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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I just finished everyone's favorite chapter in FE5, chapter 11. ... Of course I'm kidding! I did remember about Kempf's trap, but I forgot about Fred being a NPC in this chapter. I was an idiot and stole Fred's vulnerary, so he was screwed against the ballistas. I was very lucky due to RNG and several move again procs to finish this chapter two turns after he had become a NPC.
  2. This TT should turn out way better for me since I have a complete team to start with, Lethe, Ranulf and Selkie, who are all merged with a perfect boon and furthermore a purchased NY!Lethe. Last TT has been the worst so far because I only had Winter!Jaffar who was not even useful overall.
  3. Purchased the orbs pack with free Lethe. With them and some of the tickets I got my wanted second Ayra, NY!Azura, NY!Laevatein and a +atk SwordReinhardt. I think it has been about 90 orbs in total I spent which is really good. Only the most recent NY banner has treated me badly yet (only 3* with the worst of the worst), but I do not really need any of them since I have the most wanted one, Lethe. Year can keep up like this!
  4. I am positively surprised that firework became way less compared to the last years. Apparently people understood it's just a waste of money and damage for the enviroment. I mean New Year can be celebrated but not at cost of the wallet and enviroment. A relaxing night dinner with family or friends would be nice way to come in the new year as well. Anyways happy 2020! My only personal resolutions are keeping my promise to go to the US and working on my backlog list of games which became waaaaaaaaay too long.
  5. Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, Trails of Cold Steel III (both Switch) and possible release of Tales of Arise
  6. I saw firework at a store today with the title Fire Emblem.
  7. Chapter 9 I remember me something doing this for the recruitment in chapter 24, but I did not get it how the deployment exactly worked. I think I understood the explanation and know how to figure out which starting spot is determined for each unit from now on. PS: I totally forgot about the shop in chapter 9, whoops.
  8. Pulled Olwen because of no reds. Seriously she is 1000 feathers. She has terrible IVs (as all former pulled copies) and no fodder. Well, I keep her for now because maybe I will pull another unwanted copy of her. Since I have a good Amelia already, no need to pull from green this time. That means Leif and Eldigan are the only non legendary and seasonal units of Judgral I am still missing.
  9. If FE10's hard mode had weapon triangle, it would be the perfect difficulty for me. Hard mode of FE6's redux patch was really fun, but vanilla FE6 is so bad overall unfortunately. The worst designed game (if I exclude the careless made FE1 remake aka FE11).
  10. I mean he does not have to die if he's beaten, so I can hardly see an issue.
  11. I will become the most beautiful Tennis diva since Maria Sharapova by ordering this. Oh, there's an Annette costume on this site. Too bad I am 40 cm taller than her, so it wouldn't suit cosplaying her. I have to admit he is really bad in hard mode. Growthrates do not really matter in FE5 since scrolls can fix it and the enemy's level does not rise as much as in other games, but seeing a lord with this abysmal strength and defense (even five levels lower Tanya has more strength without scrolls) really hurts my eyes and heart. Leif is supposed to be my favorite lord in FE, at least personalitywise.
  12. Keep in mind, that I used a speed, defense and HP ring on him, so he would be even worse.
  13. Maddening mode is only enemy phase heavy in early game. After like chapter 6 it becomes more and mkte the total opposite. The enemies are so strong and spawn before enemy phase that you have to take them out as many as possible in player phase. That said I did not enjoy it much, but only because of the existing of ambush reinforcements, the worst mechanic ever in FE besides 1-99%.
  14. I see, and honestly it is the best just to be happy about a new (and great) unit regardless their nature. Though as a Judgral-fan like myself and having no real interest in alt banners, it is hard for me to say no. Olwen would be also a nice collection too. All the ones I pulled earlier became fodder for being -atk.
  15. Thracia 775, what!?! Lmao Even the description is accurate. In FE5 there has been the one or other miracle like getting killed although it would never have happened in any other game on paper.
  16. I would recommend to try pulling another once, if you should have some orbs left. Speed is the worst possible bane for her. Even if the IVs were the other way around, I would take the attack bane.
  17. Ah, I get it. Originally I thought it would be better on mages because of always being able to counterattack aside of ballistas and siege tomes, but I see the point it is meant for capturing. It is funny that I also was thinking to pump Marty with scrolls to give him the accost scroll once I got it (do not remember which chapter it was). Orsin and Halvan usually have the speed still to double in capture mode.
  18. With a 1.5 man show (Merric and a bit Caeda) I could beat the game. As much as I hate Merric in this game, he was godlike with swift sparrow 3, special spiral, odd attack wave and rising thunder (=Ophelia build) . Draug and Marth were basically only bait. They have done like nothing, ended at ~ level 25. In general it kinda sucks that only the MVP got a bonus after the map, so there was no chance to buff either Marth or Draug. It would be better, if the buff would be passed around to all characters after each map.
  19. Thracia 776 has a skill called accost (charge in the older translations) which doubles basically the combat. So if an ally doubles an enemy, it attacks four times and the enemy attacks twice. This sounds good at first, but it is terrible if the accost unit cannot counterattack. The enemy can basically attack twice for free. In case of Dagdar who has this skill, chapter 8x is an absolute pain in the ass because he always gets hit twice. This is the result: I see accost just as suicide skill. Since enemies can always hit, it cannot even be given to a dodgetank unit. I remember given this skill to Asbel in a former run who was doubled by ballistas all the time and died multiple times. This brings me up with that question what the point of this skill is (= best usage) and who could use it best?
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