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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. He is... diligent... at least. More like Trollnald Dump for you?
  2. about the origin a little bit First impressions of the new US president so far?
  3. It's fine. At least you didn't guess that my sig. is Cheria as someone else did. I really wished Seres was playable in the prison. Also she does the right way how to present her tits.
  4. Spanish as school subject, because I couldn't learn any other foreign languages aside of English, French and Dutch. Any school subject you wished you never ever have had at school?
  5. Yeah, the free kill and self-healing part were my idea of giving her vantage.
  6. any kind of milk, nut and noisette chocolate First impressions of the new US president so far?
  7. How did you manage to bring her level high enough to make her a dodgetank? I'm assuming paragon for 4-P and 4-3, right? Isn't vantage + resolve a good combination too since her activation rate of vantage will be high and so the activation rate of flare to get free kills in enemy phase? If we're talking about a 25 speed Sanaki in 4-3, she has only 37% activation rate of vantage. But I could imagine it's worth the risk.
  8. It's not like that you can ignore him entirely since his deployment for the tower is forced. Sure, he's the only real potential user of baselard unless you want to waste a unit slot with Volke, but his stats will be unsatisfying at the end. I still have to rate him in E-1 and E-3 (E-2 can be excluded since Ike can easily oneturn BK) and he's the worst combat unit in the endgame after the dragons. Will train Meg in my next HM run. I really need the experience!
  9. My target is to figure out how to train - mainly weaker - units more efficiently. Which skill(s) do you give to whom in which chapter(s)? Here are few examples from my side: 1-4: Leonardo's cancel skill goes to Edward or Nolan because they can make better use of it and have a higher activation rate due to their high skill. Discipline on Aran to make him access to use Tauroneo's silver lance quickly. 1-6: Resolve on Micaiah because she's the only first tier unit who has the capacity to use it. With sacrificing once she'll become into resolve-zone. With 1.5 speed she can maybe double the one or other opponent. Renewal on Volug or Zihark. 1-7: Paragon on Micaiah for same reason. She's the only one who can gain serious experience. Inbue on Zihark because he has a good magic stat actually. 1-8: Resolve on Micaiah to make life in 1-9 a lot easier. Paragon on Sothe because he'll do quite a lot in this chapter thanks to his better movement in the awkward terrain. Let him kill Radmin to get almost a full level up. 1-F: It becomes tough for me. Idk which skills to give to Ilyana. On the one hand giving paragon to her is more efficient because in total the GM's have more chapters to make use of it, but on the other hand the DB members need way more experience due to their less chapters in part 3. Most skills should stay in the DB honestly. Part 3: Vantage, Adept, Resolve + earth support for Zihark to make him invisible. However it only works, if a tiger attacks him first. If a cat hits him first, the taken damage won't be enough to reach resolve-zone. Beastfoe on Jill: With the brave axe or hand and short axes she can claim free kills in each turn. Renewal for Volug, inbue for Sothe and discipline to Micaiah. This is only a little example for the DB chapters. This skill set excludes Meg and Fiona... but maybe there's still a way how include them too. Iirc Fiona can't even take skills since she has only 5 capacity (?). Furthermore I'd like to know about a good skillset for the non-royal Laguz since I'm not really familar in using most of them in longruns.
  10. Haven't completed this game yet. Played mainly the newer parts. Trying to go back with the older parts now since I have completed all the latest parts for the PS3. Sheena hasn't joined my party yet (actually very close before) but I can already say - for now - that Colette will become near bottom in my list. Probaly third last.
  11. Oh... opinions... I would like her more if she used swords or could cast at least. Seriously she was a pain to use in battles. Never could get into her moveset. Tbf I was an idiot and played on a harder difficulty by accident. Just noticed that I forgot to add her to the total list. Actually she's not dead last.
  12. She's my least favorite character of the entire series to use. It's not even her outfit which bothers me.
  13. Ok folks, time for waifu debating: My order of the Tales of girls of each played game: Abyss Vesperia Graces Zestiria Xillia 1 Xillia 2 Berseria In total
  14. She's s typcial videogame princess: pretty, nice, naive and boring
  15. No love for the pretty pretty princess ? Also, Rose is pretty cool too. She's dressed really badass.
  16. I also hope that the Switch will fail so that the 3DS will live for a bit longer.
  17. Refreshing is a risky thing. It also happened to me that the post wasn't submitted despite on clicking submit reply and leaving the site after that at once.
  18. Bringing a post to a site takes like two minutes for me. It can't be serious! There's sth. wrong with this site again. It's defintiely not my internet this time.
  19. Huh... I don't post on mobile, using my laptop. Since the update I can't post with my mobile devices anymore because they're outdated. It seems to be that I'm the only one who has the issue with SF being very slow.
  20. Huh... weren't you the outlier for Meg (in positive way)? Also your sudden change of opinion really confuses me. (or did you give her an average rating for all modes?) In HM Meg can... shove in 1-4 you can use her as a scare-crow against cats she can even help to take out one of the myrms in 1-5 in the first turn That automatically doesn't make her 0 for me, even in HM. She'd get a 2. Serious question: How would you rate her if she joined one chapter earlier where the opponents can't double her (aside of the myrms)? Also the reason, why I find Edward better in part 1 than in part 3 is simply that he's the only first tier unit (besides Jill with transfers) who can constantly double and oneround opponents.
  21. Sigh... even one week after the update posting is still a mess. Other people replied my post before I can even see it on own my screen. lol Also thanks Soph!
  22. No love for her brother. :,( It's ok. It's not that I don't like Edna, so. Alright, thanks for your offer! I try to crop it one time for myself (just have to know what the max. height of a banner may be) If it still doesn't work, then I'll send you the link of the image.
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