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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Willt know I would change my favorite FE game, if the forum let me...
  2. I have not started the chapter yet, but I think none of my team can oneshot a mage with a combat art. Overall I think BE is the weakest cast for lunatic unless you recruit, even if Edelgard is the strongest Lord and the only one who can oneshot stuff. But in lategame she will fall behind massively. She is the opposite of the other twos. Great early game, poor late game. I have to say "glorious" units like Hilda in normal do not bring much on the table in lunatic. She is really REALLY bad so far. She gets doubled even with practice sword equipped and her output damage is like Ingrid's. Since axes are really inaccurate, she has a rougher time than most other units. At least Dedue has an enemy phase against physical enemies unlike her. Only the magic users really are helpful since magic can ignore terrain boosts.
  3. Sounds unfun. >_> Chapter 5 has tons of mages, and I have no real mage tank. Idk how good Marianne and Mercedes can tank them. Also fuck archers, they are the worst with their three range, and they can ORKO Lys.
  4. Oh, ok. I learned something new. STR is strength for me. I rather know it as ambush spawning, though I do not know an abbreviation for that. (AS is already reserved for attacking speed) I have not come to a chapter with ambush spawn yet. Chapter 5, my next one, should introduce them. Also fun fact, by watching the weather forecast I just learned to know that Ignatz is a real name. Never ever heared someone with this name before.
  5. Ingrid is actually my talkiest unit, lol. As fast as Felix, but more defense. And unlike Dimitri she does not get doubled by everyone.
  6. Even in lunatic two stat level ups are quite the common. But this time it BOTHERS me! At least Ingrid and Felix are good so far.
  7. I never expected to see that ever happen, but I got wrecked in a Kirby game hard. In Kirby's Adventure I do not understand the boss's patterns at all. Lost all lives in stage 3. I rather should stay with RPGs...
  8. Unfortunately I have to say that Sylvain is really not great in lunatic mode, at least earlygame. I am actually really sorry for him that I have overwritten my normal mode save file of BL in which Sylvain was blessed statwise. He got so many amazing levels stole Ingrid's speed. But in lunatic he cannot do much. 😟 Still he is most favorite guy in this game. Want to pair him with Ingrid.
  9. Ingrid has a rough earlygame I have to say. She has the deepest fall of all Blue Lions because giving her combat action is really difficult for me. Her strength is low and using stronger weapons means more likely getting doubled. Annette, on the other hand, is essential. Not because of her combat, but because of her rallies. Lunatic showed me that rallies can be really useful. Dedue is a good tank, he is also more important than in normal mode. Sylvain, oh sorry, but you are really not great. Pretty much similar as Ingrid, but not turning into an as amazing class as her. Felix is amazing. Besides Byleth the only one who does not have to be feared getting double. And his output damage is good. Mercedes is more desired because of healing and her magic is still good enough to deal magic damage. Ashe is pretty much useless unfortunately for me. Dimitri is in a kinda similar spot as Dedue. Can work as a physical tank, but his speed is not great. So far Annette has the biggest jump up in performance from normal to lunatic and Sylvain the biggest fall.
  10. Posted some pictures of Xenoblade Torna earlier.
  11. Beaten Super Mario World for the first time. (yeah, not gonna lie) I had this game 25 years ago, but actually never beaten. Thanks to SNES on Switch I could take the chance. Tried to play StarFox after this, but damn, these controls... Always wrecked the ship in the first chapter. Unfortunately Donkey Kong games are not available. 😞 Always wanted to play Diddy's Conquest......even if I have a dislike towards platforms today. I want to have nostalgic feelings back from my childhood.
  12. Seriously I get distracted by other games too easily. I promised to myself to continue Torna, Zero and Xanadu and now I am stuck with 3H again and even started to play Super Mario World (after 25 years). I am so bad at focusing things.
  13. Yes With my funds I could buy all B supports and recruit everyone. Though I am not sure if I will do it.
  14. It is good, but not my favorite in the series. The electronic music like in chapter 21 GD does not suit imo. The map theme in chapter 8 and 9 is my absolute favorite theme in this game, one of my absolute favorites in the series. Also love the battle theme against DK and used against some other villains.
  15. 3H's earlygame reminds me on FE13's. Placing avatar on an evasion tile to tank because it is the only one who does not get doubled and can take (physical) hits somewhat. Anyways I am glad that I have Lys and Hilda for chapter 3 already.
  16. I have started to do a BL run on this difficulty. PS: Neither have played on hard, nor even finished BL route yet. Two maps done, no deaths so far. Only had to sacrifice Dedue in the Houses Battle.
  17. Beaten the first houses's battle. This was "a bit" tougher than the prologue. I find it funny that Edelgard could double Dimitri. In general I do not expect to see anyone of my time doubling for some time.
  18. I am masochistic and will redo BL........in lunatic.......without having played in hard, lol. Would be also a reason to revive my LP. Edit: I have not even finished the route.
  19. Using an avatar of a different person / creature.
  20. This is an issue in general because this goes for all maps. Also a huge problem in chapter 24. By memorizing this I find more weak points of FE5 than I wished...
  21. Final map is good and bad. Good because of the challenging crusaders and that you have to stand on all the switches, but bad for the requirements of door keys / thief, the overpowered enemies with long range magic which can oneshot and a really weak final boss. Mareeta easily ORKO'ed him.
  22. Fatigue in Echoes is pointless since it only applies to dungeons which are no real part of classic FE. Though I can agree if fatigue was determined differently in FE5 because it tends to screw the player. But still the idea is great.
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