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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Got my unwanted long "weekend" by the doctor. @Shrimperor Thanks! I had a faster Annette than Lysithea in my CF run. She could even double non knights in maddening. But on paper she is really mediocre.
  2. My throat does not let me speak, so not go to work today. I guess I overextended my voice yesterday when I did a 2h presentation. Anyways this feeling is awkward.
  3. old Leif: (including life ring, speed ring, defense ring) new Leif: (including life ring)
  4. Finally reached the point of FE5 I can continue with my LP. The biggest winners of my reset: Leif and Karin and Rpnan for keeping alive The biggest losers: Tanya and especially Lithis
  5. I have played very few games of this series. Only a few action platformers for the SNES and Rogue Squadron and Podracer for N64. I loved Rogue Squadron, completed all main missions with gold.
  6. I pronounce Meath like meat, means I get hungry whenever I read it.
  7. Did literally a marathon this morning. Played four more maps. And hooray, no deaths yet! Also Leif became to something this time! I did not even notice that Meath is supposed to be Master.
  8. I have done very well in my FE5 run yet. I had no deaths and good RNG...
  9. Whohoo, another Judgral banner. Unfortunately I have burnt all my orbs into the passed the Legendary Banner. If I got at least one of these four, I would be really glad. Sety would be my most wanted since I love using him in FE5 and he's Asbel's teacher.
  10. Yeah, it's true. Manster is best part of the game........ even if most stressful one too. Leif is unkillable. Also this Leif is definitely better now.
  11. I am considering who to give the accost scroll from chapter 12x to? I have these contenders: Tanya for doing four times damage without taking a counter attack Halvan for having an easier time to capture Salem for being able to attack always four times
  12. Done with chapter 3. Again Leif has leveled no single strength point till level 6 yet. Though at least he has got three defense points, so I did not need to use a shield ring on him. Overall the level ups have been good so far, above average for FE5 standards. Orsin and Halvan kick ass.
  13. I rarely have ever seen a series put into dirt as much as what happened to Star Wars. Already the first prequel detested me and now reading making a prequel of a prequel is the worst way to make more money at cost of one of the best movie series in the past 40 years.
  14. Unfortunately there is only a hint about their connection once the chapter has been started and has been deployed. There are not any information given before which means this event is an automatic miss for a blind player.
  15. That's not what I meant. I assume you have not finished this chapter, but regardless, you have to deploy Lara for this map. Since I have not read this name in the post, I just want to inform you.
  16. I let him capture Lara, so he had halved stats. That's a trick I got by watching Markyjoe's LP who did it in chapter 6.
  17. I cannot remember chapter 21x being bad since it was not even FoW. Chapter 24x is a pain in the ass, but it is somehow required not to get screwed against the final boss. Anyways I am excited of your reaction for chapter 12x.
  18. Speaking of Star Wars, I saw Rogue Squadron on Steam. I had so many great memories with the game on the N64 (completed all missions with platinum medal). Though I have heared the PC has to fulfill certain requirements since it is an already more than two decades old game which might not run without certain programs anymore.
  19. Replayed till chapter 12x. A short summary: I visited the village in chapter 9 in the top north which gives the Fjalar's Scroll. This is amazing for Leif because it can increase his physical and magical combat. I captured the flame sword from the knight in chapter 10 but therefore I failed to caputure the stamina drink and rapier from one of the thieves. In general I captured way more than in my first run, so I could make a lot more money which will be used to buy stamina drinks in chapter 14. In my run I had three deaths and two of them were could not be more ridiculous: Units's overview:
  20. Well, I guess I have to replay FE5 all over again... Apparently there are more Mareeta and Ronan fans in the forum than I thought. I mean this playthrough's purpose was to include all recruitments, so I should also keep my word and take the consequences. Kinda bad that I have to go back to work next week, so my free time for playing and updating will be heavily restricted (technically only on weekends).
  21. I'm the very first thief in Fire Emblem, and the best one obviously.
  22. The thing what bugged me about 11x was why the enemy tried to kill Olwen in the cell. Or was that the kind of "execution" Kempf was talking about? In general I found chapter 11x not too bad, but it can be a pain if Alfred cannot oneround all the soldier chimps due to the big range of enemy stats in the game.
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