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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I'd have no problem to remove Mia's 10 and Leanne's 0.5. However Lyre's 6 and Anacybele's low rating of the herons were reasoned... so it'd be unfair towards them to ignore their votes (even if you don't agree with them). Well, I'm not complety happy either how the voting went. It was my fault that I didn't make the poll public in the very first voting already. (because of my unknowing) Furthermore it's unfortunate that there are still trolls around in the forum who misused this thread to make fun by shitvoting. It's hard for me to tell what a trollvote is and what not. So that's why I asked you. I'd like to have a result as realistic as possible.
  2. Nintendo only still exists for me because of FE. Well, I have to admit that some really great 3DS exclusive games are out (Devil Survivor, SMT4)... so this argument is invalid actually.
  3. I redid the table. voting results It might look confusing at first sight, but you can use the filter better now to make the table more visuable. Also I asked it already, but no one answered me: Shall I remove Makalov's and Danved's 0? If no one gives me a no, then I'll do it by myself.
  4. Is there any chance that FE Warriors could be released for the 3DS as well like Hyrule Warriors? I don't want to buy a new console for just one interesting game.
  5. Yup, Chad, the African country was the right answer.
  6. C H A _ I I I I I_________ Incorrect letters: E, R
  7. _ H A _ I I I I I_________ Incorrect letters: E, R
  8. Awakening has poor gameplay because the game mechanics are simplified too much. (no ballistas, no long range anima tomes, no magic triangle, awful variety of mission objectives...) This game feels empty and lazily designed to me. Idc for its story, because most stories in FE are mediocre at best (except for Judgral and FE9).
  9. Are you a silent videogamer, or can you blow up sometimes if sth. really bad happens? I'm not sure if this question was returned to me, but anyways... favorite cat breed
  10. _ _ A _ I I I I I_________ Incorrect letters: E, R
  11. I'm only changing the layout of the table. The voting average shall be column header to let sort the results with a filter. Will be done tomorrow.
  12. Although Berseria isn't even out yet in the west, I'm looking forward to a new Tales game already...
  13. Oh my gosh... this theme. Listening to this theme while voiceacting horribly Assnard, Petrine and Burger King (with somewhat Darth Vader voice) was one of the best moments in FE for me. It's really one of the best douche themes in videogames. However not anymore... Farewell FE9... I really loved you... and you'll be in good memory till the end of my life.
  14. I'm going to redo the entire table. Will reverse columns and lines to make better use of the filter and will bring all sheets to one table together. If someone wants to leave votes (who hasn't done yet), then it'd be the best chance to do it now! I cut out BK's 0. Shall I remove Makalov's and Danved's 0 as well?
  15. 1. Favorite videogame theme? 2. Favorite demon in the SMT series? 3. Any game(s) you're looking forward to play soon? 4. Favorite Microsoft Tool? 5. Favorite five things of Canada?
  16. So much I can't stand Camilla's personality and appearance, I'm objective enough to say that she's the probably best unit in Conquest. Unitwise I find Odin awful in Conquest and in Revelations. Joins with low level and wrong growths for his class. Subaki is a serious contender for this "award" too. Worst Appearance: Camilla Character: Idk (don't know that many supports) Unit: Odin
  17. Favorite death sound / jingle in videogames? Idk if this is right. It's a nice sprite. Good work! ... Now I'm surprised.
  18. F Because the person might be foggy. Anyways if it's Foggy Nelson, then it was a complete random shot. Never ever heared of him or her. Can't even tell gender.
  19. Mulan II was quite decent too I have to admit. Anyways, as for me the 90s were Disney's golden Golden Era and nothing will change for me. I'm not really into the animated movies of today. Sure, a few newer Disney movies like Zootopia are still cool, but I miss the nostalgic feeling I had with Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, Mulan... Same goes for the cartoon series btw. The late 80s / early 90s were the best time (DuckTales, Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck...)
  20. Yeah, Taillte is really easy to train with the combo: wrath + paragon scroll + magic ring (the reason why I ranked her much higher than several other units) It's not hard to promote her in the beginning of chapter 4 (after arena). If you want to overkill, then give her the pursuit ring too. That's what I usually do to make Tinny OP.
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