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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Actually base Mist has one more HP than Rhys and both have the exact same defense. Both can barely take a hit in the beginning. However both will get doubled by most opponents. Edit: Alright
  2. I can only guess how many letters each word has because the lines are very small. Is the number of letters for each word correct? > (2 , 2 , 4 , 3 , 4 , 7) anyways N
  3. P O C A H O N T A S I------- I I I I I____________ Incorrect letters: E, L, M, R Yup! Pocahontas, the Dinsey movie from the 90s, was the wanted answer. Levant may start the next round! PS: Also, I forgot to mention that you may guess before the last letter to save time. Sorry to all people who guessed the answer earlier, but weren't allowed to solve. Will disable this rule when I should do a next turn.
  4. P O C A _ O N T A S I------- I I I I I____________ Incorrect letters: E, L, M, R
  5. _ O _ A _ O N T A S I------- I I I I I____________ Incorrect letters: E, L, M, R
  6. ^ Alright, will change. Sanaki doesn't need any stat boosters. With her base speed she won't be able to double anything in 4-P in hard mode. She only needs the strength for the final map to double the auras, and she doesn't need any energydrops for that. Gareth a / o Ena will give it to her. (if you still worried about her strength, then give her ellight) And I'm pretty sure she'll survive a hit by everyone in 4-P except for the boss and generals. If you give paragon to her, she'll have enough HP to survive a shot in 4-3, enough strength to use Cymbeline without speed penalty and enough speed not to get doubled by anyone in 4-3 except for the swordmasters. Also Pelleas no real endgame material except for Fenrir-spamming in E-3 + E-4 because Belberith is totally inaccurate unless the other SS tomes (for a reason I don't fucking know). Sure, he's the only dark mage in the game, but this game is totally mage-unfriendly. You already stuck with Micaiah and Sanaki, two mages who need tons of babying through the entire game, so there's no real reason to waste more endgame slots with a rather mediocre class. Even Soren isn't really appreciated for me (only bring him to endgame to have a Rexcalibur user). Other units like Soren, Nephenee, Jill... need the master crown way more than Pelleas.
  7. _ O _ A _ O N T A _ I------- I I I I I____________ Incorrect letters: E, L, M, R
  8. _ O _ A _ O _ T A _ I------- I I I I I____________ Incorrect letters: E, L, M, R
  9. Didn't add Rhayader's vote from his comment because he didn't vote in the poll. Also Sanaki is way easier to train than Pelleas. She uses more accurate tomes. You can give her paragon in the first map of part 4 unlike Pelleas who joins after the first turn. 4-P has more friendly terrain than 4-2. Ike Growthrates (%) HP: 65 Strength: 55 Magic: 10 Skill: 60 Speed: 35 Luck: 30 Defense: 40 Resistance: 15 Skill: - Affinity: earth Ike is a bit nerfed growthwise, but he’s still fantastic in FE10 mainly because he starts at high level. With boost in strength and speed he can oneround everything which is not a general or a swordmaster. His two main weaknesses are his low speed and resistance growth. Latter won’t matter later on, because Ike has earth-affinity and will dodge pretty much everything. However his speed can be a serious problem, if he has to survive BK in 3-7. He needs 27 speed at least, what is rather unlikely to get, if he doesn’t have boost in speed. Bexp. might fix this issue. Unlike in FE9 he can use Ragnell for quite a lot of chapters. It makes him pretty much invulnerable against physical weapons. Mages won’t have a chance either, if he has a support in earth. The only reason why he's slightly worse than in FE9 is he's not as balanced as he was in the prequel anymore. Especailly when he doesn't have supports he's very weak against mages. 9 / 10 Mist Growthrates (%): HP: 40 Strength: 25 Magic: 45 Skill: 55 Speed: 50 Luck: 70 Defense: 25 Resistance: 40 Skill: miracle Affinity: water Mist has serious problems in the beginning. She joins with low bases. With her 15 base speed she’ll get doubled by everyone except for generals and mages. However with her decent speed growth it shouldn’t be a problem for her later on. Also her other stats and growths are rather mediocre. She’s awful in combat since magic weapons were removed and she requires Rhys’s mend stave to heal efficiently. She needs tons of babying to become useful later on, what she is when she becomes a troubadour. A mobile healer is very appreciated and sol makes her a lot better in combat. Mist is serious endgame material since she can use a SS sword and her speed cap allows her to double the auras in the final map. She has potential, but most players don’t have the patience with her due to her low base level and stats, and the fact that Elincia exists. 5 / 10 Titania Growthrates (%) HP: 60 Strength: 60 Magic: 15 Skill: 55 Speed: 50 Luck: 40 Defense: 20 Resistance: 30 Skill: counter Affinity: light Titania is the unit with the highest base level. Accordingly her bases are great. Same goes for her growths. Furthermore she’s mounted. She works pretty much as a „Jeigan“. She’s excellent to weak the enemies so lower leveled units can claim the kills. With her 21 base speed she can only oneround some sages, and it won’t change later on because of her low experience gain. She’s still great in part 4 but not the best choiche as your axe user for the engame, because Jill and Haar have better caps than Gold Knights. 8.5 / 10 Soren Growthrates (%) HP: 40 Strength: 25 Magic: 80 Skill: 60 Speed: 35 Luck: 35 Defense: 25 Resistance: 70 Affinity: darkness Skill: adept Soren will be your mage, not because he’s the best in terms of growths or caps, but simply because he’s the easiest one to train. He joins with good bases and has excellent avaialibility. His magic and resistance are really high at cost of his speed. With transfer boosts in magic, speed and resistance you can cap his speed in second tier without much effort and promote him early (what I usually do). Then you have a better stave user than Rhys and early Mist. Free adept is nice, but since it’s based on speed in FE10, other units can make better use of it. No single mage in this game is great because everyone has an issue somewhere, but Soren is the only one you can work with through the entire game without many problems. 6 / 10 Rhys Growthrates (%) HP: 40 Strength: 25 Magic: 65 Skill: 35 Speed: 35 Luck: 60 Defense: 20 Resistance: 75 Skill: - Affinity: fire Rhys is the worst of GM’s. He’s the better healer in the beginning because of his much higher magic. But he shares the same problem with Mist for being very slow. And unlike Mist, Rhys has a low speed growth. He’ll get doubled by everyone, even by generals (!!!). He’s a walking target like Micaiah and Laura in the entire game. Mist will outclass him due to her better speed growth, and Soren anyways if he’s an arch sage. At the latest in 3-4 there’s no room for him anymore. 5 / 10
  10. My fixed votes: Sigurd: from 9.5 to 10 Noish: from 6 to 5 Alec: still 5 Arden: still 2 Lex: still 8 Azel: from 4.5 to 3 Cuan: still 7 Ethlyn: still 8 Finn: from 8.5 to 7.5 Midir: from 7.5 to 7 Ayra: from 9 to 8.5 Dew: from 4.5 to 6 Aideen: from 6 to 7 Jamke: still 8.5 Deidre: from 3 to 2 Holyn: from 8.5 to 7.5 Lachesis: from 8.5 to 8 Beowulf: from 7 to 5.5 Lewyn: from 9 to 8.5 Sylvia: still 9 Fury: still 8 Tiltyu: still 8
  11. ^ That's what I usually do. I pass all the rings from unit to unit, but the success is quite different regarding on the stats and skills of the units. However Tiltyu is way much easier to train than Alec and Noish for me because the combo wrath and thoron gives her kills and levels easily. I have way more issues to train Alec and noish because they don't have special weapons or skills (critical is only good against mages). Alec is pretty weak (even power ring can't really fix it) and Noish doesn't really benefit from pursuit for being so slow.
  12. These votes and comments, lol. If only a vantage scroll existed... she could pretty much solo this game. When I played this game the first time I had also a very low opinion of her... but now... I can make excellent use of her. Could promote her at the beginning of chapter 4 thanks to paragon arena abuse. The only thing is that she needs investment... MUCH investment to become great. However with the investment she's more usable in combat than some mounted units like Alec or Noish who usually only do mediocre damage to the opponents. Even the fact that they're mounted doesn't change anything except that they can take 1-2 more hits... but can't do enough damage. I had a really good Noish in my last run, but this was an absolute exception.
  13. Could check it out to find out who or what it is.
  14. Maybe also can't get enough of Splendid Perfomance of a Spirit.
  15. Tiltyu needs some goodies to become amazing (magic ring, pursuit ring, pargaon ring). With a magic ring she can oneshot pretty much everything in the arena (if she attacks first). She's one of the most enjoyable mages to use in FE for me. Just leave her in wrath-range and she'll destroy. More effective to use than Lewyn before he gets Forseti. Pair her up with Lewyn to have two OP kids. 8 / 10 PS: I'll fix all my votes I have given yet. (tomorrow probably) I'm replaying FE4 right now and I've a different impression of certain units now.
  16. _ O _ A _ O _ T A _ I------- I I I I____________ Incorrect letters: E, L, M
  17. Gheb FE (it's a hack) This hack has no plot and it has some bugs and glitches, but gameplaywise it wasn't as disastrous as most people mentioned. Adding third tier and stealing were really nice features. As for the gameplay I enjoy this hack.
  18. Sure. It's mentioned in the topic post. Also you didn't vote in the poll. I only accept votes from the poll and not from your comments. I clearified it in my topic post once more.
  19. _ O _ A _ O _ _ A _ I I I I I____________ Incorrect letters: E, M
  20. I couldn't pair up Fury, so I had Femina and Hawke. Hawke was pretty damn good all around. Not really worse than Ced in terms of bases. Femina was alright. Her main weakness was that she had no pursuit.
  21. Ike has an autopromotion after chapter 17. [spoiler=About the fight] The reward for beating the boss is a better substitute unit.
  22. _ O _ _ _ O _ _ _ _ I I I I I____________ Incorrect letters: E, M
  23. In my first and only Birthright and Revelations playthrough first tier Sakura capped speed, luck and defense. I used her as wall and dodgetank. If someone says Elise sucks hard, then I could understand it a bit more. She died in my both Conquest runs because she was oneshotted. She had Micaiah- and Laura-syndrom... and really I don't like squishy healers. Thankfully Felicia also exists who does her job as healer not worse. Tomebreaker is so good. Can't say much about Jakob except his magic is lower than's Felcia's and so a worse healer. He's probably better with physical knives. Never really used him in combat. As for the fire shuriken I don't see any other contender aside of Felicia. Note: I usually don't reclass.
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