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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Idk how popular this is, but FE5's fatigue was great and has to come back. It is a realistic mechanics which also forces to the player to do experience sharing.
  2. I liked fatigue actually because it represents the game style and atmosphere and also forces the player to use more units. The unique hitrates are a point I would bring up because no guaranteed his and miss makes this become a gambling game.
  3. Oh, that is fine. In general I wished complete movement of each enemy was shown because then I would not have been trolled in the second last chapter of the BE This is also why I like playing without displayed movement range in FE10. I think I will do it too in the future, not letting displayed the enemy's movement.
  4. I have got told that hard and lunatic have ambush spawn, so another reason not to touch these difficulties, because ambush spawn is nothing else than fake difficulty. I really thought this mechanic vanished with Fates's existence, but unfortunately no...
  5. I have not even played 3H in hard yet and honestly I have no desire ever to do it. Using everyone (=> experience sharing) and not doing any red or other free quests is still challenging enough for me.
  6. Thracia 776 is beginnerunfriendly, but after you got used to the mechanics it is a very fun game. I mean modern FE games are based on this. I still will play the "good" translation sometime soon.
  7. In 4-4 Tormod is WAY more usable than Vika since he has access to a refine. Her base strength is so bad that she practically needs S rank in strike to be semi-usable at least.
  8. I cannot edit my profile for almost a month. Idk why no is able to fix it finally...
  9. I guess it was in 2010 when my trust in music stopped. The music of today does not meet my favors except for very little artists. At least Panic at the Disco brought out a new song this year after like twelve years. Miracles happen! Anyways this song made it in: Mainly because of Hayley
  10. I have a weakness for them because I would consider myself as one somewhat. Airi Ban from Devil Survivor 2 is my absolute favorite videogame character because of this attitude.
  11. Playing Trails of Zero in JP is way harder than Tales of Vesperia and Berseria. This will become a longer project, I can already say that after playing 90 minutes. But then again it is a Falcom game, so I will enjoy it anyways.
  12. I am taking a longer break of 3H because playing the first same twelve maps and sidequests all over again is repetitive and tiresome. Will go back to Falcom since I can finally play the Crossbell duology for real and also have to continue with Tokyo Xanadu.
  13. Hilda: wyvern lord, warrior Marianne: bishop, holy knight, dark knight, dancer Lorenz: dark knight Raphael: war masterl, great knight Leonie: bow knight, paladin Lysithea: gremory Ignatz: assassine
  14. Pulled a B!Micky today. Not new, because my free CYL3 unit, but still a supernice surprise. The freshest pitybreakers are the best pitybreakers! And still more orbs to collect for more Ishtar(s) and Reinhardt(s).
  15. Went to Gamestop again after a year. The seller was competent and could solve my favor (giving me a memory stick for my PSP), but then he recommended me a psycho-killing game and shared all his passion for it... I could successfully move to a Tales talk thankfully. Gamestop is hiring the strangest creatures of the planet... In-country air travels can be indeed more favorable than train travels unless it is a company like flix. My transport stories would be: I am in a driving foreigners's registration office. I am feeling like a foreigner myself, not gonna lie. Not that it bothers me, but if people do not talk in my native language, or at least try, I can become quite ignorant. Thankfully since my new work I do not have these obnoxious and long train travels anymore. My bus travels are short and comfortable, however having10-15 minutes delay is quite common.
  16. Germany's capital has a mobility problem apparently. If this situation happened to me, my traffic operation had to take the costs for a delay of 20 minutes or more. However this requires there is no other public transport line near by and the delay is not caused by strike or higher force. I count rain hardly as higher force. Anyways I hope for the 1 € / day ticket. I could save about 40 % by that. Paying currently 600 € / year for a sub ticket for my hometown. However the range is extended in weekends which is really nice.
  17. Mentioned the chapter, she always becomes my MVP.
  18. My first summary of my Blue Lions run: Most of my team got Jagen level ups for the most time. Ingrid's speed is hilariously bad (21 at level 25). She cannot even double mages with javelin / short spear. Lower leveled Sylvain is faster (!!!) who was extremely slow in my GD run. The only good units are (as expected) Byleth, Dimitri and (totally unexpected) Sylvain and Linhardt. Not only Sylvain's speed is great, but also his magic. Want to make him become a dark knight. Bernadetta is the biggest shit. Never got more than three stats in a level up and strength not one single time.
  19. No, I am not living in a student's flat. I am the only native of a six parties house (four families from Poland, one from Syria), but I do not want to bring good old bumper-sticker wisdom in this thread right now. I always refused to move to a student's room and leaving the country when I lived aty parents because I love the calm and prefer having horses and pigs as neighbors than humans who play obnoxious disco beats at night (I see Marianne in myself). When my financial situation is stabilized in 2-3 years, I will move back to the country for sure.
  20. No, this is not the solution. Tried three different browsers and none of them let me edit my profile page successfully.
  21. Just checked out the e-shop after a long while again, and I have to admit I was really surprised. I knew about a Xenoblade 1 rerelease, but not that Undertale is out. And I have never ever heared of next Smash DLC character yet. The main reason why I checked the shop was hoping for a price drop of Atelier Lulua, but not yet.
  22. If I cannot tolerate one thing besides passive smoking, then noise till deep in the night (till 4:30 AM) . Nevertheless it does not change that the night ended for me before it evem began. If it will happen again, I know what to do next time. Idk even know what the purpose of parties till early in the morning is anyways. Why can people be respectful to others or do it at daytime?
  23. I have understood no single word from this theme. That aside that theme kinda worries me because this does not sound like Xenoblade music to me, at least compared to what I have heared yet. Though I was kinda formed, that X's soundtrack is not everybody's favorite. @Shrimperor CDU + Greens definitely has future potential. From BW and Hessen I have not heared anything bad yet.
  24. Well......at least there was unity once among the parties from what I read!? Wished they could bring their shit together more for appropriate things than this. Seriously, it is the most pathetic I have seen in politics lately. Pitiful... At least Wilders got his ass kicked in the last Dutch election, but this is the only right-populist I can think of right now.
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