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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Eight 5* units for 77 orbs, or to simplify 40% of the pulled units from the legendary banner were 5*. The sicker is that all except for one were either +atk or +spd without having the other as bane. I deserve bad luck for the upcoming banners.
  2. Honestly after seeing the units in the poll I don't even know what an "Est unit" is supposed to be. I thought they are units who join late underleveled with high growths. Fiona fulfills all the requirements imo. She joins underleveled with almost unusable bases, but she was much value later on with her really good growths and earth affinity. Seeing Sophia in this list confuses me since she's just a late joining unit underleveled with standard FE6 growthrates. I'd call her just a "bad unit".
  3. The special quests belonged to the hardest ones for me so far, especially defeating Lyon with Lyon. He did barely damage to him (five). I was very lucky that BLyn - thanks to weapon disadvantage - could bring him down to exact five HP.
  4. Honestly I was going to say Fiona. HM Zeiss is easy to use with his bases, a decent physical tank. As for his res, just don't place him in the range of mages, but this applies to almost each physical unit.
  5. Thanks and lol! If I did that challenge - which I know it will never ever happen - I would need a fourth one for my Hector Legendary Team. Alterntative I could use my Valentine's Hector to have a Hector team, but it would turn into pain...
  6. +atk / -res + def / -HP + HP / -def I'm using the first copy because it works best with draconic aura. Idk if I will merge the other two or sacrifice distant counter. Depends on what I will pull next. I wanted to pass DC to Myrrh, but if I shouldn't get her, I will merge them probably.
  7. Everyone is loved by Hector Hard to pick my waifu of these three
  8. Honestly it was easier than I had thought in the beginning. I used cav Team (BLyn, Magehardt, Xander, VLilina). Lyn killed the flier, Xander used Reposition to keep her safe and killed the green mage knight and archer in first Enemy phase. Then the green manakete appeared I had serious trouble to take it out. Had to change my team from VLilina to Exalted Chrom who could oneshot it. Rest was easy. Xander ORKOed Hector without taking any damage.
  9. Thanks! Idk what to do with them yet. I'm training my best one for now with the option to merge the Other two into it unless I'm pulling a Myrrh who should get DC for sure. I rather prefer to merge my units to have an easier time with GHB, CC or arena than to sacrifice 5* ones. Also my pityrate was... 8%. in total I got six 5* unit of 15 pulls. I know it's so sick.
  10. Seriously could gacha's luck be traded with irl's luck, please?
  11. Auf Wiedersehen! Now they're even on last place... hahahaha
  12. Sry Acacia, but today I hope for a high loss Mexico's. Alternative stay strong South Korea!
  13. #24 Haar level 11 dragon master skill: cancel affinity: wind bases (growths) HP: 46 (30%) strength: 23 (70%) magic: 2 (5%) skill: 24 (70%) speed: 20 (30%) luck: 13 (45%) defense: 23 (65%) resistance: 7 (20%) bases 10 (30%) Being able to ORKO draco Knights, oneshot knights with the hammer and taking like almost no physical damage speak for theirselves. Haar is not without reason banned in LTCs. His bases are absurdly good! growths 8 (20%) His growths match with his bases. He has fantastic physical growths. Only his speed is bad which hardly matters, if ever than only in endgame. Only swordmasters might double him who deal the lowest damage to him. usefulness 9.5 (50%) He breaks part 2. He Can easily solo 2-P and oneturn 1-F with a speedwing. In part 3 he's almost a Jagen by tanking and massively weaking the enemies. He's just amazing overall. In endgame Jill will surpass him because of her Higher speed cap and the resulting ability to double the animas and auras, but till part 3 at least Haar is easily the best unit in the game. The reason why I rank Jill higher than Haar in this point is that he's not as essential for the GM's as Jill is for the DB's. Part 3 is easily to beat without him. overall 9.35
  14. Red and green offer lots of interesting characters. Myyrh is my absolute most wanted unit. Ike, Leif and WTharja are appreciated too. Can easily skip blue and colourless since I have the units already or don't need.
  15. I don't defend FE5's weapon weight system since no single FE game before Fates had a good system how to handle weapon weight without punishing one class or gender less than the other. (technically FE1-4 were balanced) However it's still miles better than GBA's fixed con system since it's not static. As for movement growths it would be a adulterate the entire gameplay, if units had more than 5%. Seeing Leif with higher movement than mounted units - which actually even happened to me - is just wrong to me. It's cool to have a bit more movement for a few more strategical purposes, but only in measures. The growthrates were fine imo. Still I wouldn't mind to see this back as a stat, but I wouldn't mind either if not.
  16. No It's a thread about a game would you might like better if certain things were executed better just with a little more time and care. It can be even a game you like actually. As for me I consider FE5 with the most missed potential because some mechanics don't work as they should do, but I still like the ideas. I appreciate already the attempt.
  17. #21 Nealuchi level 22 raven skills: wrath affinity: fire bases (growths) HP: 53 (55%) strength: 10 (35%) Magic: 4 (10%) skill: 9 (40%) speed: 18 (40%) luck: 24 (80%) defense: 10 (40%) resistance: 10 (25%) bases 7 (35%) He's defenitely not the strongest joining Laguz, but excellent for dodgetanking and weaking. He could even take a crossbow hit iirc. growths 6 (15%) He has good growths for a Laguz. It's just the question if he will ever get a level... usefulness 2 (50%) Honestly he only exists in 2-P and maybe in 2-1 if you want to waste a Laguz stone in him. He does well in 2-P for giving kills to Marcia, but after that Other units will shine. Mordecai and even Lethe do better damage Output in the upcoming chapters and aren't vulnerable to any potential (cross)bow users. In part 4 he basically doesn't exist. overall 4.35 ____________ #22 Leanne level 5 heron skills: - affinity: water bases (growths) HP: 25 (60%) strength: 0 (0%) magic: 3 (40%) skill: 1 (10%) speed: 6 (20%) luck: 27 (80%) defense: 2 (10%) resistance: 11 (40%) bases 3 (10%) Leanne is a papercut who is ORKO'ed by everyone. growths 4 (10%) usefulness 8.5 (80%) She's better than Reyson untransformed because she can dance two people left and right or above and below of her, but she's the only one who can't dance four people. Her worse bases don't matter since most Herons are ORKO'ed except for transformed Reyson and untransformed Reyson against magic users. overall 7.5
  18. FE5 was an experiment apparently. It tried to be completly "new" by adding tons of new mechanics. Apparently they weren't appreciated by the fandom or even by the developers afterwards (justified), so most of them never came back. Stamina's returning is Echoes is pointless since it only affects the dungeon, and FE is still no dungeon crawling imo. There are still some ways (I had ideas on my own) how to make stamina more workable in the game without screwing the player. It should be based on a number of combats or experience. Generic caps was not a good idea because it kills the actual point of classes, but I like the idea to fix weaker stats by scrolls. I also like movement and con growth. FE5's weight system is still fairer than in the GBA games since it punishes females and weaker classes like mages. Again a scroll could fix it. FOW is a generic problem since it only matters the first playthrough. It's also unfair because why can the enemy see through the fog all the time? Sure, it shall raise the challenge, but it does make no sense at all.
  19. Mario Luigi Peach Bowser Yoshi Link Zelda Ganondorf Kirby Fox Samus Marth Captain Falcon Donkey Kong Shulk Mr. Game and Watch R.O.B. Pikachu Pit Olimar
  20. Is there a FE game you don't like, but would, if certain things in terms of story a / o gameplay were executed more carefully? Here are few examples of mine: FE13 has very lazy made map design by removing classic defend, arrive and turn limited maps. Also pair-up is implemented just badly. Same goes for the difficulty. Fates as a whole for having a very poor plot. Revelation has interesting map gimmick ideas, but most of them don't work in a round based strategical game as FE is. Most of them slow down the game and are based on luck. FE5 could be liked by newcomers more, if certain mechanics like missing staves or 1-99% hitrate would be fixed. Also the traps in 24x are a huge issue. FE6 has the issue in terms of mission objectives as FE13. FE10 for having a cast with a total unbalanced availibility. FE11 for not adding anything plotwise; characters are still bland.
  21. #20 Elincia level 1 queen skills: none in part 2, mercy in part 4 affinity: heaven bases (growths) HP: 36 (45%) strength: 19 (65%) magic: 17 (40%) skill: 21 (50%) speed: 22 (70%) luck: 29 (60%) defense: 18 (20%) resistance: 24 (35%) bases 8.5 (30%) Her bases aren't impressive at all for being third tier (Marcia with transfers in speed has tied speed with her), but great enough for fighting first and low second tier units in part 2. growths 9 (20%) Imo she has the best growths of all units. >60% in strength and speed are superb.Her magic growth is decent as well for healing and using inbue and her poor defense can be covered by her high luck. usefulness 8.5 (50%) Elincia is essential as combat unit and healer in part 2 and after that. She is an unique class, the only flying healer in this game, so absolutely appreciated. Furthermore she will become a fantastic attacker with amiti, a silver brave sword, combined with her great strength and speed growth. The only Problem for her is that she joins underleveled in part 4. She can't ORKO everyone, not even mages. Instead of total useless mercy she needs paragon to get the levels to become fantastic in combat. With maxed strength and 34 speed she can ORKO all spirits and even ORKO an inside aura with 2x bloodtide and whitepool. Heaven affinity also grants her a great hitrate against the auras. That says how strong she is! Queen's worse caps in strength and speed than seraph knight's don't really hurt. overall 8.6 ______________ #21 Marcia (with transfers in strength and speed) level 5 falcon Knight skills: - affinity: fire bases (growths) HP: 34 (70%) strength: 18 (30%) magic: 6 (20%) skill: 17 (40%) speed: 22 (65%) luck: 12 (50%) defense: 16 (35%) resistance: 15 (35%) bases 8 (30%) Her perfomance is quite better with a strength boost. She Can finish off all weaken draco Knights by Nealuchi. With 22 speed she Can double all generics in 2-3. growths 6 (20%) Marcia's weakness is her poor strength growth, the second lowest of all Beorcs. Her Other growths are decent or good overall. usefulness 7.5 (50%) Marcia is pretty much the only one of the CK's who needs exp. because she's only endgame material unit thanks to her class. With the horseslayer and brave Lance she can almost solo the map. She just needs someone who chip the crossbow warriors. Her ppor strength can be fixed by bexp. since HP, skill and speed are capped rather early. If she hits 23 strength and caps her speed (alternative master crown), she can threeturn 3-8. Personally she's my favorite wishblade user because of her mobility and being able to TA, even if female sentinel has the better strength cap. overall 7.35 I agree that Tormod is better in 1-F with transfers in attack and speed since he can double everyone aside of myrms and Jarod. I'm not sure if he can ORKO them though (probably only fighters). I will rank him again with transfers. Still Muarim does better there because of his bulkiness. I will update the ranking after @Sturm has given his remaining ratings.
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