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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I still have to sign out from the university (not the one I am currently working for). I have had to write the bachelor thesis for more than three years, but neither had time nor motivation to do it. Wanted to start a new study next year part time after my trip to the US since my life is more or less settled right now.
  2. Sigh... I am doing this chapter in Golden Deer route right now, and honestly I am even more screwed right now than I was in Blue Lions. I totally forgot to set equipment and skills in chapter 12. Byleth neither got sword breaker nor she got a thunder sword which would be helpful against enemies in forest tiles. The worst is that Byleth is really BAD because slow. Speed wings cannot fix it. And Claude has no enemy phase, will be ORKO'ed by pretty much everyone. I have no idea how to come through this chapter.
  3. Thanks, I noticed it by buying a concert hall. Unfortunately I had no more points to grab titles. But at least I know more or less the purpose. I also understood how "gardening" works.
  4. Twitch is not only used for political purposes, but also for sharing bloodbaths nowadays.
  5. Oh, good. However seeing tap battles gone is also a bit disappointing, was one of the more enjoyable modes mainly because of jamming to the music.
  6. It might be the dumbest question ever, but what exactly is Aether Resort? I know it is a part of Aether Raids, but I never got what the beneficial of this is. I have some Aether Resort points, but I do not know what to do with them.
  7. Rokkr is gone? This is a shame because it was an easy and fun game to collect orbs. Rather wished Aether Raids would vanish. Another banner with Hilda would be really tempting since I can save my,orbs while Halloween. I just need one more copy of her to fix my +spd / -atk version.
  8. Hmm, I see. I mainly use hone cav for max attack power, so I did not think about bonfire. My Valter is merged and with hone / goat fliers support and heavy blade he can become a beast. That said I do not use him much either nowadays. I rather prefer brave weapon and galeforce users like Cherche, Cordelia and Elincia.
  9. It would interest me, if there is an order how to do the paralogues regarding difficulty. The easiest paralogues are clearly Lorenz's and Raphael's / Ignatz's because they can be easily oneturned via warp. Also Seteth's / Flyan's paralogue is easy since it has no reinforcements and physical enemies cannot make fast progress due to the terrain. With fliers and mages in the party this chapter is really comfortable to play. The hardest one for me is Hilda's / Cyril's paralogue because it is not only a defend chapter, but also at least one of the (useless) NPCs has to survive. The birds are extremly dangerous due to their mobility, and it is extremly hard to dodge all warriors and paladins because they have breaker skills. Idk if a Lance breaker unit can dodgetank anything. In my case it does not work. Warping Byleth to forest tile in the first turn to tank the birds and other stuff will not work when only one of the enemies could use their battalion with success. Also Ingrid's / Dorothea's paralogue is annoying because of the awkward terrain, infinite and random ambush spawn (maddening). This chapter handles reinforcements the worst of all chapters I know so far. Lance and sword breaker are definitely required. Imo the worst deigned chapter in the entire game.
  10. I just discovered this mode, and I have to say, it is really cool. A good way of making good use of the units and their resources. It gives me the idea of good skill sets for my units in the future.
  11. Yeah, he definitely needs a brazen attack seal. Is not moonbow more practical since Rolf's defense is only average? The only double fury unit I have, is Valter. He has the fury, desperation, galeforce build which is great on him. And with double fury and speed seal he can reach >40 speed on his own. This gives me the idea to fodder 4* Rolf to him.
  12. Going to order tickets for Dokomi festival next year tomorrow. I am still considering who to cosplay. Estelle Bright, Kevin Graham, Yuri Lowell, Lysithea, Rosalina, Pneuma, Yukari Yakumo...it is so hard to decide. Since festival will take place on two days, means two cosplays.
  13. I am thinking to make a LP of Thracia 776. I also did one for FE4 (with help though), so I do not see a point FE5 treating worse. I wanted to play it with a better translation anyways.
  14. Tales of The Legend of Heroes Shin Megami Tensei (including Persona) Xenoblade Super Smash Bros Kirby (simply because of early childhood memories) Sim City Civilization Die Siedler Anno
  15. This is the fifth video, so meaning 20 h in total so far. I mean some chapters are really easy to solo with Byleth, but if I think about chapter 6 and 14 in maddening, then wow, this guy gets all my respect. Tbf I only came to this channel because he did tons of great Tales of LPs including special challenges, similar crazy to this 3H run.
  16. This guy deserves a video gaming nobel price for doing this.
  17. Now the game suddenly spams with bow cavaliers!? Anyways I like Rolf's skill set. Fury + desperation is always a nice combo to have (would be preferable on melee units because of galeforce, but oh well...). 36 speed is not too bad for desperation shenigans and he also has odd speed wave. Since I foddered Louise's attack / speed bond, I will definitely build and use Rolf. Unironically I think he is the second best unit of all Halloween units 2019 skill wise. Until that I will use revular L'Arachel as bonus unit. I also have pulled a regular Hector today, but I will give distant counter to a newer unit. Just the question who...
  18. Yeah, FE5 would have been easily my favorite FE game, if it had not some stupid things like hidden traps, overpowered ballistas, infinite lasting status affects and some really frustrating hard maps like 4x. That said it is still my second most favorite game simply because I love its mechanics.
  19. Chapter 22 is the most famous example because enemies have a shitton of authority stars. But the boss can be defeated in the first turn with grafcalibur, so you can ignore all upcoming trouble. Chapter 24x is also one of those. Send Olwen to the exit room in the first turn to kill the boss all let her solo all dark mages.
  20. This is one of the reasons why I love FE5. Warp skipping in this game is fun.
  21. I mean Lys can warp, but seriously someone needs to warp her to one shot bosses. If rewarp just existed in this game, oh man, then...
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