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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Zihark and Edward have total different purposes in part 3. Zihark, thanks to earth affinity, works as front unit. He needs at least B-support with either Nolan or Volug and resolve to dodgetank the laguz. However the resolve thing might not work if a cat attacks him first and can't bring him down to resolve zone. A tiger easily could finish him off. Edward will be the more powerful of the two most likely. I always support him with Leonardo to give him extra attack power. In 3-6 I usually unequip him down to bring him down to wrath-zone by a tiger. After that he attacks only with range swords to get some free kills. Using him in close combat is suicide for him due to his high critrate. I never gave him earth-support a / o resolve because it would screw the earth unit.
  2. Even in hard mode by using master crowns you can have third tier DB members at the end of part 3. Third tier Edward, Nolan and especially Jill aren't uncommon at all. Easy mode is paragon mode. At the end of part 1 you'll have pretty much all the DB members promoted aside of Laura, Fiona and maybe Meg. In part 3 each killed Laguz gives like one level up.
  3. loool Then it was pure accident that I have played only parts before (IN, DDC, HSiFS) that have all spell practice and unlock extra mode after finishing easy mode. So I expected it would be the norm... but funnily it isn't. I assume I've played the easiest parts yet when the hurdle for unlocking extra is the lowest. At least stage practice still exists in UFO, better than nothing.
  4. The title is not only overharshed, but also totally not related to the actual content. Anyways the DB is my favorite party because it's the only party which offers a certain difficulty challenge in this game till part 3 for me. Unfortunately certain units like Meg or Fiona suffer from it on higher difficulties. The DB is competitive in certain classes or even better than the GM pendant like Nolan > Boyd. Edward will turn out as good as Mia but it is just harder to train him due to the lack of authority stars on Micaiah. Fiona is technically the best silver / gold knight... but her base level and stats disqualify her for most players.
  5. Meg isn't in PoR though. Also why on earth did I necro this!?!?!
  6. Yeah, it's true unfortunately. Most people are scared because governments can't handle the refugees well, and the right parties use their polemic to fish these people - with success unfortunately. Austria, Netherlands and French had a serious chance to get led by a right party - thankfully didn't happen. Well, I hope in your case that the majority will be smart enough to vote not for him. Still won't change that the next president will be corrupt.
  7. Each seventh of my fellows is either truly desperate or a fucking neonazi. Should get a Dutch passport..... WAIT...... Wildeers exist here. It's even WORSE! Also first triple coalition will become interesting.
  8. Sigh, why normal and why is there no spell practice? :( I have no interest in playing on normal since I found easy already hard enough. Seriously would rather try to play on lunatic then.
  9. UFO related question: Why can't I do neither extra stage nor spell practice after beating this game without continues? second completed run (actually first because of redownload) Has it sth. to do that I didn't get the final spell card bonus?
  10. The only real interesting question will be which party will become the third strongest. If the AFD will be it, then I'd cry but also laugh at the same time. An oppositon led by an anti-europe and -islam party would be "interesting" in the Bundestag.
  11. I'm registered in the new town since this friday, so I may not vote in my election district anymore I was allocated originally. I have to live for at least three months in an election district (before the election) to have a voting right. Since absentee voting was only possible till past thursday and I missed the opportunity, I can't vote today. At the end I just should have waited with the registeration till tomorrow, then I could elect today in my election district of my former location.
  12. Today is federal election, and I can't even elect. Not that it really will make a difference at the end.
  13. What did you do against Ichirin's first non as midboss? (besides not shooting) Honestly I don't even think this stage is that much harder to learn on lunatic simply because you just have to memorize all the gaps you can go through. Just focus on dodging and give a fuck to the ufos. However the streaming part looks hellish. I feel even more comfortable when the speed of the projectiles is increased because it gives me less time to think. The more I think, the more mistakes will happen to me. By a higher game speed I can find faster to a rhythm.
  14. I'm still thinking about how to design my sig. but several works distract me for the moment. The heater works fine, but an instrument of the boiler is defect and has to be replaced. There's no way to get warm water unless for warming up water in a microwave or water boiler (I don't have yet). And that wouldn't be enough water for a shower... Used the shower of my dad today without his notice because he still slept thankfully. Also the shower was totally dirty... which didn't surprise tbh.
  15. One SF member will be especially sad. I care by far less for the character and game (Idc at all tbh) than for her because she did a great job in voiceacting.
  16. I think I would need months to get used playing on a gamepad. It took me almost two years to beat my first Touhou game on a keyboard. Thankfully I can do it within a week now... except UFO.
  17. Ohhhh... I almost forgot about this. Could you do my signature please? name: Byakuren style: Eientei
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