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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I'd say Final Fantasy 6. I hate random encounters. The top was one bossfight whose mechanic I never understood... still today. (to be more precise a skill of one of my party members) Anyways never ever will touch a game of this series. The game you needed the longest time to finish? (I didn't mean total playtime but calender days)
  2. ^ Heh... this works too. He just needs the right levels. I've to admit the same mishup with Faval happened to me in my last FE4 run too. Missed despite having the highest possible hitrate he could get. Must be scripted.
  3. I read your tierlist multiple times, and I have to admit I was surprised but also fascinated by some of your vote changes. Even after playing a game for multiple years you still collect new experiences with certain characters a / o change your playstyle, and so you will come to a different opinion. In my early times of FE10 I was totally focussed on the base levels. The runs pretty much turned into Haar, Ike, Shinon, Mia and Laguz royals run at the end. But after a time I also learned to deal with lower leveled units with actual great growth potential like Edward or Rolf. Edward is like Mia, only with the issue for being part of the DB and is so way harder to be trained. Furthermore he has serious competiton with Zihark. Rolf is 12 levels lower than Shinon. Accordingly his bases are worse, and so he can't do too much in earlygame. But he has excellent growthrates. At the end both become equally amazing. In my HM runs I usually bring Rolf instead of Shinon to the endgame because I prefer his better strength growth. Sothe is pretty much the opposite. I loved to use him in my first runs on easy, but after playing in harder difficulties I noticed that he's suffering later on and his usefulness dropped. Thanks for the compliment! I found it fun too althugh it's not over yet. I could refresh my Excel-basics a little bit by this. Also this made me want to do a FE10 run with the worst units of this tierlist. I've played to 1-7 yet (on normal), and I have to say that Meg and Fiona a pretty decent. However Fiona needs really REALLY much babying. The main problem of growth units. ;) I know that beastkiller is only a player phase weapon. (just to equip to a weaker weapon after attacking with him)
  4. Favors the only Pokémon games I've played yet... more or less.
  5. The game you (rage)quitted to play the earliest? FE2 Feels too clunky for me.
  6. Faval is the only one right choice to kill Ishtar in chapter 7 because with his bases he can oneshot her. He just needs accuracy boosts by Seliph, Delmud and Nanna.
  7. ^ Honestly Idk yet which skills to bring to GM's. Fiona does pretty well actually. Also resolve and beastfoe will be defintely kept in Micaiah's team. My plan for part 3 Meg will get cancel and resolve probably. Beastfoe will go to Fiona Sothe will get vantage and adept. Micaiah shall get wrath. => no more room for paragon for the DB If someone has better skill suggestions, then shoot me. Also I have no idea how to train Vika efficiently. [spoiler=1-7] Base Forging Fiona an iron lance:Might: 13 (including +1 might boost for getting the sword card Accuracy: 110 Crit: 15 giving paragon to Sothe increasing support Micaiah x Meg to B buying a bronze knife and iron dagger for Sothe Turn 1 Nolan and Aran shove Micaiah so she can attract the steel lance knights inside the prison. She has resolve so she should be able to dodge the second attack. Sothe weakens the steel lance soldier so Fiona can finish him off. She is in the attack range of a myrm who can double… and crit her. A risk I must take. She has to be trained somehow… right? I ignore the two knights in the south. Tormod’s group shall deal with them. In enemy phase the myrm attacks Fiona as expected. … Of course he crits her to death (5%) with his first attack. She’s a fucking bitch!!! Well, time to try it again! In the second attempt it works. The myrm doesn’t crit. Turn 2 Fiona kills the myrm. Micaiah attracts the steel bow archer. If resolve is activated, she can oneround him. The two knights in the south moved towards me. Idc for them. I press forward towards north to beat the four enemies next to the door. Sothe attracts the hand axe knight. He’ll move, when someone’s in his attack range. As for the other three (two fighters and a myrm), they’ll only move if you're two spaces away from them. The NPCs don’t attack the knights surprisingly. Turn 3 Sothe and Meg kill the axe knight. Micaiah onerounds the steel lance soldier who gaurds the cell. She attracts a fire mage who can’t do shit against her. The steel lance soldier attacks Tormod who gets killed. The fire mage attacks Micaiah and survives with 2 HP left. Tormod’s group moves towards my team – good! Turn 4 Micaiah finishes off the mage. Sothe and Meg kill the hand axe fighter next to the door. The other two will move now. Same goes for another myrm with an iron blade a bit right of this group. Meg does baby damage to the fighter and myrm. Sothe onerounds the iron blade myrm. Micaiah onerounds a wind and fire mage. Turn 5 Meg kills the fighter. I leave the myrm alone. Fiona shall get the kill in the next turn. Sothe recruits Tormod. He’ll be used. And same goes for Vika. I’ll train her by letting her attack untransformed. Micaiah kills the javelin knight. Turn 6 Meg and Fiona kill the myrm. First level up for Fiona: luck, defense and resistance. Disgusting! Micaiah destroys the first door in the north west. She’ll attract a long bow archer who has practially no hit against her. Turn 7 Micaiah oneshots the hand axe fighter guard. Muraim rescues her after that. Sothe opens the cell in the south west. Turn 8 Laura heals Micky so she can’t oneround the long bow archer. She and Fiona kill him. Sothe opens the door in the north. Turn 9 Fiona is placed next to the two mages who block the ledge. At least her resistance is good enough to take two magic shots. She survives with one HP.Turn 10 Reinforcements from the south: Four from the entrance and three from the south. Fiona finishes off the weaken mage and Meg onerounds the other one. Turn 11 Micky and Fiona kill one of the archers next to the boss. Meg pokes one of the reinforcements from the ledge. Turn 12 Four reinforcements next to the boss: two javelin knights and two mages. Micaiah and Tormod kill the knights. Sothe kills one of the mages. The other one is for Fiona in the next turn.Turn 13 Micky and Meg kill the other archer next to Djur. Sothe steals his vulnerary from him. He does a bit damage to him. Turn 14 Tormod and Fiona kill Djur.I only have to beat the other reinforcements and let all prisoners escape. It took me some turns, but it was paid off! Fiona got three really good level ups. Her early level ups were way better than Meg's. Her strength and speed grew very well. I let Vika attack a soldier untransformed. Man, the exp. gain is still super low. She needs to counterattack ten times to get one single level up. This will be a mass later! In turn 21 I can finally seize with Micky. Next chapter will be nasty because of awkward terrain Fiona's not available I guess it'll be more or less a Sothe-Tormod-duo. level ups and turncount
  8. Honestly Sothe's high ranking surprised me a bit. Of course he's fantastic in part 1, but he will fall behind more and more. In part 3 he's still good against the Laguz with the beastkiller, but you have to care much more about him. Units like Nolan, Jill (or even Aran if you can train him) can take two hits by tigers unlike him. In part 4 he can be quite useful in 4-P. But after the promotion in 4-3 is technically screwed by the terrain. It's a chapter for fliers, so Sothe won't get any levels there. At the end he will come to the tower totally underleveled... and that's the reason why I gave Sothe only a 7. (I even weighted his perfomance of part 1 higher than the other two) If he wasn't forced for the endgame, I wouldn't rank his poor performance in the endgame and give him ~8 instead. Personally Shinon's ranking is alright to me (gave him even a higher ranking than average) because he's really great in the early chapters of part 3. However I find the difference between him and Rolf of almost three points is too large, and it's very questionable that he's better than Naesala. I think to lower my vote to 8 and increase Rolf's to 6.5... but it wouldn't change much either.
  9. I closed the poll because I don't expect more people to vote in. Anyways here's the final tierlist (for now): [spoiler=official FE10 tierlist 2017] God-tier (9-10) Haar 9.38 Jill 9.15 Top-tier (8-8.99) Nailah 8.93 Tibarn 8.68 Ike 8.67 Rafiel 8.64 Titania 8.64 Reyson 8.62 Elincia 8.25 Volug 8.14 Shinon 8.08 High-tier (7-7.99) Naesala 7.92 Zihark 7.9 BK 7.9 Nolan 7.79 Mia 7.73 Sothe 7.68 Gatrie 7.38 Oscar 7.33 Caineghis 7.25 Janaff 7.24 Leanne 7.21 Ulkie 7.13 Up-mid-tier (6-6.99) Nephenee 6.97 Marcia 6.7 Micaiah 6.57 Giffca 6.5 Skrimir 6.45 Ranulf 6.21 Edward 6 Aran 6 Mid-tier (5-5.99) Soren 5.95 Mordecai 5.75 Tanith 5.74 Laura 5.68 Boyd 5.6 Kieran 5.57 Brom 5.31 Geoffrey 5.28 Rolf 5.25 Stefan 5.24 Rhys 5.14 Sigrun 5.03 Nasir 5.03 Volke 5.03 Calill 5 Low-mid-tier (4-4.99) Tauroneo 4.93 Muarim 4.88 Heather 4.71 Sanaki 4.66 Mist 4.64 Nealuchi 4.37 Ilyana 4.27 Ena 4.27 Danved 4.12 Makalov 4 Low-tier (2.5-3.99) Lucia 3.88 Leonardo 3.87 Lehran 3.8 Lethe 3.61 Renning 3.53 Tormod 3.52 Pelleas 3.5 Kurthnaga 3.2 Bastian 3.19 Gareth 3.17 Kyze 2.9 Vika 2.66 Bottom-tier (0-2.49) Astrid 2.31 Oliver 2.12 Meg 2 Fiona 1.88 Lyre 1.48 results [spoiler=my first impressions] [spoiler=Ratings I expected] Haar and Jill are the two best units. The worst three places go to Meg, Fiona and Lyre. Poor rating for the mages. None of them except for Micaiah could get >=6. bases > growths Axe users are beloved. Poor rating for most of the Laguz, especially cats and birds. Rafiel is best heron, even if only close ahead of Reyson. [spoiler=Ratings I didn't expect] Zihark is best swordmaster. Nephenee > Marcia Sigrun is only slightly worse than Tanith. Aran is as good as Edward. Leonardo's very low ranking. I expected sth. with a 4 as first number at least. Fell free to complain! I also will rethink all my votings and might change a few. Also you can still change / submit (everyone who hasn't yet) yours too!
  10. What was your first videogame you disliked? cucumbers, beef and some sea fruits The first game I'd introduce my potential child(ren) would be Tetris most likely.
  11. I see. The days of the 3DS are counted anyways when the Switch is out.
  12. Knows he has the luxus for being a laguz royal with the ability to be transformed the entire time.
  13. Thanks! Honestly I don't know any of these games aside of Xenoblade. I can only assume that the N3DS was as "successful" as the Wii U.
  14. Yeah, it's true. That means I could play this and X on the same console - Would be awesome! Furthermore I could play FE10 on the U too since Wii games are compitable. When the Switch is out, the price of the U should go down further. Hmmm.... now... I'm really considering still to buy a U. Edit: I checked out that the Wii U's price is at bottom already (similar to a new 3DS XL (200 €)).
  15. Made me wondering a bit. Actually I was sure that they are a pair. ... Apparently not after reading your quote.
  16. Apparently doesn't like her much. Her Tales of Vesperia LP was pretty damn good.
  17. Will know he's ok, but I prefer his girlfriend more because she's doing a Tales of Symphonia LP atm.
  18. I enjoy Mother 3 so far. I only like round based RPGs without random encounters. Are you sometimes ashamed of ChuggaConroy in some of his single and group projects with NCS and Protonjon?
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