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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. The chance to get strength and speed in one level up is 36%. I have to admit you must be a bit lucky with it. However you still can give him up to five levels in the first three maps. Edward needs 15 speed at the beginning of 1-3 to double everyone except myrms. With his 12 base speed and 60% speed growth he normally can reach the required speed. After that he needs one speed in each chapter still to double most of the opponents. Very possible to realize. Growthrates don't have the highest priority for tierlists. Basestats and usefulness are the most important aspects. Lyre's problems: She's a Laguz. She can't attack in the first turn (except with help of a heron). She's a cat. Cats suffer more with the transformation gauge than any other Laguz. She joins at a time and party you have tons of better units already. If she was part of the DB, she could fulfill a certain purpose (maybe as a dodge tank). Her bases are awful, even transformed. With 22 speed she can double only sages, even they can't be onerounded by her. Her growthrates are pretty much pointless, because it takes forever to reach a level up with a Laguz.
  2. I see. I usually have problems to give Zihark enough levels. At the end of part 3 he mainly is ~ level 10 while Mia's promoted already. I normally power level up Jill in part 3, so that's why Zihark often tends to fall behind.
  3. I normally give the most of the kills in 1-P - 1-2 to give him some levels. Then he has usually the required speed to double, and later with Leonardo's support he might even be able to oneround soldiers and fighters. That's why I would rank him even higher than Nolan in part 1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By3VdhdU6OlxclplZ1M1RmNWS1k Without the outlier, she'd have an average of 0.89. Also you could calculate it for yourself. It's not too hard. It's still basic math.
  4. Zihark's role in the DB is very important in hard mode, yes, but Mia is still the easiest to rise and her growthrates are preferable as well. Even the difference of almost two points between Edward and the mentioned two kinda bothers me. Some people don't give him as many credits as he actually deserves in HM. Zihark's higher strength cap of one doesn't really change anything for me since it's just only one point. Only speed really counts for me. 34 (or 31 in Sanaki's case) is the magic number. That's why Jill > Haar in endgame for me.
  5. Will know the only upcoming PS3 game besides Berseria I'm interested in is Persona 5.
  6. Doesn't have the bad impression I was afraid of, and is correct.
  7. Also the outliers made Zihark > Mia (what I find very surprising), Lyre >1, and Reyson < Ike + Titania. I'll take it, even if some people like me will disagree with that. Anyways there's still one more day to vote, so maybe a little bit will change. Also it's shown that 21 people casted votes, but only 20 voted in total in each poll. Odd... Olivia can do like five damage or something in the chapter she joins - wow! Otherwise she shares the same fate with the herons: She'll get onerounded and oneshotted by everyone as well. (tbf transformed Reyson won't get doubled by several enemies and has a high evasion) Rafiel and Reyson gives you four more kills in one turn possibly. Also no one forces you to place a heron is the attack range of an enemy. Dancers don't exist to be good in combat. Just keep that in mind once for all! stats: Reyson mobility: Reyson because of being able to fly and canto effectiveness: Rafiel, because he's so appreciated in 1-E and endgame. In endgame you need Rafiel to defeat the two long range magic and sleep stave users in the first turn. Same goes for beating Lehran and Ashera in the first turn. Only in E-2 it doesn't really matter since you can defeat Levail and BK without a heron. Just need a sage with 28 speed and meteor / blizzard and Ike with maxed stregth, >=34 speed and hammer.
  8. Knows the hoverboard doesn't cause random encounters unlike sprinting in an enemy in Xillia 2. Also Berseria isn't really too bad.
  9. Knows that terrain affects the player in Berseria's battles. You can actually stuck on trees or rocks. I found it annoying too but realistic at least.
  10. Wanted to play Xillia 2 iirc. How and what's your impression?
  11. What an adorable avatar :)

  12. Knows I am... and hopefully goes for him too.
  13. Have to add a few more: Protonjon (even if he's a bit lazy) The RunawayGuys Lucahjin MasaeAnela MageKnight 404 (mainly his older FE LPs) ShadowofChaos (mainly Tales of stuff; he shall finally continue his Vesperia LP) MarkyJoe (my favorite FE Youtuber) Omegaevolution MasterEnex In terms of FE only MarkyJoe nowadays and MageKnight 404 if I want to watch his LPs of the Judgral parts. I lost a bit the interest in FE LPs. I prefer the good old times without a chat screen, multiple people babbling about side stuff no one cares and the video length of 11 minutes.
  14. Since the poll was made public, I'll accept each vote. Some people just have a different opinion and understanding of the game. This just must be accepted. It's still somewhat a public competiton and not a made tierlist by myself which has to be argued. (At first I was thinking to bring up my own tierlist, but this would cause lots of arguing... and honestly I'm not that good in that. :P)
  15. What makes you so "random"? I'm not following the movie scene enough to give an answer. I rarely watch new movies nowadays.
  16. It depends on the mode you play. On EM / NM you normally can beat the chapters without him, but in hard mode where the Laguz have up to seven more attack power in part 3, Volug is really appreciated. Not only in combat, but also as support because of having earth-affinity. I understand that it's bothering that he needs to use olivi grass in the first two turns, but you still have another units who can take a hit by a tiger. Just block the enemies and use healing items till Volug's transformation gauge is full.
  17. I rate Seliph because he's default. Seliph is meh without and great with horse. I have to say in the beginning he's one of the worse Gen. 2 characters. He has pursuit and access to silver weapons, but nothing else. Other foot units like Larcei or Ulster with their skills can way more stuff than him. He really needs the paragon ring to promote fast. Otherwise he will fall behind... and this isn't nice at all. This happened in my first playthrough. He couldn't even beat the arena and so I had real problems to bring him to level 20. But I learned my lesson and gave the paragon ring to Sigurd at the end of part 1. If he's promoted, he's awesome... but there are still other potential units who are more awesome than him. No, he's not as fantastic as his dad and not even the best unit in Gen. 2. (it's Holsety Arthur) He's only the best against Arvis and in the first segment of the endgame because of Tyrfing. 8.5 / 10
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