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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Yeah, Leo needs also more love... but Edward even more. I'm going to do a NM run of the ten worst rated units.
  2. You know what? Since my school time I haven't used as much Excel as I'm using right now. And some calculations need even more time and effort than in the uni. lol Also, Edward definitely deserves more love.
  3. Hello people... yeah... it's been a while. both thumbs up
  4. I see the problem right here. You were talking about a "normal" leveled Edward. Also I don't see a support right here. In my runs Edward is normally ~ level 15 at 1-7 mainly because he gained about two levels in 1-4 and 1-5 and 1-6. (Please let us not talk about favoritism again. I think I explained well enough how to level him.) So if we're talking about a level 15 Edward (in my case), he would have +2 more strength and +1 defense. Then let him give A-support with Leonardo: +2 attack and +3 defense So this the current Edward now: Edward lvl 15 (Steel Sword) HP 28, Atk 25, AS 19 DEF 12 (attack + defense support already included) Soldier lvl 14 (Steel Lance, Turn 1, southeast) HP 29, Atk 24, AS 14, DEF 12 Okay, he can't oneround him (I believe a forged iron sword can do +2 more damage than a steel sword, but I'm not sure), but he can take two hits at least.
  5. Don't make me become a shitposter. I could post ten Xillia 2 themes easily right now.
  6. Edward gains experience easier than other DB members in HM, because he can actually oneround several enemies by doubling. His role in HM is the exact opposite as in NM: In NM he's good against axes and in HM he's good against lances. Soldiers do the exact the same damage as in NM and have even worse hit against him due to the disabled weapon triangle. And Edward with support can even take two steel lance soldiers. In 1-5 he can easily oneround all the mages including boss from the ledge and makes your life much easier. Nolan can maybe double in 1-3 in NM with the hand axe because enemy fighters and soldiers have -2 AS (-1 strength and -1 speed), but not in HM anymore... unless you can bring his speed to 13 at the end of 1-2 which is almost impossible without RNG blessing. Edward and Nolan have the exact same speedgrowth, but Edward has the advantage that he has two more base speed and one more chapter to grow in this stat.
  7. Ha, no one's here. I can use this thread for myself all alone and post more stuff.
  8. Since people are posting Xillia 2 videos... I also may share some music from this game: It's good to see that a Xillia 2 Hype is going on atm.
  9. It sounds kinda strange but I'd give Edward more credits in HM than in NM, because other units like Aran or Nolan suffer way more in HM. Aran will have speed trouble for the entire game. Nolan starts to struggle in 1-2 already. As for Edward he needs the strength and speed early on to become usable, but unlike Edward he will have a harder time to get levels because he can't double at all except for priests maybe, if you're lucky. Also his HP and defense growth aren't great. Two steel axes can kill him in 1-3 already, and if he doesn't work on these stats fast, it'll become only worse. (dragon shield as panic button) Then his big trump card (bulkyness) will be gone. Edward will be the only first tier unit besides speed transfer Jill who'll be able to double and oneround most of the enemies in part 1. His perfomance in part 1 is the reason, why I consider him as the second best first tier DB member behind Jill in part 1, even better than Nolan. In part 3-6 and 3-13 it'll change since he can't be used as front unit anymore. However still useful enough with stormsword-wrath-crits. It's the part when Nolan starts to shine. However since part 1 features more chapters, honestly I'd give Edward a higher ranking than Nolan in HM. (I gave both the same rating 7.5) It sounds like that you'd like to leave your votes for both? If so, then tell me the exact number, please. The recruitment shouldn't really influence the rating. Rating an unit just should depend on the unit's usage.
  10. The best DB supports for me: Nolan x Zihark Pretty much default because both need the evasion. Volug x Jill / Sothe Jill needs as much evasion as she can in the beginning of part 3 because she barely will take two hits by the tigers. Also the extra defense will help both. Sothe x Volug can make Sothe much more usable in combat since his defense is bad and needs evasion. Edward x Leonardo Edward needs all the power he can get. With the strength he might oneround some enemies (without the brave sword). And Leonardo's support grants him up to +3 defense which can make it possible to take two hits by certain enemies. Since his affinity doesn't grant him any evasion, an support with an earth unit won't help him much. It'll only screw the earth unit. Micaiah x Sothe / Jill It's a good enough support for both. Both have extra attack and Sothe has quite a bit evasion. But not enough for Sothe in part 3. Jill can up to +15 evasion too, +2 strength and defense. All the stats she needs. Aran x Laura It's the only left support choice. A bit evasion is for Aran quite nice, although not enough.
  11. Skrimir has 26 AS speed. He can double most stuff in the chapter he joins. In 4-3 he only will get doubled by very few swordmasters (most of them have 29 speed), and he can even oneround a few dracos (22-23 speed). He's far away from being slow transformed. As for the endgame his base speed is only bad in the final two maps. Idk how to understand this. You don't know how to get him in the second playthrough, or you just don't feel like to play it?
  12. Favorite demon from Persona / SMT series? shy, serious, friendly, helpful, too biased I agree with Yukari. She's whiny who's only looking for pity about her lost dad. Mitusru might be the stereotype rich girl, but I like her strong will. And she's the most attractive Persona character besides Aigis for me. Rise feels artifical to me. She tries to change her attitude but I don't buy her development. She's still an egocentric an calculated young lady who only wants to attract attention. I really disliked her max rank social link with the proatagonist. However I loved seeing her drunk in the disco.
  13. I just played the chapter to try beating in a somewhat LTC. In turn 9 I defeated all the enemeies in the mansion except for the two warriors and single swordmaster in the closed (!) treasure room at the right of the map. I expected this game would end after defeating the last one, but it didn't. Still had to defeat the three inside the treasure room... and of course reinforcement came... oh well... However it made me to ask this question how to defeat the chapter, if you didn't bring door keys, unlock stave or Heather to the map? In my case Mist had the unlock stave. Does this chapter automatically end after defeating the last one without the possiblity to open the three chest rooms, or is it impossible to beat like the final map in FE5 which requires sth. / so. to open the doors a / o (re)warps? Edit: OMFG! I totally forgot you can attack the doors. Please lock this shit.
  14. Alright, I will remove your vote for Stefan from the poll when I'm going to update the table.
  15. The only issue I had with Xillia 2 was that it featured the probably most silent protagonist... in your first playthrough at least. Otherwise this game is almost perfect. It also features the most adorable videogame animal.
  16. That's not good style. If you have problem with him, then send any other mod (Balcerzak, Eclipse...) a PM and explain your problem with him, instead of blaming people in the public (for no reason yet).
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