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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. same here Also in the third main bosses the protagonist always died and Asuke had to finish him off, so already earned some sympathy points. Her character, well, she is still kinda mysterious. I have to admit I did not expect Tokyo Xanadu being action RPG. Thought it would be round based RPG like LoH series. I found it for 11 € and saw it is by Falcom - enough reason to buy it despite having no knowledge of it. So far I really like this game even, even if I cannot enjoy it the most because of my wrong hardware.
  2. Playing Ys I and II was not that bad despite I never completed them, but it was rather the difficulty in general. You forgot Sexy Towa. But I meant Karate Kloe.
  3. Chapter 4 I have not continued since I have got Three Houses. It also sucks that none of my two gamepads do sync with the game, so I have to play it with the keyboard which is as awkward as hard. And I already thought that a certain blue haired girl probably wants to say a word with Asuka.
  4. The best girl from Tokyo Xanadu Ex+ aka Hiragi Asuka.
  5. Hilda as wyvern lord is a physical destroying machine. Even if she might not double everyone, she can still oneshot with OP weapons like Freikugel.
  6. Whoa, got two (more) Petras in one circle with a low pityrate. Now she is +2 although none of my copies have been +atk or +spd. Forddering does not make much sense to me because all these skills are superrare or unique so it is impossible to inherit two of them at highest level. A speed blue flying range attack is new to me, if I exclude L!Azura whose purpose is to dance, so I want to make her as strong as possible. A Hilda-merge can wait for now.
  7. Nice, and have fun! It also has an add-on called Torna which is basically the sequel of the main game. It is shorter with slightly different battle system but not less fun.
  8. Thanks! I have to get used to the bed for the next time.
  9. The moment when you just tripped on a street on the way to work and got the diagnosis of a meniscus tore and a longer work suspension... 😒 Now I know walking on the streets is dangerous. Really I have no time for this... Being stuck at home and being sent to the hospital for multiple investatigations and maybe more operations in the next two weeks is annoying.
  10. I just have dreamed of cosplaying adult Lysithea next year, but I doubt an official costume will ever come out and I am 35 cm taller than her.
  11. 1. What is your opinion of Three Houses so far? 2. Any other games / game series you like? 3. What has been the happiest day in your life? 4. How would you describe yourself in three words? 5. Why is Lysithea the best character in Three Houses, no, in the entire Fire Emblem series?
  12. Yes, I am enjoying it. I am just a silent watcher. Since I have read and also watched that harder difficulties are way more frustrating in SC than in the other Sky games, you have done a very good job so far.
  13. Well, I almost forgot Disney exists. That is what I watch too.
  14. Also I forgot to mention that Episode I was the movie I went to the cinema for the last time. Yes, I have not seen the cinema from the inside in this millennium yet, lol. Watching movies at home is more comfortable anyways. My favorite movie is Home Alone. Also like Back To Future, Ghostbusters and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I grew up with the 80s.
  15. Jar Jar Bings ruined the series for me. I really hated that guy so much. His appearance was so annoying to me.
  16. Then I would never order in a restaurant but preorder via phone. But seriously, (italian) pizzas only last ten minutes at max independending on the toppings. Noodle dishes take a bit longer but not more than 15 minutes.
  17. I do not know how shameful it is to say that I have watched the three old Star Wars parts like 30 times in my life yet, but none of the ones after Episode I. And the only thing I associated with Episode I was the podracer race which I played the according game on the N64, a very good F-Zero copy, but did not beat it iirc.
  18. Video includes my top three in my GD run. And yes
  19. Knows everyone has because she is the best unit after the prof.
  20. Reward would speed up things. I mean warping Byleth to solo her would work too. Actually by overusing Byleth I got a problem. She is so much ahead of the others in terms of levels that I made myself the red sidequests harder because they are all based on Byleth's level. This game becomes more and more a Byleth-solo what I do not like since some others need to upgrade their weapon ranks.
  21. After almost 300 orbs I finally managed to get Hilda... FINNAAAALLLLLYYYYY!!! I am literally relieved now......actually not quite because she is -atk / +spd. She is still one merge away of being awesome. For now she is just Ylgr 2.0. With the remaining TT orbs I try to get another copy of her and / or Petra (who needs a merge too). But for now I am really happy that I finally pulled her because she has served me so well in 3H so far that would not be fair to her not trying to get her.
  22. Her avatar is criying for someone using a valkyrie staff on her.
  23. I guess I mixed things up. When I meant warp, I meant warping herself (=rewarp as in FE5). If warping an ally was meant, then yeah, she can use it already. She has B in faith. I wanted to promote Marianne in a mage Knight because of her affinity to horses and animals in general, but unfortunately not in this run.......because you already know. Also in chapter 15 Lysi's birthday became almost her deathday, but thankfully units cannot die to poison and lava in this game.
  24. Neither I have. You do not have to play the first part because they are unconnected story wise and their battle system is different too.
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