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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Meg has like four defense less than Aran at level 20 first tier. Of course she'll take less damage than Aran by get attacked only once. Also here bases are pretty good for her level. She's only level 3, don't forget that! Her low movement is only a real issue in 1-6-1 and in 1-E because the reinforcments from the entrance can catch her easily. In 1-8 Sothe, Nailah and Volug do the main stuff. In part 3 there's no map which disadvantages her at all since these are all more or less defend chaptets.
  2. Heh, it's ok! You didn't confuse me, I know now what you meant. I guess my main problem with this series is that I don't really belong to the target group of this series. It took me more than a quarter decade to overcome myself finally to play a Zelda game on my own. I watched my cousin playing the original for the N64 like 17 years ago. I knew already that this game and series will overwhelm me. However after the years I still had interest in this series and began with ALBW. On the one hand I like games which force me to think, and pretty much each Zelda game has lots of interesting and challenging puzzles so far as I know. But on the other hand I get mad pretty fast, whenever I have the feeling I'm totally lost because this game forces you to do sth. onobvious. Also the case in the series. I got confused when I came close to Gerudo Valley, and suddenly the owl was shown up again. He indirectly instructed me to discover the area and the Hylia Sea, although I still had to visit Zelda in Castle Hyrule. So I discovered the valley... for nothing... except for hearing Gerudo Valley's theme in its original form. Alright, I see. I noticed that the game is made to let the player discover the area, the menu and the battle system more or less by itself. Honestly I found ALBW more beginnerfriendly in this. Ravio was somewhat a tutorial guide and explained the equipping and swapping of weapons explicitly.
  3. My suggestions: Adding vulneraries and status items like antitoxin. Allow to trade among units. Adding rescue, take and drop. Rising of weapon levels. No one shall have default weapon level. Changing weapon weight: Weapons may not have same have might but total different weight. Azel with the fire tome is totally screwed. Also axes and lances must become lighter. A steel lance with 8 weight and a steel axe with 12 is the absolute maximum to tolerate. Adding dark magic user in one of both generations at least. Giving Arden a wyvern to make him finally usable.
  4. Farmer means, the farmer in the Lon-Lon farm? I can't tell about the mentioned games because I've only played ALBW and OoT yet, but in latter I have to equip by clicking in the menu each obtained armory like the Deku Shield. The thing is that I tend to forget it in battles. Happened to me when I had to fight the plants or trees who shoot nuts and I had to reflect them with the Deku shield. It took me almost 30 minutes how to find out how to beat them. Just didn't have the shield equipped. (this wasn't in the Deku Tree, but in the other dungeon next to Link's home). As for the Deku Tree you have to equip it to have access to enter the tree.
  5. The main reason why I gave Meg a low but no awful score of 3 is that her base speed is so low that she'll get doubled and killed by the 12 speed tigers in 1-4. However if you can manage to give her some levels to rise her speed she will do better than Aran in the longrun. Also base Aran can't even take two steel axes and tigers in HM. In 1-4 he'll get doubled by all the cats and all the laguz have a critrate against him. In 1-E he needs at least 13 speed not to get doubled, not guaranteed at all. If he doesn't have the required speed, he maybe can take two steel lances and bows but 16 speed fighters usually kill him. If Meg only had one more base speed in HM, she'd be already more usable than him in the longrun because of her higher speed. I can understand Soul's comment and rating of 6.5. (This is what I would give her in NM.) Her low movement isn't even a large issue since most part 1 are rather small.
  6. Sigh... I hate to see myself three times in a row... but there's no way to prevent it. Anyways Tales of Berseria is out now for the PS4. On friday it'll come out for the PC. For all the people who have started with this game, feel free to share your first impressions. For all the people who still don't know if to buy this game, here's a little review which might help for your decision:
  7. Nolan has 15% less strength growth than Edward and has the same speed growth as him, but 3-4 lower base. Edward does more damage to the enemies than Nolan because he'll double most of the enemies in part 1. With a forged weapon he has no problem to oneround them. Sure, Nolan has more defense and can take two hits (except for steel axes), but he can do less to the enemies than Edward in HM, and so he usually levels lower than Edward does. If you're really lucky with Nolan's strength, he can maybe oneshot a mage. But that's rather unusual. In part 1 in HM both are player phase units for the most part, even Nolan. Nolan suffers the second most of all DB units due to the difficulty jump between normal and hard after Aran. Edward does too in the very early chapters, but it can be easier fixed due to his higher base speed.
  8. Wow, these conversations are really short and end abruptly... because of stupid timezones. @ Breezy Also, sorry when I can't reply at once since my online activity is heavily limited because of technical issues... and timezones. I hope you're doing fine. Playing SMTIV... again after longer break. Have to beat Minotaur. Sigh... it wrecks my party. Why the fuck may bosses attack up to three times in their phase? Retarded! I know it's a thing in other SMT games too, but these bosses couldn't kill 2-3 of my group in one single phase. This boss is just unfair!
  9. Favorite LP? Favorite videogame theme? Are you affected by tornados or even hurricanes recently? (referring to the past few years) Any interesting sights in your home area? Which languages can you speak?
  10. HTML language for using BBcodes. Is the member title a description of your avatar or yourself?
  11. Heh, my next potential word, Xylophone, is already out. N
  12. Caluclating the variance with the variance formula. You need to answer question 3 to fill out all the parameters in the formula to get the result.
  13. classic: Jamke is awesome, even without Ichival. veteran: FE10 Shinon. I have to admit FE10 Rolf can become as amazing as him too, but he needs a few more levels. modern: Can't give an opinion. I really like Setsuna but she's not that great. As for the others I really don't care or know.
  14. I dislike the mechanics in Zelda games too, at least in the 3DS games. Autoequipping apparently doesn't exist and the changing from weapon to weapon isn't very handy for me at all. Furthermore I really dislike the camera angles in OoT. And this game doesn't really give me the hints I'd like to have. These fortune-teller-stones don't help me at all. I still have to visit Princess Zelda in Hyrule Castle right now, but I can't get into it because the guards don't let me pass. For almost two I've not figured out how to get into this fricking castle. Apparently I need bombs to destroy a rock, but I don't own a bomb bag for the bombs and I have no idea where / how to get one. I must admit ALBW was quite enjoyable even for a Zelda-newbie like I was since it was rather short, the puzzles not too hard and the world map not all that huge. Also I forgot to mention Pokémon in general. I really like its gameplay, but I can't stand most of these monsters. I prefer roundbased RPGs I can control humans. Monster Hunter is also a series I'm not interested in at all.
  15. Too bad it doesn't count for your total postcount, so you're not the King of SF. Honestly Idk who the King of SF is atm. Maybe it's still you... Hi probably at the wrong time again
  16. Assassin Marisa fits better to her lower strength growth and her character.
  17. Also most units except for 2-3 are very usable in both generations. It's no problem to share the experience. Having good couples for the second generation and passing the right weapons and items to their children are the most important things a newcomer has to take care of. Furthermore it's really good to know about a few secrets. There are some pairing threads in this section quite lately where you can pick your favorites.
  18. Nintendo gamer were asked if and how many parts of the FE seriesthey have played yet. Here are the results: number of played FE parts number of people 0 10 1 18 2 13 3 22 4 11 5 4 more than 5 2 What is the % rate of people who played not more than three parts? What is the % rate of people who played more two but less than five parts? How many parts have the asked people played in average? Use 6 as part number for the two players. How much does the variance account?
  19. Berseria is out today, and honestly I never ever was as hyped just for watching a LP of a videogame as I am right now. Hopefully people will appreciate this game more than Zestiria, which didn't get the best reviews quite rightly.
  20. The only good thing of this game yet. I never ever thought to hear this song aside of the Smash Bros games. Honestly I wished it was just a wishful thinking because OoT gives me a hard time.
  21. Fennekin and Duoblade Which videogame character does deserve to die the most?
  22. Also if a Makalov theme, then when he got bitchslapped by his sister.
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