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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I 2 5 4 I 3 9 7 I _ 8 _ I I 6 7 8 I 1 4 2 I 9 5 3 I I 3 1 9 I _ 8 _ I 2 7 _ I ----------------------------- I _ 6 _ I 5 _ _ I 8 9 7 I I _ 4 _ I 8 7 _ I _ _ 2 I I 7 8 _ I 9 2 _I _ _ 5 I ------------------------------ I 1 3 7 I 4 5 8 I 6 2 9 I I 4 2 6 I 7 1 9 I 5 3 8 I I 8 9 5 I _ 6 3 I 7 _ _ I
  2. Atlas 20 Berkut 22 Boey 27 Catria 20 Celica 23 Clair 26 Conrad 19 Delthea 17 Desaix 15 Duma 22 Emma 8 Faye 28 Fernand 19 Forsyth 19 Genny 21 Gray 22 Jedah 8 Jesse 16 Kamui 20 Kliff 22 Leon 18 Lukas 26 Luthier 18 Mae 25 Mathilda 22 Mila 21 Mycen 21 Nomah 20 Palla 23 Python 26 Rinea 20 Rudolf 3 Saber 21 Silque 19 Slayde 12 Tobin 32 Valbar 18 Zeke 27
  3. I _ 5 4 I 3 9 7 I _ 8 _ I I 6 7 8 I 1 4 2 I 9 5 3 I I 3 1 9 I _ 8 _ I _ 7 _ I ----------------------------- I _ 6 _ I 5 _ _ I 8 _ 7 I I _ 4 _ I 8 7 _ I _ _ 2 I I 7 8 _ I 9 2 _I _ _ 5 I ------------------------------ I 1 3 7 I 4 5 8 I 6 2 9 I I 4 2 6 I 7 1 9 I 5 3 8 I I 8 9 5 I _ _ 3 I 7 _ _ I
  4. Fire Emblem Awakening This game went two steps back after the Tellius series. (I don't Count the Akaneia Remakes because they are Remakes) The gameplay leaves to be desired. Classic defend chapters or seize / rout with turnlimit do not exist as some staves and ballista do not. This game is simplified dramatically. Of course it also has some new neat ideas like pair-up, but these are executed poorly. The (auto) skills in lunatic (+) shall equal pair-up. A really bad Try to balance these difficulties. I consider lunatic (+) only as fake difficulty. The story after Gangrel's defeat is poor, but these aren't news to me, and I don't play FE for its story anyways. This game is not entirely bad but it wasted tons of potential. Final Fantasy 6 Tons of people praised me the FF series. 6 was someone's favorite, so I started with this. ... It became a disaster. There was one boss I didn't get all what to do in the second phase. The blitz attack did nothing aside of hurting myself. I could beat him in my like tenth attempt without knowing how. Fun fact: I just noiced that this boss music is used in the FE romhack Midnight Sun. Anyways this game did not appeal me - aside of the music - so tried to get into other JRPGs.
  5. The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds I'm not a Zelda-fan because I have serious issues in solving the puzzles and getting used on the 3D graphics. I tried to play Skyward Sword and Ocarina Of Time but they became a disaster for me. On a certain day I found ALBW for only 20€ at Gamestop. I asked a friend of mine if this game is a good entrance in the series for me. They said yes and so I decided to Try this out. ... Aaaannd it was way easier to play thanks to the camera in the overworld from the bird's eye view. I could handle the 3D graphics within the dungeons and against the boss well. Very most of the puzzles were managle to solve on my own. Only I needed to figure out a strategy against a few bosses. Still it was a very enjoyable game and a great entrance. I'd like to play more Zelda games which have a similar overworld like this. (I guess the Oracle parts would apply) Touhou Usually I play videogames to let out my stress, but Touhou is quite the opposite. It causes stress because it requires excellent eyes and a perfect reaction time from me. Of course for never having played a Danmaku game before I had my problems. I started with 8 and boss 4 (Marisa) made me ragequit for like two years. The only reason why I tried to come back was the music. Touhou's soundtrack is marvelous! I started to practice and became better and better. Finally I could beat this game and a few other parts. Still have neither beaten a extra boss yet, nor than on a higher difficulty than normal (and normal only in 14), but nowadays I don't only enjoy the music and characters but also the gameplay.
  6. Since Soul seems to enjoy Atelier series, I'm fairly sure Neptunia will match his interests too.
  7. This battle wasn't too bad. Used flier team (Cordelia, NYAzura, NYCamilla, Grima). Grima could eat most of the enemies. However turn three was tricky because I had to kill tons of enemies and had to leave two enemies alone (blue mage and troubadour). Cordelia could oneshot Ryoma with double brave attack, but the blue mage could double her somehow for a reason I did not get. Neither the difference in speed was >4, nor he had lancebreaker. Due to repositioning I could make it somehow.
  8. I played FE5 first because its gameplay comes close to Tellius's with a few special as unique mechanics. You need a guide to beat it anyways to prevent any bad surprises. FE4 is a unique FE game in terms of gameplay in many regards. Storywise they're connected, but not as deeply connected as the Tellius games. FE5 appealed me more simply because of its interesting gameplay, so I decided to play it first and did not regret it.
  9. 8 Tales Of Berseria - Seashore Of Sand And Coral
  10. Atlas 19 Berkut 22 Boey 27 Catria 20 Celica 24 Clair 25 Conrad 19 Delthea 17 Desaix 15 Duma 22 Emma 14 Faye 27 Fernand 18 Forsyth 18 Genny 21 Gray 22 Jedah 10 Jesse 20 Kamui 20 Kliff 22 Leon 18 Lukas 25 Luthier 18 Mae 25 Mathilda 21 Mila 21 Mycen 21 Nomah 20 Palla 23 Python 26 Randal 8 Rinea 20 Rudolf 7 Saber 21 Silque 19 Slayde 12 Tobin 30 Valbar 18 Zeke 26
  11. I 2 _ 4 I 3 9 7 I 9 8 1 I I 6 7 8 I 1 4 2 I 9 5 3 I I _ 1 9 I _ 8 _ I 2 7 _ I ----------------------------- I _ 6 _ I 5 _ _ I 8 _ 7 I I _ 4 _ I 8 7 _ I _ _ 2 I I _ 8 _ I 9 2 _I _ _ 5 I ------------------------------ I 1 3 7 I 4 5 8 I 6 2 9 I I 4 2 6 I 7 1 9 I 5 3 8 I I 8 9 5 I _ _ 3 I 7 _ _ I
  12. I have to say it's really loud and irritating. Would distract me in a game. 3 Tales Of The Abyss - Casino
  13. The most uninteresting banner for me yet. No one is needed (anymore). I might try to pull Gunthraa to save 20000 feathers by promoting Cecilia. Actually Hardin would be preferable since he has a great A amd B skill.
  14. I _ _ 4 I 3 9 7 I 9 8 _ I I 6 7 8 I 1 4 2 I 9 5 3 I I _ _ 9 I _ 8 _ I _ 7 _ I ----------------------------- I _ 6 _ I 5 _ _ I 8 _ 7 I I _ 4 _ I 8 7 _ I _ _ 2 I I _ 8 _ I 9 2 _I _ _ 5 I ------------------------------ I 1 3 7 I 4 5 8 I 6 2 9 I I 4 2 6 I 7 1 9 I 5 3 8 I I 8 9 5 I _ _ 3 I 7 _ _ I
  15. Tales of Zestiria was a game I was looking for but disappointed me. the game itself is horribly unbalanced. it forces you to be armatisied. It's technically impossible to beat the elite Monsters when you're not armatizied unless the Team is like +10 levles higher than the monster. They hit like trucks and it becomes even nastier when their HP reach a certain % area to use their Special attack which can easily oneshot everyone (even being armatisied). The game feels empty to me. The dungeons are incredibly dull with only very few enemies which actually doesn't even matter since grinding doesn't give much exp. anyways. Spirit bottles last an entire dungeon (shrines excluded) which is delicious for speedrunners. Alisha is just a wasted characteru nfortunately. She's the typical stereotype princess, but the worst is that she's gone for good when Rose joins. Edit: Iirc Alisha returns for a very short time, but not very notable. Currently I'm replaying it, but my opinion about this game hasn't become better.
  16. I didn't even know that FE6 had thrones which give a res boost. RIP my plan then. Still mages are the best bet to take him out besides swords, and 8x is made to give Lilina some levels. If you grind her support with Roy, her damage output, hit- and critrate will be buffed. Also considering Henning as hard or impossible is an odd opinion since it's not true.
  17. Alm 10 Atlas 18 Berkut 20 Boey 25 Catria 17 Celica 20 Clair 24 Conrad 21 Delthea 18 Desaix 15 Duma 21 Emma 18 Faye 24 Fernand 18 Forsyth 18 Genny 21 Gray 22 Jedah 14 Jesse 20 Kamui 20 Kliff 21 Leon 18 Lukas 21 Luthier 18 Mae 25 Mathilda 20 Mila 22 Mycen 21 Nomah 20 Palla 21 Python 28 Randal 20 Rinea 20 Rudolf 19 Saber 20 Shade 18 Silque 18 Slayde 14 Tatiana 10 Tobin 25 Valbar 18 Yuzu 14 Zeke 25
  18. What about Lilina!? Henning has 3 res even in HM. Just make sure to keep her out of his 1-2 attack range not to make him switch to the hand axe. And if her hitrate is bad, then take your time to build the A-support. Seriously even chapter 8's boss is tougher without Rutger because of having higher resistance and weapon advantage against swords.
  19. I wanted BCordelia but only got reds and single blue, so my free pull went tp blue to get a better Charlotte maybe. It was a Brave Lucina (again). I'm not disappointed at all since this one is +spd / -HP, the best version (even better than +atk / -HP imo). She's +3 now. As for the other bride banner I'm still waiting for to catch the first bride. Instead I pulled a Nephenee. She's +atk / -res - a welcome addition - so I can get rid of my -atk one. Still I'm somewhat worried to miss the banner entirely.
  20. I _ _ 4 I 3 9 7 I 9 8 _ I I 6 7 8 I 1 4 2 I 9 5 3 I I _ _ 9 I _ 8 _ I _ 7 _ I ----------------------------- I _ 6 _ I 5 _ _ I 8 _ 7 I I _ 4 _ I 8 7 _ I _ _ 2 I I _ 8 _ I 9 2 _I _ _ 5 I ------------------------------ I 1 3 7 I _ _ 8 I 6 2 9 I I 4 2 6 I 7 1 9 I 5 3 8 I I 8 9 _ I _ _ 3 I 7 _ _ I
  21. In general I only pull from banners with new a / o exclusive units. For example I don't mind the banner with regular Marth, Sanaki... because they're pullable at any time. In focus banners I only pull from colours which represent focus unit(s). However I don't go for every focus unit. If I get two, I'm quite happy. It's incredibly hard to pull all. The past FE4 banner was the first banner I've pulled all focus units.
  22. nice 8 Tales Of Zestiria - The Capital With A Beautiful Lake And The Holy Sword
  23. I _ _ 4 I 3 9 7 I _ 8 _ I I 6 7 8 I _ _ _ I 9 5 3 I I _ _ 9 I _ 8 _ I _ 7 _ I ----------------------------- I _ 6 _ I 5 _ _ I 8 _ 7 I I _ 4 _ I 8 _ _ I _ _ 2 I I _ 8 _ I 9 2 _I _ _ 5 I ------------------------------ I 1 _ 7 I _ _ 8 I 6 2 _ I I 4 2 6 I 7 1 9 I 5 3 8 I I 8 _ _ I _ _ 3 I 7 _ _ I
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