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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Catchy theme I enjoyed in ToCS II a lot. 8 Touhou 12 - Emotional Skyscraper
  2. Tbf luckbased is indeed not the appropirate term here. You can grab the wanted ufos if you can kill the enemies in the right time window... which is still hard and annoying though. I would say it in that way that UFO is the most unfriendly Touhou part in terms of giving boni to the player. Also I'm still not used to use the Touhou language like 1cc or shmup. beaten = beaten without Game Over And even if I had continuned, it'd have been a very hard task to beat stage 6 and Byakuren with only two lives. It's ok. You're like a Touhou teacher, and teachers have to be harsh sometimes to ram into the others.
  3. How shall I call it, if you can't grab your wanted ufo colour when suddenly enemies block your way? This mechanic is extremly annoying and killed lots of my runs... so many that it became frustrating. And the tough difficulty (compared to other finished parts) doesn't make this game easier for me at all. Also when I say beaten, then I meant 1cc of course. Will upload the replay (if you shouldn't believe me) when I have net in my new flat.
  4. I've beaten UFO! (though can't upload a replay since I still have no net in new flat, and I'm posting via phone in my former home now) I have to say it's still my least favorite part though because it's too luckbased with the UFO mechanic to me. A better bonus system like 14's would make this game more enjoyable. Furthermore I find this game pretty hard. The stages spam a lot of crap to you and I really dislike some bosses (mainly Kogasa + Shou).
  5. Whew... could finally listen to the sexy final boss theme of UFO... despite it only lasted for like one minute thanks to tab out.
  6. As I said I go for lives. Trying to get two extra lives in stage 1 already. However bombs could be technically more effective since you can get 1/1/3 bomb for a green ufo while a red ufo would give two heart pieces, exchanged in one bomb (get two bombs for each lost life, only if you have none left. Stage 3 is fucking annoying because of these fast falling triangle purple arrows. I always save one bomb for Kogasa's final as for Ichirin's first spell. The speed of the falling fire balls is ridiculous. As for Shou mainly her nons are problematic for me because I misscalculate the curvy lasers. I actually got her patterns but I'm often too slow to find the right dodging spot. The only boss I really like is stage 4's.
  7. My MAIN problem is in this part - unlike in the others - the generics have higher HP and they shoot way more projectiles than in other parts. At first I tried to collect as many ufos as possible (preferred red ones), but this usually screwed my runs. My (over)aggressive playwise to go for all the ufos made me vulnerable against the enemies. The result was that I lost several lives in the stages (especially stage 3 and 4). With my more reserved playstyle I gain less extra lives, but I also lose less (1-2 till stage 5). My main problems are still Kogasa (don't understand her last spell), SHOU (fuck these lasers) and collecting these fricking ufos in the right color. If this game had a different reward system or made ufos autocollectable, I'd have beaten this game already.
  8. I could manage T12's gameplay somehow. Just don't have to care for the ufos and spell card boni. Pacifistic strategy ftw...... till Shou fucks me up.
  9. Seriously none of the FE games I dislike really needs a remake. FE6 has some good patches which fixed the gameplay issues. And I really don't need a third remake of FE1. FE5 is really the only one which needs a remake because some mechanics need improvement, but it's a game I really like already. And FE9 with Maniac Mode for the west would be nice.
  10. Click on this icon to add links and rename them. Anyways this theme sounds epic with the mix of rock and the ancient lyrics but it is very loud. In a final boss fight it would distract me after while. 6.5 Tales of Vesperia - Once In A Lifetime Duel
  11. Do you like doing word puzzles? The F1 Ferrari was cuter.
  12. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=64694378 Don't mess with MarkyJoe. It's his #1 waifu. Aunn Komano from Touhou series
  13. Strangely (my) ebay offers way less Sukus than Amazon. * wants to see a Suku-shop
  14. What do you do if you want to be keot awake? https://de.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Sanae_Kochiya
  15. Would be cool if a quantity dicount would exist for them.
  16. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=64610505 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62697565 Shou from Touhou Project
  17. https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=64610505 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62697565 Shou from Touhou Project
  18. They're not exactly expensive, but if you take account how many of them exist, it'll become a prohibitive hobby. I defenitely want an Aya Suku.
  19. I almost misinterpreted it. Anyways can't judge because never tried out.
  20. Now Harvey is polluting SD too. No place in this forum is safe from him anymore. A damaged 3DS caused him depressions - lmao Reading this caused me them.
  21. ^ It took me long enough to get to whom this was addressed. Anyways I was so bored and also frustrated by easy that I played UFO's stage 1 on lunatic - Beat it in my very first attempt. Funnily for some reason I like the increased speed of the enemies's projectiles. Could find a rhythm faster than on easy. Says the person who isn't even able to manage it on easy.
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