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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. The problem of my laptop is that the USB inpit doesn't work well. I already tried to connect it to a Gamepad, but the laptop didn't recognize it. As for playing with mouse: It only works on static places. I normally play in the bed, and whenever I only move it slightly, my laptop changes from keyboard mode to touchscreen mode. It reacts oversensible which is really a problem. Only keyboard games like Touhou are impossible to play for me right now because when the it's changed to touchscreen mode, the games automatically crash.
  2. Lyn: Idk what's even the Point of her and being colored. Not getting owned by Cecilia? No thanks! Micaiah: Have multiple good blue mages already, so no. Female Robin: Have already a good copy of, so no. Genny: ^ Ike: ^ Shigure: I wished for NYAzura instead of him. Ephraim: It's not that I'm lacking on good cavs, but it's always nice to get him. Mage Knight Eirika: The only unit from this banner I really need and want. Halloween Henry: Armor speed is nice, but as an unit I don't find him too great. Halloween Jakob: I remember that I hard a very hard time to take him out in the Halloween Chain Challenges. He seems to be pretty great, so definittely interested in him. Celica: I guess she's good, but I have already some good swordies. Only Mage Knight Eirika and Halloween Jakob are really wanted.
  3. 6. What must be done to convince you playing the Judgral games? 7. Hardest bossfight you have faced yet? 8. Opinion about Fire Emblem? 9. Opinion about this forum? 10. Any question(s) you haven't asked yet but you would like to answer?
  4. Has similar taste in videogames and videogame music as me.
  5. The opening is ok, but it becomes much better when the guitar riffs start. 7.5 Trails In The Sky First Chapter - Commercial City Bose
  6. Trails Of Cold Steel has Persona likish gameplay in terms of day organisation and doing exams. The sequel feels rather like a classic RPG; gives more freedom. CSI has better character development and a way better final dungeon, while CSII has a more atmospheric story and improved battle system. I prefer II overall because it doesn't start as slow as I does. As for the actual topic I'm playing FC right now and I have to admit I have my issues to motivate myself to get through this game. It's not because I don't like this game, but it's because I don't like to play games on a PC. I feel rather comfortable to play with gamepad than with a keyboard (can't connect gamepad to my laptop). It's annoying to adjust the camera angle every single time in any town or dungeon.
  7. Eh... it doesn't really meet my taste. 4 Trails Of Cold Steel - To Become The Foundation Of The World
  8. nice orchestra 8 Tales of Vesperia - Tenacity
  9. FE5 is the Revolution in FE regarding game mechanics for me and way more modern than anything past FE10.
  10. Don't you own a PS3? The console and game (on sale) cost like nothing anymore today. It has at least better graphics than the PSVita version.
  11. 1. What's your favorite videogame theme? 2. Biggest target you have reached yet? 3. Could you give three reasons why I should continue my run of Trails in the Sky First Chapter? 4. Are you interested in the Trails of Cold Steel series? 5. Who do you think has the most unpopular opinions about FE games in this forum? Levant, Harvey or you?
  12. Gallia is similar to the tropes according to what was said about its climate conditions in FE9's chapter 6: very warm and dizzy
  13. It's my most favorite videogame song ever! Touching, bittersweet and emotional... and it's really long too. Simply a masterpiece! 10 Trails Of Cold Steel - To Grasp Tomorrow
  14. Each affinity is useful, but it mainly depends on the unit. Edward's affinity boosts his accuracy and defense which are the least needed stats for a myrm who should be dodgy. Heaven affinity becomes more useful towards the end, mainly E-5. However it's still useful for DB chapters where the enemies benefit from authority stats.
  15. FE13's sixth birthday also means the sixth birthday of my 3DS because I got the Fire Emblem Edition on the day when it came out in EU. Tbh I have more fun with the console than with the game because FE13 didn't exhaust its entire potential story- and gameplaywise compared to former parts, but oh well.
  16. As for a combat theme an absolutely fitting jamming theme. 8 Tales of Xillia 2 - Break The Time Factor
  17. It's really good and offers some variety in terms of nusic style. 8 Super Smash Bros Brawl - Golden Forest (180° Snowboarding)
  18. I don't like ist opening because it sounds barely like a melody, but it becomes much better when flute is played. 7 Trails In The Sky Third Chapter - Fighting Right On
  19. The only good potential waifu in Persona 4 is Dojima Senior.
  20. It's alright 6.5 Donkey Kong Country 3 - Nuts And Bolts
  21. There's huge difficulty gap between easy and normal. 1. Ashera attacks only in each second turn in easy, in each single turn in normal. The pattern is: Turn 1: physical map attack (beware of placing mages and Heron next to her) Turn 2: magical single attack (beware of having anyome with <29 speed because they will get killed) Turn 3: magical map attack Turn 4: physical single attack Turn 5: silence map attack (Maybe the order of turn 3 and 4 is mixed) 2. On easy each blessed weapon gives the unit +5 to everything except HP and luck iirc. How to beat this chapter easily? 1. Use magic users to attack the outside auras and physical units the inside auras. But before make sure to check if mages will survive Ashera's physical attack. 2. Make use of Ena, Gareth and Nasir. Their strength and speed support help a lot. Elincia with >33 speed can even ORKO an inside aura, if she stands next to these three. 3. Give nihil to the units who benefit from their dragon support like Elincia or Shinon and parity (if you have that skill) to units who can double the auras without whitepool (-> Tibarn or Mia). 4. Try to kill the spirits with weaker units. 5. Fortify (with Micaiah obviously) before turn ends. Side note: Ashera's single attacks won't attack anyone who did not attack one of her auras at least once.
  22. This topic might sound a bit embarrassing at first sight, but I don't think it's an uncommon thing. Maybe it's just me because I'm not that familar with anime, but I've serious trouble sometimes to indentify a character's gender correctly. You can post characters from videogames and / or TV series. Here are some of mine : Marth (Fire Emblem Akaneia series) Midir / Midayle (Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War) Pascal (Tales of Graces) Soleil (Fire Emblem Conquest) Astolfe (Fate series) Naoto Shriogane (Persona 4)
  23. It depends on the game for me. In the younger FE parts I have more trouble because of the pair up mechanic. It's more complicated to calculate the damage due to the skill system and dual attack. Actually I'm pretty good in calculating, but in a videogame I'm too lazy to do it. So my Conquest run on normal became a massacre at the end. Never beaten it on higher difficulty. I never bothered to beat FE13 on lunatic (+) because it was just artificial difficulty to me. Also I'm really terrible in Heroes regarding skill (inheritence). I don't even know what some skills even do and pay not enough attention on them. I could / can lowturn the Tellius games mainly because I played them more than enough to know everything about their games. FE6 also gives me trouble mainly because it's a hit and hope game due to the nerfed accuracy of most weapons. Earlygame especially chapter 7 is painful. FE6-10 and Birthright are the parts I beat on highest difficulty.
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