that at this point considering the development team is probably way significantly smaller now.

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