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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Beaten Blue Lions route in hard (till chapter 13 in maddening). Now I know why people consider it as the hardest final map. So many long range attackers including most them mages who can 2RKO everyone aside of Ingrid. Also FE5 Fenrir made a return, but thankfully this mage could be ignored. I assume he moves in maddening. I pimped up my Ingrid to become a decoybird for all the mages to get rid of them early. Now I try continuing the second maddening file of chapter 13 with an improved team.
  2. HalloweenIlyana is almost as tempting as HalloweenLysithea would have been. She looks gorgeous and would have been a great addition to HalloweenMia. But then again I wished she and Rolf would have been default units since I always prefer the default outfit and they would be permanently summonable. At least latter is free, still Rolf in a Halloween costume sounds like a really dumb choice imo.
  3. Doing final chapter now. Wished the party would start at the same place as the Golden Deers do in the same map. They are so far away from the boss that is impossible to oneturn this map even with Lys's 56 magic (14 spaces range of warp).
  4. The lategame maps are supereasy to lowturn. Chapter 18-20 done were all done in 1-2 turns. If I could pass chapter 17 in maddening, then I would have much easier chapters to deal with. Since bosses are not that much stronger unlike regular enemies in maddening compared to hard from what I have seen yet, chapters 18-20 should be done in the same speed.
  5. Exactly two years younger than the country he lives in. Happy B'day!
  6. Yes, I do. By Annette's and Mercedes's survival I have more opportunities. Chapter 14 was very hard too. Chapter 15 and 16 were not bad at all. But chapter 17 is pain.
  7. Chapter 17 of Blue Lions in maddening can be described in that way: Fucking pegasus knight, burnt bridge which restrict movement to non magic users and Claude... I have to send
  8. Just share your favors, interests and topics you would (not) like to talk about. As for myself Like: today's condition cute animals favorite sweets the last opera dreams / wishes trust among each other our first meeting gardening mishaps Dislike: fashion past perfect relationships close calls
  9. I just learned that mechs have an actual personality. Generally I really do not care for robots in RPGs. To say it really harsh they are just gigantic metal trash for me. CSII has them, and I am serious, these mech fights were the weakest part of the series for me. And I am not too excited that they will return in III, probably even in a higher amount. I prefer battles among humans or animals / beasts.
  10. Thanks! But I have to give credtis to a member here who gave me the instruction how to play this. I did not come with that solution on my own.
  11. Considers the best PP unit in 3H's maddening mode as overrated.
  12. Lys is overhyped because she deserves to be overhyped. Who else in this game is able to oneshot 90% of the enemies (including high res enemies like pegasus knights) from midgame on? Exactly, Queen Lys! Even if she gets oneshotted in EP, it does not matter. She is a PP unit, the very best one in the entire game. And imo she is better than all three House leaders, at least in maddening, because of her PP usability. In maddening you want to get rid of enemies like pass assassines or pegasus knights asap and Lys is the unit who does it!
  13. @DragonFlames @Armagon Look at who is at bottom of the image.
  14. Your tip worked! Byleth used her gambit twice to kill mentioned assassine. So I could carry the healers through safely. Ashe and Gilbert still died, but who cares... Many thanks for that hint! Good thing is that I did not use any status items on Byleth aside of a draco shield. This is a very good result! I am honest to myself this chapter is very hard, but managable if the player is acknowledged well with the game mechanics like gambits. It is not unfair but still very VERY hard. Still there was no way to keep Ashe and Gilbert safe. Well, I did not train Ashe, so Gilbert had no back up support.
  15. Oh, I see. However then I am really worried about Byleth's survival abilities. She really needs the status items... But I will take that advice and try again.
  16. A cosplay wedding. Me cosplaying Groom Marth and my wife is cosplaying Rosalina (or the other way around) while this song is played.
  17. After my morning shopping on the way home a waterfall greeted me. At least I do not need to shower anymore today. God, I HATE current weather so much! There is not even a period of 30 minutes dry when I could go out.
  18. I cannot quite follow it, need screenshots please. When I move either Byleth or Dimitri in the attack range of an enemy (does not matter which spot), this will happen: This assassin moves automatically towards them and can decide who to kill. In this case I could hope that one of the two survives because the counterdamage would be enough to finish him off with the spared unit. Nv, the brawlers started to move as well. If I could save Annette at least, I would be totally fine with that (Mercedes can be replaced no matter what), but I really need this rally of hers.
  19. It would really interest me, if there is an existing solution that Annette and Mercedes can be saved without having a flyer? Because if Byleth enters an enemy's attack range, an assissine a bit left of the bottom center will start to move towards them automatically and is in their attack range in turn 2. He will murder either. Idk if the assassin's AI can be affected if Byleth's spot is changed. I placed her in the thicket down right of her starting point to be closest to the two healing ladies.
  20. Whenever someone breaks my sanctuary aka sleep, I will become very...... ... let us say spirited. I would have no issues to call the cops to get my well deserved silence. I just checked the stats of the enemies in hard and maddening. Example of a pegasus knight in chapter 14 BL: Hard: 19 AS Maddening: 34 AS Me: Ok...... I mean if there are at least two modes between them, I would understand, but it is not the case. Maddening mode is totally possible for an expert (if I exclude chapter 13 because the developers did not think enough about the map), but for people who want a tough but not frustrating HARD difficulty like me, this game does not offer the appropriate mode. Let me say I would be even fine with the maddening stats without ambush spawn because it would let me enjoy a total blind chapter. From chapter 15 on I will play in hard till the end which will become too easy most likely.
  21. I miss mine too.......especially blacky Roy. Idk if he still is alive. Did not see him when I returned to former home last time. However he should not be that old. Found him as a motherless baby in 2011.
  22. Interestingly I have had no issues with them........yet
  23. Weather is just gross rn. Heavy showers like every ten minutes and noisy storm, so loud it hinders my sleep at night. And no change in sight till the end of next week. The good thing: It is perfect gaming weather and for setting up my new furniture.
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