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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (also second word has >8 letters, but I saw some riddles which didn't fulfill this condition, so I think it should be ok) Hint: movie character (also appears in a videogame)
  2. Fiona has good growths... it's just she joins at a time the enemies will wreck her... in HM at least. Her bases are also not good at all for her level. (8 strength at level 9 is garbage) In EM it's no problem to train her because of doubled experience. In NM she needs starting help in form of a forged lance at least.
  3. yes, look at the Excel-table in the title post (he still got a zero by someone)
  4. I cut down the two zeros for BK as requested. Elincia Growthrates (%) HP: 45 Strength: 65 Magic: 40 Skill: 50 Speed: 70 Luck: 60 Defense: 20 Resistance: 50 Skill: renewal Affinity: heaven Elincia is one of the most improved characters in FE10. She starts third tier with not so great bases for her level but her growthrates are pretty damn great. Furthermore Amiti became much better. It’s basically a silver weapon with brave effect and better accuracy. She can oneround everything in 3-F except for Ludveck (unless stun is activated). Futhermore she can heal from long range. Her only weakness is that she’s off after that till part 4. In part 4 she joins underleveled with a pointless skill. She definitely needs paragon in 4-2 to catch up and become amazing. She can even oneround an inside aura with 2x blood tribe and white pool. Thanks to heaven affinity any A-support gives her a guaranteed hitrate against the auras. Elincia’s not only the best healer in the game, but also an amazing combat unit thanks to Amiti. 9 / 10 Marcia Growthrates (%) HP: 65 Strength: 30 Magic: 20 Skill: 40 Speed: 65 Luck: 50 Defense: 35 Resistance: 35 Skill: - Affinity: fire Marcia took a nerf because Elincia and two the dracoknights became much better while her strength growth became weaker. She has one of the worst strength growths of all the Beorcs who wield physical weapons. So much more she needs a transfer boost in strength at least to become really useful in the beginning already. If she has boosts in strength, skill and speed, she can almost solo 2-2 (I normally give her 90% of the kills) and give her all the levels because she’s the only one of the Crimean Knights who is really worthy to be trained. In 3-9 she can finish this chapter really quicky, if she has 23 strength, maxed speed and the brave lance. Furthermore she can also do a splendid job in the desert map. All in all Marcia isn’t as awesome as she was in FE9, but still pretty good and definitely endgame material. 7.5 / 10
  5. Honestly after finishing the LP I think to play it again because I found out new interesting pairing ideas I want to try out.
  6. That's not Hangman as I know... but I will take it.
  7. G [spoiler=I don't know if I may guess]Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters
  8. Shared Project X Zone music in the General Fire Emblem section.
  9. chapter 26 from PXZ2 What do you think will have Santa Claus for you on Christmas day?
  10. Tbf I was questioning about debating BK as well since he only appears for three chapters in the game and isn't available at the end. But I guess the reason why he's ranked is that he's playable. And in the three chapters he definetly fulfills a certain purpose. Also I'll cut your zero.
  11. I was almost distracted by the Sakura Wars music. Anyways: I prefer units with low bases and good growths than ones with good bases and poor growths. I love purple and each tone of blue and red hair. I don't like green and blonde all that much therefore. I like flying units. I have a favor for Tsunderes and a hate towards Yanderes. I like face details like Haar's and Niles's eyepatch. I prefer educated people. I don't like dumb and awkward characters like Vaike or Nephenee. I also prefer characters who have a bit morale at least. Careless people like Makalov are bottom in my list. I also like selfish units who can deal out verbally like Marcia. The more leg I can see, the better.
  12. Absorbtion Gate from Tales of the Abyss Favorite chapter / map in Project X Zone?
  13. Added all the votes from your comments. This caused a couple of changes: Zihark is ahead of Sothe again. Tauroneo became from E to D-tier. If someone else commented but didn't vote in the polls all the time, then post here with your ratings or send me a PM. I will only take the votes in the poll in account. I only accept votes from your comments, if the poll is passed already.
  14. Did you vote in the poll? Because I don't see yours. If you never ever did it, then I'll add the votes from your comments (except for Tormod + Muarim) in my table.
  15. Favorite dungeon in the Tales series? for a sworduser demong fang center tiger blade steel
  16. Raquesis becomes the best class in the game. Her earlygame is... meh. Not a great healer and combat unit. She needs to use staves in each turn to become level 20 as soon as possible. She should get her promotion at the beginning of chapter 3 at the latest to have less trouble with Eldigan. When she's promoted she's a real be(a)st in combat. Can use everything except for dark tomes so she can't make use advantage of the weapon triangle at any time. Her healing abilities aren't still the best due to her low magic, but she still can use other staves and her mobility will equal Ethlyn's disappearance. Before promotion: 6.5 After promotion: 9.5 In total: 8.5 / 10 (simply because she'll be longer second tier than first tier in Gen. 1)
  17. Favorite monument from the Roman Ancient? personalitywise: Luke gameplaywise: Ludger
  18. Nailah Growthrates (%) HP: 60 Strength: 30 Magic: 15 Skill: 20 Speed: 20 Luck: 45 Defense: 30 Resistance: 30 Skill: guard, glare Affinity: wind Nailah is the very first Laguz royal you get, and Laguz royals are OP in this game. To say it short: She’s a beast. She destroys everything in part 1. Even untransformed she can onerund some knights. She returns in part 4 and even there she literally eats everything. Only the swordmasters in 4-4 survive if she doesn’t activate savage Nevertheless she’s probably the „worst“ Laguz royal in the game because Caineghis is much stronger and Tibarn and Naesala are fliers. Sure, Naesala starts only with S-strike but there are a couple of chapters you to fix it and he has more room to grow for being lower level. In 1-8 she’s really appreciated to save lots of turns and in 1-E you can use her as panic button. Glare is very nice to give some free kills to the other units, but the hitrate is very low. Since her exp. gain is very low till the end and her growthrates aren't good anyways you should only use her if you don't have any other choice. In endgame she's definitely a great choice. She needs only one speed point to double Ashera's aura. 9 / 10 Black Knight No growthrates because already maxed level. Skill: imbue, nihil Affinity: darkness BK is very hard to rank for me since he’s only playable for three maps and is maxed level already. In 1-9 he tries to protect Micaiah somehow. In E-1 you are forced to bring due to story reason. He serves there as a wall and panic button as Nailah. He returns in 3-6 after a few turns where he’s needed the most. He can be placed unequipped on the frontline to block the Laguz. Your allies from the second line (Leonardo, Edward, Micaiah…) can claim some kills easily. In the latter two chapters he mainly serves to protect your allies. He’s not really here to be used in combat unless you have no other choice. unranked Notes: Added Soul's and Eclipse's votes. Cut Vika's ten and one of Rafiel's tens. Also made the current poll public.
  19. Will know my post should just be a little reminder.
  20. I really like it. It's more flexible than in the other parts because you change your party during battles and add non party members. It gives you more lives practically because you can replace a dead unit by a non party member. Really useful. Why did you lose the interest in this series?
  21. If I may be excited, then who or what the final boss will be. (I'm playing this game already) Are you interested in mentioned game?
  22. I'm not a moralizer, but nevertheless I have certain moral values I want to observe for myself. Fondue or Raclette?
  23. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=55439749 any character(s) from Tales of Berseria
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