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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Ah, alright. Would these units be pullable - in case of Valbar - in the Halloween banners too now or will the pool stay even if a new banner with an instant 3 / 4* unit is added?
  2. As for me I prefer human villains in Fire Emblem simply because I can identify better with them. This is why Ashnard is my favorite final boss. The only exception would be Deghinsea who I absolutely can sense as a villain. Otherwise I do not really care for dragons because very most of them are bland. I would not even be sad, if dragons were dropped (what of course never ever will happen because dragons are a symbolic part of FE).
  3. For me it depends on the game, mainly on their mechanics. FE10 is a game I can play in hardest difficulty almost in my sleep since I know the AI behavior and how to make best use of the biorhythm and supports. Conquest, on the other hand, I could not even beat in hard, and in easy I could beat the final chapter by losing a half dozen of people. I am doing Three Houses in maddening right now which is a mixed case for me. It is actually not too hard, but stupid mechanics like ambush spawn (which should be vanished for once and for all) make this game artificially harder.
  4. Knows beating each map in Three Houses on maddening feels like beating the game. You are forgiven!
  5. Also Rena Strober made a return in this forum!? I am not sure if it is real or fake since the real Rena Strober already had an account.
  6. I guess I have finally a reason to play a Pokémon game even if it is only for the cover.
  7. I wanted to save for Jill or another Three Houses banner, but when I saw Hilda, I just could not say "no". Mine was +spd / -atk, so she needed a merge to become superawesome. With 4% I got a regular Ike which made me a bit sad. Free heavy blade 3 and Aether is not the worst, but still. But with resetted pityrate the very first green gave me Hilda! I am really relieved! Unlike in her debut banner I did not need >250 orbs and buy orbs to get her. I got her for the half which is fair enough. Now I have to grind feathers and grails to give galeforce and odd speed wave to her. I forgot to mention that I freepulled a Valbar. This gives me the question why is he already shown up? I thought they would appear once their debut banner is over. Or are 3 and 4* units an exception?
  8. Ah, that is unfortunate, but thanks anyways! I made Petra (as most others) become a myrmidon > swordmaster. I had Ignatz with steal, but I could not save him in chapter 13 unfortunately.
  9. Give Micaiah enough base speed and defense to let her solo part 1 in hard mode. This is the challenge I have been always looking for.
  10. Is there an alternate way to grab non droppable items from enemies aside of stealing? (doing Claude's, paralogue right now) I have seen that certain gambits could grab items from monsters, but Idr which ones and if it also applies to human enemies.
  11. Knows a lot about videogames. Thanks, but it is not true.
  12. Sky FC was definitely the hardest game on normal for me. It is also the only of the Trails games which had no easy mode. CSII on nightmare with transfer boosts was not hard aside of the mech fights in which I screw up in general. Yet have to continue it. I am playing 3rd in nightmare right now which is not too bad so far (currently chapter 6). Chapter 3's bosses were a pain and I know about two certain bosses later which will become painful.
  13. Knows it applies to most people here (me included).
  14. Banned for doing obnoxiously hard self set challenges.
  15. This boss attacks the resistance stat, and magic is extremely powerful in this game, so there is that. No one aside of Lysithea and Marianne could take two hits. However placing both in the attack range is extremly risky because ambush spawn reinforcements can wreck them easily. I gave Byleth an angelic robe to let her take one hit by the boss and one by reinforcements.
  16. It can counterattack from any range like DK can. Though in this case Lys can attack without problems since she should have the resistance to take two regular hits. Annette's rally is also helpful for this fight. The trick for the third phase is to use gambits till its HP is down <50% not to let it use QR and to double on your own.
  17. I become from day to day more badass in Fire Emblem.
  18. Thanks for the tips! They were succesful: no turnwheel left I did not know that its barrier could be broken since it did not happen in my first attempt. For the final phase I used all the saved gambits (Byleth did not even had one) to bring its HP down to not to get doubled. Since the boss attacks the resistance (at first I thought it would be fixed damage) Lysithea was really good. She could take two hits although it had a 10% critrate against her (critted her once). I skipped all the chest except for a short axe. I just hope I did not miss something important. Just got the spirit dust of an enemy mage.
  19. The HP is not the problem. Not even that the turtle is immune to monster effective weapons. The main problem is that it has quick riposte which means instant death for everyone. If I let the turtle attack me, it gets extra defense, means my units deal like no damage.
  20. Fuck this boss, I do not know how to beat it. It has quick riposte which kills everyone, if it hits twice. I guess it is similar to the final boss the GD. It gives me an idea. But Linhardt needs to learn warp first.
  21. Does anyone know how to take out the final phase of the boss? It has quick riposte which means instant death for everyone, if it hits twice. Is Lys with thyrsus the key to success?
  22. The beneficiaries of the current conflict are the right populism parties (because another refugee wave is going to happen), Putin and someone, Trump might have thought think about, terror organisations aka IS. The retreat was Trump's dumbest and most momentous decision. He might have fulfilled a part of the election promise by retreating soldiers, but he neglected the promise of eliminating the terrorism. It will have a boomerang effect on him. Even high Republicans were against the retreat, the first time ever they opposed a Trump decision for real. About the current climate politics I have to say it is a pathetic display, if a Swedish girl had to make a sit-in in front of a government building to mobilize people to do something active against the climate problem. It has been a topic for decades. Instead of blocking the streets for the public transport which is actually a way to go in the future, these people shall do something useful like turning off electricity when not needed or using bike or feet for short distances. Yes, these protests are going on my nerves because it never has been a new topic. People brewed it just because of the latest policy (Trump and other right parties). It makes me sad that people did not experienced the problematic with their own eyes. And that people still neglect the climate change is simply because they have personal economical interests. economy =||= enviroment
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