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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I used to hate the FE13 banner because it's a banner of a game I never wanted nor expected. Though this banner has given me lots of nice stuff so far. With 64 orbs I got Sumia, Olivia and Brave Roy as 5*, my first two Legaults, another Nowi and other good fodder like fury 3, renewal 3, sword- and bowbreaker 3. I hope my luck won't be reversed in a banner about a game I actually care.
  2. I wished there was one... :,( Zun, please make it happen! Actually no. Otherwise it'd consume my life.
  3. Your definiton of useless interests me because like the half mentioned cast isn't. Tormod and Muarim are great fillers in part 1. Tormod is essential to beat 1-8 quickly and let all civilians alive by dragging out the draco knight in turn one. Tanith joins with good bases (even great with spped boost) and completes TA. Sigrun's growths are ass, but she's still good when she's around. Without Edward you can't beat 1-P and so the entire game... I go even so far to say that FE10 has no useless unit(s). Even if they can't be used in chapters, they still have something else to offer like skills or supports. Even Lyre, the least useful unit in combat, has an use by getting / helping to get two skills.
  4. With female Grima this was an utter joke. In first enemy phase she killed everything aside of lance cavalier and Robin. The reistracted movement didn't hurt me with a dancer in my team. In turn two Cordelia killed Leo and tanked the cav. Would be funny if Grima could kill everyone in first enemy phase. I want oneturning too.
  5. Didn't need / want any of the new units. Having a perfect Elise already and don't care for the other two. Got only blue and red orbs. Chosed red and pulled a perfect 3* adult Tiki (+atk / -spd). Seriously this is way better than a focus Leo.
  6. FE6 Wendy: Terrible base level, class and joining time
  7. Pulled Flyer Olivia; with the same natures as my other two flying dancers have: -atk / +res. Actually it's not too bad for her since her strength is bad anyways and her res is decent combined with her A skill. Slapping iceberg on her will catch up her lowish strength. Now I just need Maribelle. Will come back to that banner once next Legendary Banner is over.
  8. I hate Hamburger but LOVE Berliner.
  9. Worldwide for PS Vita and in Japan exclusive for NDS
  10. Giving her a firesweep set means a complete new build and lots of investment (requires Rody already). I'm not done with the banner yet. Will return once next Legendary Banner is over. It'd be cool to pull a +spd, def or res version which doesn't affect either attack strength or speed. If she's +res, I could give Berkut's Lance to her to make her become a semi dragontank. If she's +def, I could make her a become a female Subaki with double close defense, QR and bonfire. For now I'll defenitely give glimmer to her, and firesweep once I pulled a Rody again. Also I'm not wondering that she shares Lloyd's artist. Ouch...
  11. Thanks for the detailed explanation! I know that WarioWare is a partygame, but don't know that several Nintendo series are "recycled" there. As for the FE part I just saw that an axefighter was killed. I mean it's just clicking. Is it all? I mean you can't lose in that "Fire Emblem game" then.
  12. I have no idea what to do with Sumia. She's one of the strangest units in Heroes so far. Her statspread doesn't match with her weapon and skills at all. In FE13 she was basically Caeda with very high speed, decent skill and res and terrible defense. Heroes made her become a semi-Subaki with high defense (higher than res!!!), absurdly high speed, poor res and terrible strength. Her weapon and A skill work well in enemy phase. If mine was +def (unfortunately the exact opposite is the case for me), I could make her a decent tank and give bonfire to her. Now I have literally no idea what to do with her. Mine has attack as boon, but with her low attack I can't really benefit from it. Seriously even the exact opposite natures would work better for her. Also the lacking of C and special skill hurt. One of the most disappointing 5* units lately. And I have to admit I don't even like her art. It looks somewhat lifeless to me.
  13. Tibarn @Junkhead Your turn @Lost Impact Please update OP. Tanith is taken already and must be cut of the left units list. Also random question: Is it possible to beat 1-8 with Tormod, Muarim and Vika getting ignored the entire chapter? Edit: NV! Undrafted units may shove, so it definitely works.
  14. ^ Yup, this works. Thanks!!! I don't know what kind of game that is (seeing collection of various Nintendo series), but it was funny to see FE.
  15. Of two complete pulls I got Sumia, the only unit I really wanted. She seems to be +atk / -def , which makes me wondering with her 7 base attack. I don't know any 5* unit whose strength boon is lower or tied.
  16. Thanks to the latest banners I will easily break my record of ~160 orbs. Having 135 already.
  17. I guess it's my turn? Rolf @Mister Rogers
  18. It's funny that Berseria is my favorite and Zestiria my least favorite of all Tales of parts I've completed yet (all PS3 parts except for both Symphonias). Zestiria has an unbalanced battle system and a really uninteresting cast except for one character, maybe two. The plot is ok, but by far less amazing than Berseria's. (Tbf Berseria's darkness is unique in the series). The dungeons only consist of ruins with a total of two differerent music themes for them (no joke!). Though they are more challenging in terms of puzzles than Berseria's. If Berseria had one weakness, then that the dungeons were rather mediocre. Only the Water Temple and final could really appeal in terms of challenge. Also Berseria is the only game I played for 100%. Needed 70 h and a guide because I own the PS3 port which only exists in JP.
  19. Marcia @Junkhead Question: I guess we will playthrough the game at the same time, right? Are there any chapters where we have to cut and report?
  20. I tend to be anorexic; 193 cm and 65 kg. But it's no health issue for me since my childhood. I always have had problems to gain weight despite I eat normal rations. Well, only evening lunch never really existed for me, but I don't think it's the reason for my low weight as the fact I never eat at night. The only issue I have is that I can't carry heavy things with my very thin arms (well, sports might fix it) and I avoid going to public swimming pools not to show my skeleton body. Funnily I had to deal with a like 8 year neighbour boy who had more weight than me (>adiposity).
  21. I can't take Edward anymore since only either Nolan ( @Sturm's pick), or Edward may be used for in 1-1, right? Well, I pick Leonardo then.
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