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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Trump's politics welcomes hurricans more than emmigrants.
  2. Would creamy peanut butter come along with Nutella as bother replacement?
  3. Have you ever been affected by freak weather or even natural disasters? After checking it out what it is, no.
  4. Hurrican Hype Seriously, hopefully you'll be spared. According to the forecast the hurrican shall go on land in the south-west of FL. Hurricans are the main reason why I never would live in the US except on the west coast because it's spared.
  5. Dawn Brigade because it's the party with the most challenging chapters in FE10. The members seem to be overshadowed by the GM's simply because they won't reach the level of their pendants. However the DB represents some classes which are equal to the GM member or even better (Nolan > Boyd).
  6. v this questions Bruchhauser Steine because it were just a few giant rocks you had even to pay for.
  7. Favorite videogame theme? Any videogame series you're interested in trying out in the future? Opinions of King of Queens? Furthest place away from you you've traveled yet? Strangest situation what has happened to you yet?
  8. I'll definitely move back when my dad has been passed away unless I should die earlier. Anyways long story told short. My mom became a heavy care case after an Aneurysma (idk how it's spelled in English). My dad gave up his entire life for her. Of course he cares good about her but he gave up his work and his social life. It's a great attitude to be here for his wife 24 h, but only if he can still live his daily. But unfortunately he can't. He sleeps till 11 AM or later everyday. When I'm not here, Idk how he handles any calls or other things. It happened multiple times that he slept when carers came in. I always have to do the shoppings and ridings to doctors and health insurances. When I'm not here anymore, Idk how he will manage it. I made him the suggestion to send my mom to a daytime ambulance but he always refused. Instead he threw stupid excuses and ideas to my head. He can't be helped, and now I'm tired of this shit. I'm really sorry for my mom.
  9. I'd really appreciate it, if you could save such offense in future posts. Anyways yes, FE14 showed what could be made with FE11 in terms of characters's personality. However the intention of this remake was rather to give the players a chance who couldn't play the (JP) original, than to do a 100% change of the plot and gameplay. Tbf I don't like it either that 95% of the characters are totally bland, but I'd be presumptous to blame IS only for that.
  10. Funnily I didn't even know until a friend of SF told me that Tales games are multiplayer games. Wished to play them with other people but the few ones I have, don't care for videogames much less for this series. :,( Honestly I'm curious how the controls work like switching characters. I assume you can't change to the character the other player is using.
  11. Dat klopt. Living independently should get rid of my depression. Same goes for my part time job I'll start next week. I'm just curious how my dad will manage his life without me and without car. ... But
  12. I'm going to move this weekend. I'll miss my mom and my cats but I won't miss my dad. So I don't know, if I shall be rather happy or sad.
  13. Falcommie sounds a like sickness to me tbh., but anyways I discovered the awesomeness of their games this year too by playing the two Trails of Cold Steel parts. It made me want to play other Erebonia parts.
  14. It was close to say FE11 because it is a lazy remake, but since it's a remake it'd be unfair to expect seeing many improvements. I mean it has a few like weapon triangle and weapon weight. So my vote goes to FE13 because it goes back to the basics from the early 90s by removing the game mechanics to a minium (no variety in mission objectives, no ballistas, no light magic and magic triangle...). Furthermore it is horribly unbalanced. The player's advantage by the introduction of pair-up only for the player should be equaled by artifical difficulty in the case of lunatic (+).
  15. Umm... thanks. I didn't really expect it'd come along with fruits but I might try it out.
  16. Moo Moo Farm Do you prefer Sully from FE13 or Sully from Monster Inc?
  17. I bought creamy peanut butter a couple of weeks ago for the first time since it's not a thing in my country.. I put it on bread, and I have to say it wasn't really fitting. Not really delicious. Maybe someone can recommend me a better use of it.
  18. The enemies in hard mode aren't entirely bad. As for the DB at least they're still really tough, if you want to use the DB relevant units. HM laguz have up to +7 attack thanks to having S strike. If you're using the OP units like Nailah or Tormod, you'll be fucked in part 3 for sure because you won't have a tank unless Volug who needs at least two turns to be usable in combat (if you bought the olivi grass in 1-8).
  19. Started to play DDC. Of the three parts I've played yet I find it the hardest so far. At least Sakuya is a lot better than she was in IN. And I could finally beat HSiFS with Aya which took me long enough. She's good against bosses because of her bombs... at cost of a good highscore though. Also still practicing against Mokou...
  20. I never could combine a fruit drink with a savoury dish. My body would immediately say no. Also I had bad experience with coffee adding to scolloped rolls with ham and cheese probably because I can't stand coffee at all.
  21. Thank you guys for your trust, but it wouldn't be my turn since I've been interviewed already. I know stupid UN changes make things harder for the others. SullyMcGully + Gemma
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