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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I have done a "diet" for my entire life yet. It's called metabolism.
  2. It's alright. Fitting to the boss, I guess, but still not one of my favorite themes for an EX boss. In general I'm not too fond with the soundtrack of 16. 6.5 Touhou 13 - Ghost Lead
  3. I'd list my turncount and unit's level / stats on google spreadsheet if it's alright.
  4. It's fine to play on console, right? If so, I would try it. I never have done a draft before (just regular LTC), so don't be hard to me, if I should mess up.
  5. Three things are important for being reliable in FE6's hard mode: - you are mounted - you have (hard mode) bases - you use magic or staves Roy does have none of them. His only pro is using the best physical weapon type. He needs definitely better bases, at least in that way that he can take two iron axe hits in the prologue. 1-2 more strength and speed are essential too. And of course he must promote earlier. A promotion item would easily fix that.
  6. I know because of having better enemy phase (-> vantage), but LaD is a skill I don't pull all that often. Tbh I can't pull often because it's stuck on the colour I favor the least. And there's only one other unit with a different colour who has this.
  7. Skill system with most of the skills from the pool and seals. And accessoires
  8. My Mia is -spd. I gave her darting blow, so she could double permanently. (LaD might be better for having a decent enemy phase as well) Might try to pull a better version from the current luna banner.
  9. Jarod with wishblade would be hilarious. I'm pretty sure he'll become a GHB unit sooner or later. Everyone else aside of Micky for next legendary hero would surprise me. I hope she will get the third tier outfit from FE10.
  10. I'd say Dorcas has the biggest jump from their original appearance to Heroes tied with Wendy. Second best axe infantry after Raven, actually the best with default skill and weapon set.
  11. I fixed (readded) this question to try being a bit more clear.
  12. Since there's a special sale going on currently, I made a calculation of price-perfomance-ratio for myself just to find out how worth it is to buy orbs. I came to the result that an orb would cost almost 0,60 €, if I bought the 43,99€ offer which included 75 orbs. That means it would cost me about 12 € for a complete pull of five units. In comparison I bought two Ys games for the same total price. And I'm talking about a special offer here! Imo these prices are absolute not fair! And many people tend to buy orbs when they get frustrated by having multiple bad summoning sessions a / o not pulling a unit they really want. I don't want to scare people and take their fun, but imo the prices of orbs have reached a dimension which is not justified at all. If the price was halved, it'd be fine for me to buy the one or other orb.
  13. Heh... I was tempting to start a similar topic since I had a little discussion yesterday. As for me I will not spend one single cent in Heroes or any other gacha simply because it'd be basically the same as spending money in gambling game when I'd get frustrated. The prices for orbs are ridiculously expensive and totally unjustified. With the current bonus orbs I'd buy about 0,60 € for one orb, means 12 € for one complete pull. Just for five units! I got several digital games for that price. 140 orbs cost 80 €. For that price I could get two new games for the latest console generation. I don't want to calculate without the bonus... Sure, people can do with their money what they want, but I'll use my money for other things which have a better price-perfomance-ratio and I can make better use from.
  14. Favorites Shanna, Nephenee, All sorts of Lyn, Eirika, Ephraim, Arden, Sharena, Tana Least favorites Regular Cordelia, Eliwood, Rebecca
  15. Tales of Vesperia, Smash 5 and FE16; but that means buying a Switch first.
  16. Huh... I don't understand the compilation of the bonus units, much less why Masked Marth is TT reward again. But I shouldn't complain since I have her already. Getting 40% bonus from the beginning is very nice.
  17. Freepulled from colourless for trying to get Linde. 3* Losius Banner and summer are done.
  18. I hope you didn't hear the explosion in the fireworks factory. I used to like Anime conention since I was in one for the first time about a month ago. The dressed people and the activities were great... the loud music not so much. Highlight was meeting Futaba Sakura although the cosplayer (idk if a female version of this word exists) was way tooooo young for me. I would like to cosplay too sometime, but Idk as whom...
  19. Which playable FE character could be (more) interesting in terms of personality or even gameplay, if they weren't executed poorly or even wrong? This topic is not to be mistaken with least favourite FE character since you may also pick unit(s) you like.
  20. Units who have capped 2-3 important stats at least. Soren caps magic, skill and resistance fast, so he's the most obvious choice. Furthermore he can heal in third tier, so slow and squishy Rhys and Mist could be benched. Boyd is a poor choice with his poor bases. Untransferred Boyd will hardly cap anything in second tier, so an early promotion would cost him some level up stats. Soren, Shinon, Mia and Haar are the units who cap their important stats early. Though I recommend to give 1-2 bexp levels before promotion to fix non capped stats like Haar's speed or Shinon's strength.
  21. I'll keep this banner in good memories for the rest of my life. 40% 5* fangrate speaks for itself including a Hecttrick. Never ever pulled one and the same unit three times in one session. Only Myrrh is missing for my total luck. Still I have one DC and Steady Breath left. Maybe I'll even merge my Hector and LIke to +2 to have an easier time for chain challenges.
  22. Part 4 are just grinding chapters (in a very bad way). Only 4-5 has a justified plot. Adding and making Oliver even playable - who's an utter garbage unit btw - is just fanservice. Endgame's chapters are poorly designed gameplaywise imo (done in 1-2 turns) except for E-3 because of Deghinsea and E-5 because of actual pretty damn great design for a final map in FE which happens rarely enough. As for the actual question give more details about the bloodpact and get rid of the Ashera can't be killed by Yune thing. Of course Micaiah should be able to kill Ashera since its HER game, not Ike's. He had enough spotlight in FE9 already.
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