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Everything posted by Toa

  1. Toa

    Looking for feedback

    It's easier to know what sprites you're talking about and follow along when you post images on a per reply basis instead of editing prior posts. It's also easier if you embed them in comments by uploading images to a site like http://imgur.com/ and then using the picture tool to imbed in a comment.
  2. In this contest, the host will provide a short description, vague or detailed, describing what kind of mug the competitors will make. Here is your mug's description: "A reclusive practitioner of magic" [spoiler=Rules:] Any type of Fire Emblem styled Mug is acceptable. Spliced or Custom, this contest is made for both newcomers and veterans of the Fire Emblem spriting community. If you want to try a different style other than FE 6 - 8, go for it, as long as it's a Fire Emblem Mug. Recommended color limit: 16 (15 on your mug +1 for background). This is rule is flexible, but being cautious with your color count as a general rule of thumb for good pixel art. You are allowed to deviate from the standard FE color choices if you wish to do so, as well. If there's a voting thread, don't vote for yourself. If you think none of the other entries are worth a vote, don't vote. Hosts may enter contests. As a public poll is used as the voting platform, hosts receive no benefits or unfair advantages from running the contest. Only 1 entry per member. However, you may edit your entry while the contest is still active. Please edit your first post, or quote the most recent entry you wish you submit for clarification, or the wrong entry may be submitted for voting. Deadline: Friday, December 24, 2016
  3. Eise puts us out of our misery. Pick a theme and kill me now
  4. Toa

    Smirks' Sprites

    Wow, smirks is back?! The weird angle guy's arm muscles are off, his delt is way too circle=y
  5. A comparison gif doesn't really work unless you actually line stuff up Looks pretty cool, definitely Shiro, though his jaw could stand to be a little squarer I think.
  6. The best way to crush your enemies is literally: with a hammer.
  7. I think you dropped this Theme: Decadence: moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.
  8. Two days left and no entries, does anyone want an extension or do we just not like the theme?
  9. ---- In this contest, the host will provide a short description, vague or detailed, describing what kind of mug the competitors will make. Here is your mug's description: "A gloomy stalker" Purple hair and big eyebrows Deadline: Sunday, September 18 2016 11:59pm PST... 2(+) weeks! Extended indefinitely, or until someone posts gdi
  10. IgnitionManagma wins! Some of the other people will be consulted for the next theme too!
  11. The theme was: "A confident, cavalier sort" Long blond hair and the color grey VOTING ENDS: Saturday, August 27, 2016... 1 week!
  12. ---- In this contest, the host will provide a short description, vague or detailed, describing what kind of mug the competitors will make. Here is your mug's description: "A confident, cavalier sort" Long blond hair and the color grey Deadline: Thursday, August 18, 2016 11:59pm PST... 2 weeks!
  13. Eise truck and blaze win, theme selection to follow probably
  14. Shep is doing whatever he does when he is doing things that aren't things that are things related to things involved in forums The theme was: "The most edgy cutest cutie around town" Must have some type of jewelry. Color purple somewhere. Voting ends Monday, July 25th
  15. Toa

    DrewHak's Sprites

    The first guy seems like he has a really thick neck, pretty clean though!
  16. Toa


    The thiefs hand is a little wonk in that all his fingers look to be about the same length, with his pinky actually being the longest! :O
  17. l-l-lewd The skirt girls has nearly no hips! Your anatomy is a little wonky sometimes, especially in the guy's legs and his shirtless. Some of your shading looks like shading just to say you have shading, like the sleeves on the full bodies and the guy's hair. There's random bits of shading that don't look like they should be there. Your white hair colors are pretty weird, the little girl's and the guy's doesn't really get dark, and the other girls goes dark pretty quick and uses a lot of the third shade, which makes her hair look very outliney. The taller girl's eyes are pretty hard to make out, you might be able to fix this by darkening her irises or by making her corneas true white, and her pupils could stand to be darker as well. In the full body of the little girl without the skirt, her left forearm appears to have a kink in it where he bracelet is, and when her forearm approaches her elbow it curves inward instead of outward(look at your own arms, i'm not sure if that explanation makes sense) You're very prolific, keep it up!
  18. You could try making him do a little hop back. Just straight up sliding looks really unnatural. Rest looks cool though!
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