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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Why do you want to become less pretty? You really don't need it if I memorize your last posted pictures.
  2. I'm assuming it's a joke thread, otherwise this thread would be in the section where it belongs to. Even if this is serious, I'd decline this idea since you normally would come along with the bexp. I know units like Laura, Tormod and Vika would cry for this idea, but it would make way more sense to give them higher bases / autolevel them when they return.
  3. As for the douchenators definitely Sanaki to revenge them. However Naesala has more than a good reason to kill Lekain too. As for Deghinsea I like Tibarn's convo the most and he has the biggest reason to revenge him for tolerating slavery of his conspecifics. Levail is a bit hard to rank because I don't really know his exactly role in Begnion and his relationships. As for Sephiran I go for the Holy Guard.
  4. The thing about Laura is that she can never really benefit from her 70% speed growth. You must take into account that she starts level 1 with a base speed where she'll get doubled by 95% of the enemies. Since it takes forever till she will gain a level, you will never reach a certain point where Laura can double an opponent unless you do boss abusing a / o give her tons of bexp. levels. Another issue is that priests have terrible caps like 15 speed cap. Female Saint also has a lower speed cap (31) than Light Priestess (33).
  5. My curiousity brought me to this thread because I didn't know what abs stands for. Now I know... but honestly it would have been better, if I had gotten it to know in an other way. At least I learned sth. again.
  6. Yeah, I had to replay this chapter because of his death. And in my second attempt Jaffar killed himself, so I couldn't promote Matthew. About the map itself I can't really remember except that my freedom for my paladins was restricted thanks to Ursula's bolting, and in Hector Mode she moves.
  7. I thought it's impossible to reach him in time before enemies can attack and kill him. At least it's what I read from many comments in the topics worst designed FE chapter or chapters you hate. And in my HHM run I couldn't save him either despite having several promoted mounted units.
  8. The only unwinnable situations with an intact team are already mentioned: final chapter in FE5 because you need something to let some of your allies stand on the switches to open the door where Veld is inside the chapter in FE7 where Zephiel must survive because Zephiel's survival it's totally luckbased I was close to the moment to say 1-9 in Radiant Dawn because the difficulty in this chapter depends on how good your Micaiah is. If she gets doubled a / o oneshotted, it'll become a lottery. However there's a way to keep her out of any battles and BK can solo this map. Same goes for 2-1 in person of Nephenee. These chapters rely on the RNG way more than any other chapters because you're forced to hit.
  9. http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=43888 This thing to capture took me 166 attempts, and this was her first spell of many. I know already this will become a timeconsuming as frustrating adventure...
  10. First of all: I've never ever done a reiew before, so constructive criticism is appreciated to learn from it. I think it's time to review the videogame which has inspired me probably the most in my life yet. It introduced me into one of the most exciting videogame franchises and to this forum. It is Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, the 10th part of this series, and the sequel of Path of Radiance. Story RD plays three years after Daein's and King Ashnard's fall. In this game you control different parties who have their own independent task and intentions. Each party has a lord, to be more precise a main character who may not die in their part. The first part deals with Daein. The Dawn Brigade with their leader Micaiah tries to free Daein from Begnion's cruel occupation. Begnion's leader tries to prevent it with all the possibilities he has without any consideration towards the Daeins and his own men. Micaiah has the hard task to stop Begnion's cruel schemings. His childhood friend Sothe (familar character from Path of Radiance) fights along side with her. Otherwise you'll see some new faces in the beginning and some familar characters later on. Part two is about Crimea's restore after the war against Daein. Elincia, the new and still unexperienced queen of Crimea, tries to look for freedom with Daein. However the nobles are scared that Daein takes the chance after its recovery to start a war against Crimea once again. This scepticism and fear propagate to the simple folk who start a rebellion against Elincia. The leader of the rebellion tries by all means (including hostage taking) to dethrone Elincia. The Crimean Knights have the task to stop this guy and to bring freedom back among the Crimeans. All units except for one are familar. In part three you control all three parties including the last one, the Greil's Mercenaries with their leader Ike. They also fight against Begnion but for a different reason. They support the Laguz because it came to light that Begnion is responsible for the burning in Serenesforest and the death of the former empress. As consequence the established Alliance of Laguz declared war against Begnion. The problem is that Daein's new king is helping Begnion quite suddenly who was Daein's biggest foe before its liberation. Micaiah, as loyal she is, follows his advices and fights for Begnion and against the Alliance of Laguz which means that Micaiah and Ike will become opponents. The result is that a total war is going to happen in Tellius. If you played the prequel, you will know what might happen... Gameplay RD has pretty much a similar gameplay to its prequel with a few improvements: skills can be removed without losing them third tier class system ledge feature which gives you a massive hit bosst / nerf when you attack from a platform above / below a few more mission objectives are added like defeaing certain number of enemies, destroying things in a turncount skippable battle animations biorhythm is more important dark magic exists knives are an own weapon type new weapons (a few were removed) introducing of authority stars (= leadership stars) unlimited forging in each chapter I'm pretty sure RD has the largest number of main story maps in FE with 43 and their variety is also large. A mix of defat, seize, escape, turnlimit and defend missions. Especially the defend chapters are really fun and challenging. Of course there are few less enjoyable chapters in the game but overall the map design is really good. However this game also has its issues. The main problem is the units's and difficulty balance. The difficulty curve isn't constant straight and the availibility of several units is horrible. The Dawn Brigade is that this is the party with the hardest chapters. The main issue is that Micaiah and some other DB members are really squishy and you lack on tanky units who can withstand several hits. Sothe is the only one who can, but he's basically your Jeigan, a prepromoted unit who steals the exp. early on. Micaiah herself is really squishy and sorta slow. Keep her out of any enemy attack ranges to keep her alive because she may not die at any time of this game. Same goes for all the other DB members till the fourth map. In general: This game has different Game Over conditions than the other parts. Many (side) characters may not die in certain chapters, so make sure to read the losing conditions every time not to get a bad surprise. Another issue is that Micaiah is the only one who has no authority stars so she can't grant her allies any hit / evasion boost which makes it for her group even harder. The other two parties start already second tier who even fight first tier units partly so they have a much easier time with the enemies. Now about the units's availibility, FE10's main weakpoint in terms of gameplay: Some units are going to leave in midgame and return (unautoleveled) close before the endgame. It's pure pain to let them catch up the others. It's really sad because it disqualifies some potential good units with a nice character. Also two allies for the DB join either underleveled or with below average bases. On harder difficulties it's very bothersome to train them. The graphics are really improved compared to FE9. The battle animations aren't static anymore, but they're really authentic now. Still my favorite animations in Fire Emblem up to date. The maps and characters are really well designed. Same goes for the soundtrack. Some tracks from FE9 return remixed and lots of new tracks are added. Most of them are enjoyable to listen and fit to the situation. Not my favorite soundtrack in FE but still a good one. Radiant Dawn has a better gameplay than Path of Radiance (close tied with Thracia 776 and Conquest) despite mentioned issues (there are still a few more minor issues). Storywise it's really good too but it has a few plotholes and it's a bit rushed mainly part 3. I don't really care for this because I prefer the gameplay over the story in a FE game. The main issue could be it's not really the best game for a newcomer to this series. Not because you have to play PoR first to understand the story, but because the difficulty of the DB chapters can cause you serious trouble. A few of your allies are so "weak" that they can be oneshotted. I highly recommend for any newcomer to read the really well explained tutorial guide. Radiant Dawn was my first game too and its difficulty almost made me want to ragequit it but the tutorial helped me to get into this game and series. If you're not aware of PoR's story and characters, RD has a dictionary about all the existing characters and some terms reagarding Tellius, so it will help you to get into the story. Overall it's a really enjoyable game especially if you play FE because of its gameplay. However it has not a massive replay potential (however still one replay guaranteed) because several units are really hard to use because of their limited availibility.
  11. Funnily I didn't play it alone. I had a friend by my side who tried me to explain how "Blitz" works. But I still didn't understand it.
  12. JRPGs, round based strategy games, economic simulations same question
  13. I'm assuming you meant this Erston guy? He has one of the best voices in videogames and I find most of his conversations amusing. Gameplaywise he's alright, not my favorite though. Also my previous question was referred, if you prefer Xillia 1 or 2, but I know it wasn't quite obvious. Videogame character with your most favorite voice?
  14. If fangames are included, then Touhou Puppet Dancer Performance tbh. if not, then Imperishable Night. same question (fangames included)
  15. Favorite non playable character in ToCS II? Favorite bossfight in ToCS II? Could you describe yourself in three Welsh words? Do you like Celtic languages? What's your opinion of the Brexit? Do you care for Lady Diana's death to the day 20 years ago? Your opinion about the British Monarchy? Do you wish that Wales should become an independent country? Five favorite things about Wales? Did the terror attacks in London or while the music concert in Manchester affect you in any way?
  16. By playing Touhou Puppet Dancer Perfomance and Touhou 16. Which ToX part do you prefer?
  17. Which has been the saddest moment in a Tales of game for you yet? @Clarine Tend to stutter and chew on my finger nails when I'm nervous.
  18. Oh yeah, Glace is my personal Touhou teacher. I hope this term is ok.
  19. I don't want to talk about perfect difficulty yet, but it seems to be a fair challenge, a challenge I will accept with the target to master it. Thankfully I can spell practice each unlocked boss's spell, so it should be possible to beat it. Ex-Keine doesn't look too bad with some practice, can't talk about Mokou yet.
  20. I played IN's extra stage for fun to get a first impression of Touhou's hardcore gameplay. According to its description it shall be the hardest mode, harder than lunatic. I managed without many problems to face Ex-Keine at least in my very first attempt. Became I so good, or is this extra stage so easy? I know latter is the case.
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