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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. He has a silver axe and the enemies have axe breaker, so he just serves as bad meatshield. In second enemy phase he is dead.
  2. After rethinking about it, I could have saved one of the healers maybe. I let the dreadfighter attack / kill either Annette or Mercedes (Idk who he would prioritize, Mercedes would be definitely a much more bearable loss). The counter damage would be high enough to finish him off with the other mage (assuming the two brawlers in the bottom area still only move, if an unit is in their attack range). Losing Annette stinks so much because of her rally. Otherwise one of them is sure canon fodder. Only wyvern lord Ashe can save both. I think this map in Church Route is even worse because Seteth is underleveled and less tanky than Dimitri. Dimitri is not that bad in a thicket because of sword breaker. Though he is bad against the snipers because they double him. @eclipse Maddening Added to the title. @Humanoid You get three 3/4 chest keys in the map, and honestly only the two in the right are worth.
  3. If Byleth moves in the enemy's attack range, a dreadlock fighter (or whatever class it was) starts to move automatically and is in the attack of the two in turn two. Both could kill him, but then they would be in the attack of range of tow brawlers. There is no way to keep them safe under mentioned conditons. The only way would be wyvern rider Ashe, but I did not use him.
  4. Something about Taekwondo Clicked on the neighbour thread accidently which was this one.
  5. It is no LTC run. I think I needed about the same amount of turns for chapter 22 in FE5 before I knew the trick of how to oneturn this. I waited till Cyas left the map which was in about turn 60.
  6. RIP Annette, Mercedes, Ashe, Gilbert but whatever... At least father and daughter fought and died together.
  7. This time I could spare Felix and Sylvain. My healing and rally resources will be heavily restricted from now onw. yes I usually play in English too, but e-shop needs to be set up in my native language.
  8. Thanks with the convoy tip. I could beat it with cost of six people's life. I gave all status items to Byleth, but there was no chance to save the two healers because ememies blocked Byleth's way. There was an enemy (assassin iirc) who moved towards them automatically after Byleth had moved. They could take him out, but then fist enemies killed the healer ladies. Also I had to use Ashe, Gilbert, Felix and Sylvain (all more or less untrained) as canon fodder In the top right was only one safe spot for Ingrid who thankfully could ORKO the boss to end this farce.
  9. Would it even matter if an unit less appeared in the bottom left? Unless there is a wyvern lord who can detract the fist guy, there is no way for them to survive. Apparently the game expected from me to make Ashe a wyvern rider at this point because he would be the only one who could save Annette and Mercedes from death as far as I can think about.
  10. I have to admit it is less the difficulty, but rather the design of the map. Having no access to a preparation menu stinks a lot even if Byleth has access to an inventory in a chapter (did not notice it before, lol). I mean, sure, the enemies are extremly tough, but letting allies appear who are in enemie's attack range and having no chance to escape is an absolute dickish move. I mean it could be fair, if the would appear after reaching a certain tile of the map instead of after a certain turn because there could be a chance to kill the enemies with someone else in time. Even in my GD run in normal I had big trouble with the map. In general maddening is not bad at all aside of some paralogues. The late chapters of part 1 were not too bad at all especially with the existence of turn wheels. I mean if I knew about chapter 13 ,I would have Byleth let learn dark magic and lance breaker because especially letter is super important.
  11. I am honest enough to myself when I say it was my biggest victory in my about 27 year long gaming history. I am certain not many people could beat it blind in maddening. However it does not change the fact that chapter is the biggest farce I have ever had to deal with in FE. This map has to be changed in an update no matter what because the game cannot force me to use very important units as canon fodder. This game literally expected from me to make Ashe, the worst unit of the BL imo, a wyvern lord to save the healer ladies and from Sylvain and Felix to take hits by bow users to cover Ingrid's back.
  12. I beat it because Ingrid could ORKO the boss (weakest enemy of the chapter). However no aside of her and the two lords survived... Seriously I deserve a gaming noble price for completing this farce.
  13. Ok, there is way that Byleth still can use (infinite) status items because enemies do not move. Edit: NV
  14. Thing is - in maddening at least - that Annette and Mercedes have no save spot when they appear. If Byleth had a good magic stat and rank, then she could kill easier. But mine can only use nosferatu, did not train her in dark at all.
  15. In which difficulty have you played this map? I am talking about maddening because game does not let to turn down difficulty due to lack on battle preparations. Also Dimitri's gambit is very strong, but it does not help. It actually makes things worse because the enemies die to enemy phase, means more enemies will attack both.
  16. Yeah, the map is the same as in the Golden Deers route, but with the little dfference that the lord in GD has mobility and an actual speed stat. This map is not even the worst, the worst is that there is no preparation menu and no way to lower the difficulty (as I planned). Byleth has access to an inventory to use status items without that the enemies will move, but this is all what can be done for her. The enemies cannot be taken down before the weaklings (Annette, Mercedes etc...) appear in their attack range, means sure death for them. And (slow) Dimitri has no horse anymore for some reason and cannot even move to a thicket in turn 1. And no way to hide him either since the mercenaries have pass. It means it is pretty much a Byleth-solo and using everyone else as canon fodder. One unit of the top right is not in an enemy's attack range, so technically safe (in my case Ingrid). To see what I am talking about: I hate maps where I have access to only 2-3 (bad) units like in 2-1 of FE10 (mainly Nephenee). But the amount of enemies here and their speed and evasion really take the cake here! Edit: I could beat it because ngrid could ORKO the boss somehow, but no one aside of her and the two lords survived.
  17. This picture speaks for itself. It is very sad a run has to end like that because it began to make fun. But at end: Shame on you, Intelligent Sytems! This was the dickest move you have ever added to a Fire Emblem game!
  18. I just found out the most dickish move in FE. I am so fucking pissed. I wasted 30 hours for absolutely nothing.
  19. My previous question is already answered because my run is Over! For some reason the game does not let turn down difficulty for chapter 13 (at least I did not find it). The map is absolutely unplayable since I have no sword breaker and Dimitri is slow as fuck. And for some reason he has no horse anymore. There is no chance to keep Annette and Mercedes safe. The most dickish map combined with the most dickish map in FE. PS: I remember this map from GD run, and I had already massive trouble in normal. But at least Claude was a flyer, so way more useful than (useless) Dimitri.
  20. Bwahaha, it is not possible to turn down difficulty before chapter 13. It is even more a troll move than the chapter itself. Mean ls my run is literally over. The good thing: I can continue with Torna early.
  21. I am done with part 1 of Blue Lions in maddening, so I can make my tierlist: Byleth is the only unit who has a serious EP and Lysithea can oneshot 90% of the enemies, so this is why they are the best.
  22. When will next the forum design upgrade be going to happen?
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