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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. If so, then it looks like that it failed. :( Well, FE13 isn't too exciting anyways, so I can understand the cat. Damn, my bias! same here
  2. I chosed a word without the preferred used letters (E, N, R, S)... to make it a bit harder for you. Was almost sucessful. N
  3. Sure, we can discuss how to manage petting and gaming at the same time or the introduction of pets into videogames.
  4. ^ Thanks for the correction. Accidently thought: activation rate of tear (%) = speed Fixed it.
  5. If you call it "favoritism" to make your unit usable in part 3, then yes. Also with "usable", I meant to bring up his speed high enough (24) to double the generics in 3-12. At the end of 3-12 Edward needs 26 speed to double all the Laguz in 3-13. With the tempest blade he can oneround the cats from the ledge easily.
  6. Only clicked on this thread for the kitty... and honestly didn't get disappointed. ADORABLE However the 3DS covered a bit too much of him / her.
  7. I------- I I I \o/ I I________ T _ A T _ I _ I Incorrect letters: E, H, N, O, R, S, U
  8. Most annoying videogame theme? Fire Emblem As for the characters both parts have characters I like and dislike. On the one hand I have to admit I prefer P4's social links with non party members. (Ayame's was really adorable, Ai's was nice too, and the sports mate support (I forgot his name) was a bit sad) Also Adachi is an excellent written for me. Really an asshole you like to HATE! On the other hand Persona 4 features one of my most disliked characters in videogames: Rise Kujikawa
  9. Themes main protagonist of my favorite videogame.
  10. I------- I I I \o I I________ T _ A T _ I _ I Incorrect letters: E, H, N, O, R, S
  11. Added. Naesala Growthrates (%) HP: 40 Strength: 45 Magic: 15 Skill: 30 Speed: 45 Luck: 55 Defense: 15 Resistance: 35 Skill: maelstrom Affinity: darkness Naesala is the „weakest“ Laguz royal because he joins with S-strike. But therefore he’s the fastest. He has 42 base speed and is able to double everything till the end. 42 speed means 21% activation rate of tear – awesome! If he doesn’t reach S-strike till the endgame, he won’t be able to oneround the generals in the endgame. So he must activate tear. He can take a bowgun and crossbow shot. His growthrates are the probably best of all Laguz royals. 8.5 / 10 Skrimir Growthrates (%) HP: 90 Strength: 35 Magic: 5 Skill: 35 Speed: 25 Luck: 20 Defense: 50 Resistance: 5 Skill: provoke, resolve Affinity: fire Skrimir is a lion, and lions have beastly strength and defense. Even his base speed of 26 is great. In 4-P he can double everything except for the warriors and boss. With his 32 defense he’s almost untouchable. In 4-3 he’s not affected by the desert terrain which makes him mobile. Furthermore provoke and resolve are a pretty kick ass skill combination. With doubled speed he can eat literally everything. His growths aren’t too bad, and he could be endgame material… if Giffca and Cain didn’t exist... However in part 4 Skrimir is welcome addition and the probably second most important non royal Laguz after Volug. 7 / 10 Tibarn Growthrates (%) HP: 75 Strength: 55 Magic: 5 Skill: 10 Speed: 20 Luck: 40 Defense: 40 Resistance: 20 Skill: pavise, savior Affinity: heaven Tibarn is like Naesala only a bit better because of having SS-strike, higher movement and higher stats. Plus he has pavise which can make him invulnerable against crossbow users. As Naesala he can take a crossbow and bowgun hit. Tear’s activation rate is 20%. 9 / 10 Pelleas Growthrates (%) HP: 35 Strength: 25 Magic: 55 Skill: 45 Speed: 60 Luck: 40 Defense: 30 Resistance: 45 Affinity: thunder Skill: - Pelleas is like Sanaki, only less usable. He joins still at second tier with respectable bases. He gets neither onerounded, nor oneshotted. His growths are fine, but not spectacular. You really don’t need him in the endgame. Sure, he’s the only potential Belberith user besides Lehran (which requires Pelleas deployment to be able to let bless it), but it has an awful accuracy for being a SS tome. Mages are bad in the game, and since Sanaki is forced (who’s at least useful in the final map), there’s no reason to make your life artifically harder by training another magic user. I don’t deny Pelleas quality as a dark mage, but he joins at a time you really don’t need him except for Fenrir-spamming. He’s just another victim of FE10’s awful availibility and class balance. 3.5 / 10 Stefan Growthrates (%) HP: 55 Strength: 50 Magic: 20 Skill: 60 Speed: 60 Luck: 15 Defense: 40 Resistance: 50 Skill: - Affinity: heaven Stefan’s only purpose: giving the Vague Katti to your party. Seriously he’s not a bad trueblade at all. He comes up with good bases and great growths. All important stats can be maxed, but at this time you’ll have your trueblade already unless you let Edward, Zihark or Mia die. He’s good, but only needed if you don't have a second SS sword user for the endgame. 5 / 10
  12. I------- I I I o I I________ T _ A T _ I _ I Incorrect letters: E, N, O, R, S
  13. Yeah, he felt asleep peacefully. Oh wait... draft... I'll do a draft of all the units who landed in bottom tier in the tierlist. Means Meg x Fiona duo run for the DB.
  14. I------- I I I I I________ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ Incorrect letters: E, O, R, S
  15. This seems to be also a preferred playwise like my post dealt with. Bringing Zihark to level 6-7 at the end of part 1 (I guess he has paragon) means you gave him most of the kills in these chapters, although other units like Jill need them more. In part one he doesn't get all that much experience anyways (10-15). Also, the average stats aren't really an argument pro Zihark. Zihark isn't tanky, just as tanky as Edward. He barely can take two hits in part 3. Tigers almost oneshot him. Zihark points with his earth-affinity. He needs a support with Nolan/Volug/Fiona as quickly as possible to benefit from his affinty. Otherwise... you've Edward II only a bit worse.
  16. In my HM runs Edward normally ends at level 2-3 second tier and Zihark about level 4 at the end of part 1, so both are more or less equal. Zihark is still 1-2 speed points ahead of Edward. Also it hasn't to do anything with favoritism. Edward and Jill are the first units who are promoted simply because they can get the kills and experience the easiest of the "weaker" units. To promote Nolan is way harder since he can't claim as many kills as Edward can (because he can't double). And no, I'm not one of those who use a masterseal on someone at level 10.
  17. Nolan doesn't really start out too well in HM, but ok.. He begins to struggle in the second map already and it's not so easy to give him kills and experience (even with a forged axe).
  18. Didn't check out the thread about this game in this forum. Yeah, I did.
  19. I meant when both are same level, and in the longrun. This is an explanation that Zihark is a better front unit in Edward in part 3 (what I also agreed in my post), but it didn't answer my question why Edward is bad in HM in general. Also as I mentioned 45 avoid sounds amazing at first, but it's still no guarantee that Zihark will dodge everything. In 3-13 with worst biorythm and against the Laguz who have +15 hitrate, he has only +20 evasion. Resolve doesn't have to be triggered. Zihark only will be safe in 3-6 and in 3-12 if each shot will bring him down to resolve mode immediately.
  20. Knows that the western version will come out in about three weeks.
  21. Confused me. Thought you were talking about Berseria.
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