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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Is one of the SF members I can't tell the age.
  2. Here's a demo with all the English voices of the party members and a bit more gameplay.
  3. Since I don't know what it is, probably no. What does SSR stand for?
  4. It might sound retarded, but currently SerenesForest is more exhausting and timeconsuming than university. I need more time to update my tierlist with all the rankings and comments than a class lasts and to deepen the learned stuff. I got up at 3:30 AM just because of this list. I expected to finish it till 6 AM before I leave home... but no. Just finished everything after my class. This cost me in total more than 4h today...
  5. Also could we have more riddles for the international public? I think non-Americans don't know that many US-Presidents and Footballers...
  6. First ones? Mia and Jill from FE10. After that... a lot more... Have you ever had a crush in a male fictional character?
  7. I ranked some DB members a bit more exactly. Edward For part 1 I give him a 8. He does his job well enough. He's the only first tier unit besides transfer Jill who can constantly double the opponents. Since it's the part with the most chapters, I weigh it 50%. For part 3 I give him a 6.5. He doesn't serve as a front unit anymore, but still can do great damage to the Laguz with storm sword + wrath. However he lacks on doubling the cats in 3-6 probably. With more speed he should become better in 3-13. Attacking with range from the ledge is the best and only way how to use him. I weigh this part 20%. In part 4 / endgame he'll be left behind probably. He's only really usable in Tibarn's party because of the increased evasion. He'll have serious issues to catch up Mia and Zihark. I give him a 5. Weight 30%. 0.5 * 8 + 0.2 * 6.5 + 0.3 * 5 = 7.05 => 7 Changing to 7. Nolan Unlike Edward he's a different curve in term of usage. He becomes better and better later on. In part 1 he's a good wall in the beginning, but he really needs good levels (strength, speed) early good to become good permantly. He normally should take two hits by everyone except steel axes. Unlike Edward he won't double at all. However he's quite solid: 7. Weight 50% In part 3 he'll become a great front unit thanks to his earth-affinity. He really should have an A-support with Zihark / Volug at the beginning of part 3 to use him as a dodgetank. With the combo beastfoe + crossbow he can oneshout any Laguz. With good leveling he should be able to take two tiger hits in 3-13 at least when Tarvos is equipped. 8 Weight 20% In part 4 it depends on which group you bring him. In Micaiah's group he's almost useless because fliers rule here, while in Elincia's group he'll be invisible. Since 4-4 is another chapter against Laguz you can use the exact same strategy as in part 3.In endgame he's great too. You can bless Tarvos. As for Urvan you'll go for Jill and Haar. 8.5 Weight 30% 0.5 * 7 + 0.2 * 0.8 * 0.3 * 0.85 = 7.65 => 7.5 Keeping 7.5. Sothe He's amazing in part 1. Not more to say. He should be able to double everyone except Jarod and some myrms. Also he'll take two hits in the entire part 1. 9.5 Weight 45% (since he joins a bit later than Edward) In part 3 you will see already that he's going to fall behind the others. He's great with the beastkiller in 3-6 and 3-13, but he's very squishy so you have to equip him to a weaker weapon for enemy phase. He's only good in 3-12, if he has 24 speed. 7 Weight 22.5% In part 4 and especially endgame becomes pretty much useless with his awful growths and caps. In 4-P he can do some stuff, but in 4-3 he'll fall behind levelwise due to the awkward terrain. In the endgame he only really serves for shoving people. I wished he wasn't forced for the endgame and could bring Volke instead. Just a wasted slot. 3 Weight 32.5% 0.45 * 9.5 + 0.225 * 7 + 0.325 * 3 = 6.825 => 7 Changing to 7. Leonardo this I weigh part 1 2/3 and part 3 1/3. In part 4 he's not really usable except in Tibarn's party. He can be quite useful in 4-4. But I don't rank him in this part. 2/3 * 4 + 1/3 * 7 = 5 Keeping 5. Zihark Zihark is great in part 1. Can double everything except for myrms with maxed speed. However unlike Sothe he can't take two hit by everyone. Therefore he has a better evasion thanks to earth affinity. 9 Weight 1/3 In part 3 he'll has the same function as Nolan: Working as dodgetank. However unlike Nolan he never will take two hits by tigers. It's even questionable that he can take two hits by the enemies in 3-12. In 3-13 he's honestly not better than Edward, because he's a safety risk. Even with A-support in earth he's not invincible against the Laguz when he has biorhythm. Also resolve isn't a sure thing, if a cat attacks him first which can't bring him <50% HP, and then a tiger gives him the final blow. I feel more comfortable with Nolan in this chapter. Storm sword / tempest blade wrecking from the center ledge works best for him in this chapter. 7.5 Weight 1/3 In part 4 he belongs to TIbarn's party. The enemies will have no hit against him when has good biorhythm. Since his strength and defense growth aren't great, you'll go for Mia most likely. 8 Weight 1/3. 1/3 * 9 + 1/3 * 7.5 + 1/3 * 8 = 8.17 => 8 Keeping his vote. Also more vote changes: Tauroneo: from 5.5 to 5 Tormod: from 4 to 5. Since I gave Geoffrey a 5, who has pretty much the same issue, it'd be unfair to give Tormod a lower ranking. In 1-8 and 1-E he's great. Oscar: from 7.5 to 7. I give Tanith and him the exact same voting because both have pretty much the same usefulness with(out) transfers. Oscar is more available, but therefore Tanith has more potential in the endgame. Micaiah: from 6 to 6.5 Laura: from 5.5 to 6 Makalov: from 5 to 4.5 His growths are great... but not his bases. And seriously there's not much room to grow for him due to his awful availibility. He'll be totally underleveled when he joins Ike's part. Tibarn: from 9.5 to 9 Naesala: from 9 to 8.5 (honestly I find Nailah the "worst" Laguz royal, but she's usable in part 1 already and is really appreciated for the DB) Leanne: from 7 to 8 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By3VdhdU6OlxclplZ1M1RmNWS1k
  8. If you want to use a masterseal on him at level 10, well then it's very unlikely to see that happen. I feed him with bexp. when he's ~15 level and capped skill and resistance to rise his speed. Just delete your voting and revote for everyone.
  9. If he can't take two hits by tigers in an enemy phase, then equip him to a weaker weapon after he attacked in player phase. Or give him vantage. Added FEF's vote changes and updated the tierlist and tables.
  10. Final Fantasy 6 and the entire series I hate random encounters and one certain bossfight pissed me so off that I stopped with this game. Also the Touhou series because this main games are too fast for me. My reaction time isn't the best anymore. Only still (try to) play it because of the music.
  11. Oliver Growthrates (%) HP: 65 Strength: 55 Magic: 35 Skill: 35 Speed: 45 Luck: 30 Defense: 30 Resistance: 20 Skill: - Affinity: fire Oliver has the silence stave. That’s the only good point about him. He’s absolute waste in the endgame since Micaiah is your rexaura user. Futhermore he’s an easy target for all the opponents with his awful base speed of 20. He has his own battle theme and interesting conversations with the senators in E-1, though. Oh well… Honestly I always steal his silence stave with Heather and kill him. The boss experience is more worth than recruiting him. 1.5 / 10 Bastian Growthrates (%) HP: 20 Strength: 25 Magic: 30 Skill: 70 Speed: 40 Luck: 40 Defense: 25 Resistance: 70 Skill: corrosion Affinity: wind Bastian isn’t quite as useless as Oliver since his bases are a bit better, but still no rival for Soren for being the best wind mage in the game. He can help a bit in 4-5 with his fire magic and recruit Volke. 3.5 / 10 Volke Growthrates (%) HP: 50 Strength: 50 Magic: 5 Skill: 60 Speed: 65 Luck: 20 Defense: 45 Resistance: 15 Skill: stillness Affinity: wind Volke is a really good replacement for Sothe, if you want to have a good user for baselord in the endgame. His bases and growths are great and comes with lethality. Even if you don’t want to bring him to the endgame, he’s excellent in 4-4. Unlike Stefan he has less competition in his class, so he’s a real contender for the endgame. 5 / 10 Giffca Growthrates (%) HP: 40 Strength: 35 Magic: 10 Skill: 35 Speed: 50 Luck: 25 Defense: 30 Resistance: 15 Skill: nullify Affinity: darkness Giffca is Cain, only with the real issue not being transformed all the time. If he’s transformed, he destroys everything. Since he has the same caps as Caineghis he can also oneround an aura with bloodtide and take out Deghinsea in one turn (with Ena and Heron). His only potential weakness, fire magic, is covered by default nullify. However he's only here for five maps. 7 / 10 Caineghis Growthrates (%) HP: 50 Strength: 40 Magic: 10 Skill: 40 Speed: 20 Luck: 40 Defense: 30 Resistance: 10 Skill: fortune Affinity: earth Same what I said about Giffca, only that he’s a Laguz Royal and has five authority stars. Earth-affinity is also nice, but he doesn’t really need that. However Ena for having earth too can benefit from a support with him. He's the best unit stat- and capwise, but I give the both dracos more credits in total than him for being helpful in many more chapters. As for Giffca his low availibility costs him a few points. 8 / 10 I gave him five points because I weighted his performance in part 1 + 3 differently. In part 1 he can't do much at all except for shipping. He can oneshot the peg. knights in 1-6-1 and helps to prepare kills for Edward, Nolan, Jill with the longbow on the ledge in 1-5 and maybe 1-7 and 1-E, but that's all he can do. If you're lucky with his speed, he can maybe double axe cavaliers in 1-6-2. I would give him a 4. In part 3 he can oneshot cats and oneround tigers, if he has at least 15 speed to have 20 with Lugnasadh to double the tigers. Honestly he doesn't even need beastfoe to become useful. A lucky crit can oneround any Laguz, and as a sniper with the Lugnasadh he still has a decent critchance (~20%). In 3-12 he can oneshot the falcon knights and in 3-13 he can oneshot the ravens with the crossbow. I would give him a 7. Since part 1 features more chapters I came to a 5 in total. Leo's good without it, if he has 15 speed to double the tigers with Lugnasadh. He has still has a good critchance. He can oneround them with one crit. Nolan with the crossbow can oneshot the Laguz. (Of course Leo could do it too, but you want to give the exp. to the better units.)
  12. Which El do you like more in Xillia 2? Milla Maxwell Don't like her much in Xillia 1, but became way more interesting in the sequel.
  13. Honestly I focus on giving the kills to Jill and Edward to make them consequently doubling the enemies. I know that Nolan often tends to fall behind a bit... but it mostly works for me. I always ignore Aran because he's a wasted slot for me in HM. He's ok for tanking the cavs. in 1-6-2. That's the only really useful thing he can do. Leonardo is only here for chipping. He doesn't really need too many levels. However 15 speed at the end of part 1 would be quite nice for part 3. That would be my order in NM. In HM it would be for me: Jill, Edward, Nolan, Micaiah, Leonardo, Aran, Meg, Fiona, Ilyana In part 3 I train Nolan more than Edward, and Leonardo more than Micaiah since Micaiah can only mainly gain experience for healing.
  14. If you disappear for like 2/3 of the game and rejoins one chapter before the endgmae totally underleveled like certain three people. (ok, Muarim is alright)
  15. Alright, then he can still oneround the soldier without using an energy drop.
  16. No. Only Meg and Fiona are in. Most of the worst have low availibility or are Laguz.
  17. FE4: Peggies because Gen. 1 has no dracoknight. Altena has Gaé Bolg, but Fee isn't really worse imo. FE5: Tie. Since caps are generic you can fix the stats with the scrolls. FE6: Miledy is the best unit in this game. FE7: Hard mode Heath is great. FE8: Hard. Honestly I find Tana the best flying unit. She's pretty strong too but can dodge much better than Cormag. FE9: Tie. Marcia and Jill are both equally awesome. However Tanith is a really good second peg. knight too. FE10: Jill and Haar are the gods in this game. FE13: Peggies because they promote into dark fliers and learn Galeforce. FE14: Camilla is the best unit in this game.
  18. Till chapter 9: She's a good healer and with resire a better combat unit than her mother. It's possible to do nosferatu-tanking with her. However she's still worse than Arthur, Tinny and Ced. 5 / 10 last chapter segment 11 / 10 I don't think I need to add a reason. She's the ticket to the boss. Otherwise it'll become pretty tedious with Seliph. in total: 6 / 10
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