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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Sorry if I might go out of topic, but what has being homeschooled exactly to do with having no knowledge about anime? I wasn't homeschooled, and I never had to deal with anime at all (even until now). I don't know if it had not been popular in my country. Well Pokémon was a thing of course, but I don't even know if I may call it as a classic anime. It's rather a JP cartoon series for me. I just don't really understand the excuse because I can't see a relation at all. Of course anime is rather popular by younger people, but there also animes from the 80s which the parents might have watched, so it's not impossible to get introduced by them. As for the topic I can't really help unfortunately because I'm sitting in the same boat with the OP. I was indirectly introduced into animes by playing JRPGs. I only watched a few parts of the Tales of Zestiria X and Devil Survivor anime. I can't recommend them to anyone at all even if you're a real fan of these games. It didn't rise my interest in anime at all.
  2. Yeah, it is. Okina's winter spell still looks the easiest to me.
  3. My main problem in stage 4 are the yellow coloured fairies. They shot projectiles towards me. If I can't kill them in time, they will move down and attack me from the bottom. Since new enemies will spawn from the top, I'll be surrounded fast. Another problem is that the enemies appear from nowhere. It happened to me often enough that I lost lives by hitting invisible enemies. Seriously without using bombs I lose more lives in this stage than against the final boss.
  4. Seriously I haven't used it against the bosses yet, but it has a very low spread. So low that I can't kill all the enemies in stage 4, and that's the part of the game I really need them. Against most bosses I don't really need the bombs, maybe against boss 5 because they can be really tough. Release is the perfect replacement for them. Doing stage 4 with her is really painful so far.
  5. You know that Sophia joins in a desert chapter with flying enemies and status affecting staves? You need restore staff (I guess you still will use Cecilia). You need a promoted Wendy with as many stat boosts as possible because knights have two movement at least and to get weapon advantge against the wyverns. You should make sure not to be surrounded by mages, fliers and reinforcements brigands whose leaders have up to three movement. If you could keep Sophia successfully alive, you also should give her several boosts (speedwing, angelic robe). You could rather invest all status items in Wendy to let her solo the game till chapter 21. In the secret shop you buy all necessary items for Sophia to make her usable from chapter 21x till the end, However she won't be able to use Apocalypse most likely.
  6. Ah, this again Favorite: FE10 poor availibility and base levels + stats of several units no weapon triangle in hard mode part 2 + GM's chapters in part 3 are too easy 2-1 because of Neph's bases and equipment Ike has to set the final blow to Ashera Least favorite: FE13 good skill system everyone is usable better exp. gain system for staff users the idea of pair up Divine Decree is an amazing map theme
  7. Why is Aya so incredibly bad in HSiFS? Her bomb... ugh!
  8. Yeah, it's true. That's why to use it on bosses. First to destroy projectiles, second to damage them, and third to get higher score to earn extra lives faster.
  9. Personally I like HSiFS's release because it us a good alternative to a bomb for solving critical situations. However I kinda suck in using it against the bosses properly. I often miss the correct spot and perfect timing.
  10. ^ Thanks! Glaceon Mage recommended me to play DDC because it shall be an easier part. But before I will do it, I'd like to finish Touhou 16 with each character / season first, and maybe finish at least with one character a run on normal to get a better feeling for the series.
  11. quite decent 7 Touhou 16 - Concealed Four Seasons
  12. Do you enjoy living in Sydney? draco knight => dragon master => dragon lord
  13. Berseria's main similarities to Zestiria are
  14. Finally beaten it! Tbh I really liked the final boss.
  15. Sorry for the late reply. (would have replied even later if I hadn't got awake by another Touhou isomnia) I'm using winter after advice.
  16. 7 Touhou FDF - Who Cares (it's the first song of a game I haven't played yet because getting to this song is... like using a road to hell)
  17. Aww... still struggle against the final boss's final spell. The season subshot is gone and I find their spell really hard to dodge in time. Even five lives against her weren't enough - Damn it! Guess it means another sleepless night...
  18. Although I'm in relative young age, I'll become a pedrestrian and cyclist from next month on till the rest of my life probably. The reason is that I hate driving. The only advantage is it saves lots of time. But on the other hand it's more expensive than using public transports overall and I can't stand the traffic. I always tick off whenever I have a car ahead of me which drives slower than allowed. It's annoying and I have to focus too much on other (idiots) than I should actually. Also repairing is expensive since I don't know anything about the car's technic and I suck in craft. If my car should be stick somewhere, I'd be really screwed. Funnily I live in the country so I don't really have much experience with city traffic. Never used my car to reach a bigger city. So I guess other people have way more reason to complain than I do. Train traveling is way more comfortable....... if I have a seat. Can listening to music, reading, playing games... the best way to reach the place of work. The only disavantages are the longer time of travel and the risk of missing a connection whenever one public transport is delayed. If robot cars for a moderate price should be out sometime, I'd revise my decision.
  19. Since a new game is out I can finally revive this. 125. Aunn Komano
  20. Aww... I could have beaten T16' stage 6's boss probably, if I wasn't tabbed out twice and I didn't have to cancel my run at the end because my battery was very low. Touhou isomnias made me want to play this game at midnight, and for some reason I did my best run there. @shezzy Alright, thanks! This will influence my choice for the next game. I watched only UFO's final boss, and I have to say it didn't look too hard (easier than IN's Eirin). However can't tell about the stages and other bosses. Actually it was my anticipated part next. Since you mentioned it's the hardest game overall but not on easy mode, I'm still not daunted to play it next. The maison reason why I find 16 harder than IN is simply because of the lacking of the option to choose two more extra lives. Tbf I don't need them in IN anymore, but still. Two more lives would be a godsend! Also stage 4 and the second spell of stage 4's boss are a nightmare for me. Idk how to dodge this properly. Even stage 5 and 6 are more bearable because I know what to do for the most time. This looks really fun!
  21. Can someone give me order of the all the Touhou maingames from easiest to hardest? I suck in 16, barely can reach stage 6.
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