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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. 1-6-2 My original plan was to upload this yesterday already... but I had more Problems with this chapter than I expected. Edit: Ilyana is benched from now on.
  2. This seems to be an angry banner from what I'm seeing so far. Same to me, three complete pulls for nothing. At least some decent non 5* pulls like two Legualts, Shigures and one Subaki. Will do one more full pull tomorrow with new month's Orbs. If I should pull nothing, it would be the first legendary without a 5* unit. But Honestly I'd not hurt me too much, since it's the least interesting one for me so far and I was ridiculous lucky in last legendary banner. I have most of these units already. WinterLissa or a better Ishtar than mine I have Currently would be nice but not absolutely needed.
  3. Wasn't a thread made with the purpose to let Soul share all his life experiences? It deserves a sequel or a necro, I suppose.
  4. 6/9 correct predictions isn't bad Edit: wrong thread
  5. That's the first time I might skip a legendary because I have most of these units and I don't care about Lucina (even if her art is gorgeous). I've seen enough love towards FE13 lately. Other games deserve to be in a spotlight too. Also seeing two Lyns in one and the same banner is superuncreative like bringing two flying swordusers together. Pretty lame overall... Anyways green is the colour I would snipe because WLissa and LLyn are units I don't have yet and former is really good as far as I know. Would like to save orbs for trying to get Maribelle.
  6. 1-6-1 First part yes, but her Defense is poor for her class. She has 35%, same as Marcia........ and Leonardo (!!!) She works as a good tank so far, but at the end she has good growths in the wrong stats. Mine will Never cap strength.
  7. Luckily your Micaiah got enough HP to take a hit which is not guaranteed at this point. Nolan's speed is good so far. Now he just needs strength to lower the speed penalty with the steel axe. He cries for a forged iron axe once you can forge. RIP Edward... Next chapter will be tough, the hardest chapter of part 1. Lots of enemies in a small area who hit hard. They have all steel weapons and oneshot Micky. The myrms might not, but they'll double her.
  8. It was a special burger (timely limited) at BK. But yeah, barbecue sauce on grilled pork or sausages works definitely better.
  9. My country doesn't like the golden eighties, I can't watch this video. :( This songtitle describes summer 2018.
  10. 1-5 For this chapter I had to use Volug to save everyone including Jill. @ping Danke! I don't know how to handle the GM's chapters yet. Have to see the stats of my units first. Doing 3-10 with three mediocre units will be tough. Also Meg isn't bad at all so far, but that's not what I was feared of. Just her usefulness in lategame (> caps) worries me because her growths don't match her caps. @Junkhead Makalol is the one I wanted to use the most if I could vote because of his growths.
  11. Sure Neptunia is more sexulaized, but it applies to both series that the presentation of the characters is a main reason for lots of people to play them. I haven't read any good criticsm about these series, and this matches with my impressions. ... But both are Atelier parts...
  12. Atelier is like Neptunia: The (adorable) characters dragged me to this series... till I noticed that they don't have much more to offer than that... Playing 2h of Shallie and Meruru were already enough to give this statement.
  13. Meg does exact the same as Aran, if you gave her one bexp level to bring her speed to crucial 9. Aran never can take two hits by tigers, even if he should proc +2 HP and +2 def points in 1-3. The tigers have up to 26 attack which means that Aran gets 2RKO'ed. Both get doubled by cats, so also 2RKO'ed. The only one aside of Sothe who's able to take two hits by 26 attack tigers is a HP and defense blessed Nolan. In part 3 same applies. Aran will get 2RKO'ed by all the tigers as Meg would. Though Meg takes more damage, but might double the majority, if she somehow capped speed. Cats will double Aran, but not Meg. Though he would take less damage for one attack, so both would take similar damage overall. Aran does more damage against cats than Meg because both attack once. If Meg can double tigers, both have a similar output damage. Overall Aran's only slightly better because of doing more damage to cats... and having higher movement of course.
  14. Actually Aran is pretty bleh in hard mode with his only average speed base and poor growth. Honestly he suffers even more on hard mode than Edward does. In normal he's great against myrms, but in hard they can already ORKO him with a crit. He barely can take two axe hits and soldiers can even double him, if his speed is stuck. Heck even Meg would be tied with him - actually better because similar bases for being four levels below him - if she had just one more speed point not to get doubled by 12 speed tigers.
  15. Fuuu**... true!!!! Well, then I have to find a good replacement for him. Made a poll to vote for a trustworthy replacement.
  16. Damn, Edward needs more levels. Otherwise he'll become pointless. Nolan's bases are good... for this chapter. In the next chapter he'll start to struggle already thanks to his equipment. He definitely needs the hand axe. It applies the same to him as to Edward: He can become great... but he needs strength and speed early on. He's one of very few DB members who can take more than one physical / magical hit.
  17. A few things in advance: The text commentary fucks up in several points. Since I'm not an English person, I don't use an English text program. I think my browser is set in German, so it "autocorrects" some words by making them become a capital by mistake. Seriously I don't know how to change it. In general there might be a lot of typos there. My problem is that the text is shown like ten seconds after I entered it because the latest forum version is so goddamn slow that it takes forever to load the entrered text and images. It's just awful. It costs me lots of effort and especially time. to do. I'll correct all the parts in terms of grammar and typos once I've the time. So please understand for the bad language and typos. 1-4 @Rose482 Fiona was amazing (besides Astrid) in my normal mode run. She could technically solo part 4 when she had a support in her range. However earlygame will become hellish for her. @(s)ad touch Honestly Oliver is the unit I'm the least delighted to use because of his pathetic base speed. On the Other Hand I'm hyped for his bossconversations with all the Senators. @Rezzy Hiii! Technically Lehran is a dark mage too, but I'm using first playthrough. I don't consider him too bad Honestly. He' joins underleveled, but it's not as awful to lert him catch up as Fiona or Oliver. However Balberith sucks.
  18. 1-3 Since everyone may be used till 1-2, there's nothing much exciting to Report. Just a normal FE10 hard mode run, nothing more.
  19. I've done sth. like this before, but only on normal mode. This time I'll do it the hard way, means hard mode. It will be a new experience for me since I Never ever have done such a challenge like this in hard mode. My self set rules: in endgame each weapon type has to be represented with the worst rated character from this tierlist Sothe, Micaiah, Ike, Herons, BK are free to use at anytime in part 1 everyone may be used before Ilyana joins (means till 1-2) one Laguz may be used in 1-8 anyone may be used in 2-P - 2-2 and in 2-E before the CK's join one other unit besides Astrid may be used in 2-3 and maybe 3-9 (not sure yet) in part 3 everyone may be used before Heather and Ilyana join healers / arch sages may use staves at any time but not fight undrafted units may do anything except for fighting with a weapon; Laguz may not even counterattack untransformed bexp. may be used for the drafted units at any time I won't care for turncount at all, even if might take > 1000 turns.
  20. I want to apologize for some errors. Since I'm not English... as my browser apparently isn't either, capitals on some words were added by mistake. I was too lazy to fix them. It should be still understandable enough.
  21. Ugh... I saw this thread. And the worse was that the spoiler was shown on mobile it takes a while - thanks to latest SF version - till spoiler or links are embed. Also dealing with that insane temperatures at night is just horrible. I'm already done when I have to deal with it for a week already. My sleep average was like 2-3 hours. (That's why I'm up now) But thankfully this has an end now. It started to rain and it becomes cooler.
  22. Oh nice! Good luck with this project! Playing hard mode for first time takes guts. However you only really see the difficulty jump for the DB. Like Edward won't double constantly, Micaiah will get doubled and oneshotted and Nolan will have speed trouble with his base equipment. Differences between normal and hard generic enemies are two levels Higher (bosses have same stats, Equipment and A.I. as in normal) the final two chapters are identical to normal less exp. (-5 per kill or weaking) by far less bexp. => pretty much impossible to bring everyone to max level at the end, so take your time instead and give your allies as much exp. as possible A few tips establish earth-earth supports since evasion is the most important stat for the DB only focus on a few units: Edward and Nolan are good in HM. Leo is ok in part 3 when he has Lugnasadh. In general everyone in hard mode is usable except for Meg and Fiona. I wouldn't even recommend Aran. since weapon triangle is removed you have to care more about biorhythm Edward didn't get speed in his first level up which is already bad because he won't double in 1-1. At least with the strength point he can finish the weaken fighters by Nolan. Edward's usefulness depends on his strength and speed. He needs speed like in each level up to double constantly and strength to finish enemies off weaken by Nolan.
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