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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Support Edward with Laura to increase his hit by 15% a / o forge a steel axe for Jill to fix these issues. However a forged steel axe might not be enough for her to oneshot a tiger.
  2. Avatar looks like a more attractive version of FE14 Sakura.
  3. You could also give beastfoe to Edward if you took off his wrath from him and let him attack with range weapons. It's good for everyone who attacks from range or is able to oneshot the Laguz. (Nolan with Tarvos, Jill with Brave Axe). As for Jill simply because she can fly back to a save spot thanks to canto. In 3-13 it's better not to give Beastfoe to Nolan (unless you place him on the center ledge and have allies aroud him) because multiple Laguz can attack him in enemy phase and they have a higher hitchance because they benefit from Ike's three authority stars. It's based on speed and Nolan's speed is pretty good. With the crossbow it'd be a free kill. Of course Zihark's activation rate would be higher but he doesn't really need Vantage at any price if he has the evasion.
  4. Leonardo with a killer bow can't do much since they're nerfed in terms of might in FE10. The only good weapon for him is the Lughnasadh... and the Silencer if you're willing to train him in part 4.
  5. 1. Your waifu of all your waifus? 2. Favorite Tales of game? 3. Favorite videogame theme? 4. Any RPG series you're interested but haven't tried out yet? 5. Why do you give opinions about sth. you haven't even tried out for yourself?
  6. She's good with the killer bow. Adept and Pursuit are very nice skills. Marrying him with Aideen makes a great Lester who also could get a free brave bow. 7,5 / 10
  7. Edward gained an average score of 6,25. Leonardo Growthrates (%) HP: 60 Strength: 40 Magic: 15 Skill: 75 Speed 35 Luck: 65 Defense: 35 Resistance: 55 Skill: cancel Affinity: water It’s unquestionable that Leonardo is one of the worse archers in FE growthwise, even one of the worst. 40% strength and 35% speed growth are just unsatisfying for this class. So don’t expect to see him double much, muss less oneround unless it’s a pegasus knight in 1-6-1. He’s basically just a worse chipper than Micaiah. At least he should be able to take a shot in regular cases. However with his low speed he still can be onerounded by a myrm. Yeah, using him is painful especially in hard. However if you could give him a few levels you might be paid off for this effort. In part 3 he will get the best of Daein’s holy weapons, Lughnasadh. It gives him +5 speed which can completly change his usefulness. A Leonardo with 15 speed at the beginning of part 3 (not impossible to reach) can double the tigers, and with a crit he can even oneround them. Since Ilyana left and Micaiah will be used mainly for healing he’ll be your main range weapon user in part 3. In part 4 he’ll behind again unlike you could somehow promote him to third tier. That's what he needs to become useful in part 4. However there’s no point to bring him to the endgame (even if he could double an aura without a Heron with Lughnasadh) because Shinon and Rolf simply outclass him. He has cancel, the skill, an archer needs the least. His affinity gives him boost in strength and defense. If you want to have more power with range weapons, support him with Micaiah. Or support him with Edward to give him up to +3 defense and make it maybe possible to let him take two hits. He has his uses but only for like 3-4 chapters in the entire game. Having him for chipping with the longbow in 1-5 is also quite nice. 5 / 10 _______________________________________ Nolan Growthrates (%) HP: 60 Strength: 45 Skill: 70 Speed: 60 Luck: 60 Defense: 35 Resistance: 40 Skill: nihil Affinity: earth Nolan is the lifesaver of the DB in the very beginning because in the early chapters he’s the only first tier unit who can take more than one hit in HM. He is a very untypical fighter growthwise. His growths remind pretty much on a myrmidon. He starts with very solid bases. His only handicap is his equippment becuase his steel axe gives him speed penalty. It really matters at the latest in 1-4. If he hasn’t leveled strength, so buy / forge him an iron axe. Anyways he is a bit similar to Edward. His early level ups will decide, if he’ll turn out great or land on the bench. He really needs strength and especially speed in the beginning to become useful later on in HM. In lower modes he normally is amazing, but in HM he needs the speed early on not to land into double-territorry for the opponent. He’s also not the tankiest fighter so he really needs as much evasion as possible. Speaking of evasion: Nolan has the best affinity of the game, earth. Definitely support him with Zihark to make both become dodgetanks. It’s not so likely that his HP and defense (even with Tarvos equipped) will be enough to take two hits by tigers in part 3 so better give him the evasion. Tarvos gives him defense which is very nice because it’s one of his weaker stats. Nihil is a nice skill but he can only benefit from it in endgame. Warrior Nolan can oneshot all the Laguz with the crossbows. Giving him vantage is very recommended. Nolan can become great endgame material and is probably the best fighter after the fighter-twins from FE5, if his early levels work. 7.5 / 10
  8. Would it be ok, if I'm letting you rate two characters in one day from tomorrow on? Since FE10 has a huge number of characters, I'd like to save a little bit time. This is how I'd turn the points into a tier class. 9 - 10 = S 8 - <9 = A 7 - <8 = B 6 - <7 = C 5 - <6 = D 3 - <5 = E 0 - <3 = FAIL
  9. [spoiler=Chapter 9 part 6] Next is to fight an army of cavlary. The paladins wield silver axes, silver blades and silver lances which means they cover all melee weapon types. All the paladins have Adept so be carful. The boss is a mage knight with a droppable tornado tome. He's very powerful and can tworound everyone. He has pursuit. There's a troubadour among them who will heal her allies. The first one is taken out. Finn attracts a couple of them... However his reward is disappointing. The two weaken paladins are finished off. I try to reach the leader in this turn because his allies benefit from his three authority stars. Fee can kill the axe paladin thanks to Adept and gets a great level up. Leaf onerounds this axe cavalier with the brave sword. Now the way to the boss is open. Another crit and a good level up. The rest will be quite easy. With Lene's dance I can kill all the other cavaliers too except for the troubadour. I withstood this storm without problems. Tinni kills the troubadour and can be promoted finally. two pretty uninteresting levels Nanna uses return on Tinni... ... to let her promote to a war mage. She can use swords now. Not that she really needs to. Other units shall use magic swords who can't attack from range. I didn't check out her weapon levels in anima magic. Maybe she can use thoron now. After a few turns of doing absolutely nothing you have to seize this castle. It's guarded by a dark bishop with Fenrir, a long range magic tome... ... so you better want to silence him. Now I can eliminate all the ballistas without any problems. Ares's Mistletainn can oneround the boss without any problems. Delmud and Ares kills the other ballistas to reach level 20. Two promotions are awaiting. Seliph seizes. Lewyn: I guess his stubborn dracoknight pride compels him to fight to the bitter end. And here I was hoping the legendary Arion of Thracia'd be a wiser man than this... Seliph, I hope you understand we can't turn back now. This last battle needs to be fought. Seliph: I don't understand him... Why? Why must Arion insist on fighting such a futile battle... Arion... How can he be so callous? Does he not understand the grief he is inflicting on Altena?! Arion mobilizes his army. About 45 dracos including him have to be beaten now. This is the literally the final part of this chapter. And Lewyn didn't say anything wrong when he said "final battle". Because Arion feels like a "final boss" in this game because he's the toughest boss in the entire game. There are two armies of dracoriders with javelins. Both have a dracoknight (second tier) with a brave lance as leader. They'll move automatically from the beginning. Better have a guard on all seized castles. Arion's army features only promoted ones which wield slim lances and sleep swords. Can be annyoing if you use an unit who has low evasion. There's the hardest boss in the entire game tbh: Arion Arion is difficult and annyoing for these reasons: He carries Gungnir, another legendary weapons which in incredibly powerful and gives him a boost in speed and defense. Physical units can't do shit against him. And Arion can oneshot several units. He has Adept which means instant death for everyone unless one attacked will be dodged. He has five authority stars which give him + 40 hit / evasion and all his allies who are two spaces away from him. He has Nihil so bows don't work on him. He carries the Mircale Band which is the most annoying thing of him. As if his evasion wouldn't be high enough already, he has to get more evasion if he has <=10 HP. When I fought him the first time and he was in "Miracle-zone" he dodged literally every single attack. Here's the best strategy how to beat him: Only use magic against him because physical attacks don't do anything to him. Use an attack which doesn't bring him down under 11 HP, and then finish him off with Forseti. To have good accuaracy against him you'll need Seliph's three authority stars and Nanna's and Delmud's Charisma skill which increase the hit / evasion of each unit of a radius of two spaces by 10%. Thankfully Gungnir is only a melee weapon so Arthur can beat him without taking the risk to die. Patty visits all the villages in this area. Here are the talks from northeast clockwise: Woman: Thracia has many generals in its service, but Lord Hannibal is the most revered of 'em all. The man has devoted nigh on his entire life to the battlefield, so he never found a wife. Mind, twelve years ago or so, he did take in an orphan. He treats the boy as if he's his own flesh and blood. What a wonderful guy! Older woman: King Travant's as heartless as men come, he is. But oddly emough, his two kids, Arion and Altena are the kindest souls you'll ever meet. Like peas in a pod, those two are! Always have been. Oh, I pray nothing ever changes that... Man: It wasn't all that long ago that the region here was under House Leonster's rule. Oh, what a peaceful time that was... As soon as the last war was over, though, the Thracians pounced on us like a starving cat... Young man: General Distler of Luthecia's nothing more than a slimy toady to the king! Useless as he is, he still acts like he's some almighty tyrant... What a foul little man. Obtains in total 25000 gold (5000 per village). Ares's promotion to a paladin. He learned Charge. These dracos are going for the castles. Altena tries to stop their plan. Weakened quite well. Two more units are ready for the promotion. But in Altena's case I don't do it right now because I need her right here. I can take out this little pack. However not everyone could be attracted. A few of them are alive and fly towards the seized casltes. The leader is down. Everyone will be fine, but Hannibal needs support by someone since he doesn't have a 1-2 weapon and isn't able to oneround any of the dracos without the activation of Adept. Ares can leave the castle, attack, ride back and still guard thanks to canto. Tinni... on the other hand... can't. Well, I thought she still could guard after attacking from the castle entrance... but unfortunately she couldn't... which could have fatal consequences for her. She can take two hits by the leader with the brave lance. But none of the generics may hit her. Although it's my second run I'm still not familar with all mechanics of this game. Shameful! Great! Already the first generic hits her. That means she has to dodge the leader once. Second hits too... with 24%... ... and third too... OF COURSE!!! first dodge - WOW!!! ... I didn't expect she would already fall by the generics... but ok. Got hit 4/5 with 24%. Amazing! The castle is taken what doesn't have any consequences right now. I believe only all the units inside the castle would die, but no one was inside when this happened. Of course I replayed. This time I let Tinny on the throne to have better evasion. And again she got hit with abysmal hitrates. The generics didn't even attack her because they had no hitrate against her. This game will take some turns. Also I highly expect she'll survive this time... alright Time to attract the dracoknights and Arion. Here they come! a good and a bad level up for taking out the generics Seliph takes out some dracos and gets more disgusting levels. She has more magic than Tinni. This looks quite good. Only a few generics are left besides Arion. I should be able to take them all out in this turn. This is better but still far away from being good. Four dracos less. Now time to fight Arion: I have to hope he doesn't activate Adept and will bring him down to "miracle-zone" He doesn't thankfully! Lene refreshes... ... so Arthur with Forseti can take him down. He obtains the miracle band. With the right strategy he's easy to beat. Same what happened after Ishtar's defeat: Julius appears by warping and "revives" Arion. He takes him away. More levels for beating all the remaining generics. Ced is warp to this castle to help Hannibal who can't do anything. Nanna returns Lakche to beat this pack faster. The last of the leader is defeated. It'll take a few turns till the others share the same fate. Finally some talks: Altena: I can't thank you enough for all you've done to protect him all these years. Finn:Thank you, my lady, but it is I who owes you an apology. Not once in the past seventeen years did I ever suspect that you yet lived on, let alone just across the border! My failure to search for you is... in excusable... Altena: Sir Finn... Are those tears I see? Why... Why are you crying? Finn: I... My apologies, my lady. You shouldn't have to see me in such a state as this... Altena: Hold a moment... I remember something... Yes, I... I was incredibly fond of you... And I always sought your attention, didn't i? That's right... Sir Finn... Finn: My lady, I... Altena gets +3 HP. Julia: Lord Seliph... Seliph: Is something else? Finn: Er... No, it's nothing... Seliph: Listen, Julia. You've been acting oddly all day. Is something troubling you? Julia: I... All I can feel is dread... I feel as if I'll be torn from you, and we'll never see each other again... I... I'm terrified... Seliph: You've no need to worry, Julia. I swore to you all those months ago that I'll protect you, no matter what. Have faith, Julia. I'll never let you down. Julia: I know... I do believe in you... I'm so sorry, Lord Seliph... I've never been more than a nuisance to you. Seliph: You must be weary. We have been on the march for weeks on end, after all! Listen. Once we're done here, we'll be headed for the free city of Miletos. You can have a nice, long rest there. Oh, that's right! Miletos is famous for its merchants, no? I can take you shopping while we're there. I'll buy you anything you desire. Well, so long as it's not too pricey. Heh... I can only imagine how poorly Lewyn would handle any over-spending! Julia: You would do that... ? Oh, thank you, Lord Seliph... Thank you... Seliph: Is that a little smile I see before me? Heh, now that's more like it! Julia: Lord Seliph... Close your eyes, please. Seliph: Hm? Why do you ask? Julia: I wish to cast a Ward spell upon you... It will help you better resist enemy magic. Seliph: Are you sure, Julia?! Wouldn't the use of such a spell endanger you? Julia: Everything will be alright... I've done naught but take and take so far. All I want is to give something back. Seliph: Julia... Julia: Oh, lords in the heavens above... I implore you, confer your blessing upon Lord Seliph... Seliph gets +3 resistance. Seliph: Your reputation precedes you, General. We've all heared of Thracia's great Shield. That a warrior of your caliber was coerced onto the battlefield by use of hostages... King Travant is an utterly sickening man! Hannibal: Indeed... And a pitiful man, at that. All he has accomplished is shattering any trust his subjects once held in him. The people's heartes can only endure so much abuse before they break... Seliph: If I may, Generaly, would you joins us? To have the power and wisdom of a great general like you would be the finest boon. Hannibal: Very well! If you have a use even for these old bones, Lord Seliph, then you have my fealty. another promotion And with this unnecessary level up I end this chapter. Seliph: The Emperor's son himself? Lewyn: Mm... and you half-brother, at that... Seliph: I can hardly believe we share a mother... Lewyn:And yet you do. Empress Deidre was a talented priestess, and it looks like he inherited her skill with white magic. For Prince Julius, common warping and healing spells are the merest of trifles. He doesn't even need staves! But that's not the whole story, Seliph. Prince Julius's true power comes from something else entirely... Seliph: How do you mean? Lewyn: Loptyr... It's the power of the dark lord. Yeah, I was wrong. It activates at <=10 HP. I only assumed 50% HP because he had way more HP when he dodged all the time although the hitrates were about 60-70%. Yeah, he will be used of course.
  10. Micaiah earned an average score of 6,5 (including the vote of post #25) which is (for me at least) surprisingly good. Not amazing but at least decent. Anyways I'll do a new poll everyday. If someone still wants to vote afterwards, please mention your score in your comment! I'll add your votes in my table and update the average score. #2 Edward Growthrates (%) HP: 85 strength: 60 mag: 5 skill: 65 speed: 60 luck: 50 defense: 35 resistance: 20 personal skill: wrath affinity: light Edward is for me an underrated unit. Many people like to replace him by Zihark when he joins. As for me I find both great in a different way. Edward has great growths for a myrmidon. 60% strength is amazing. However he has one main weakness which disqualifies him for several players: earlygame. In hard mode he can't double everyone even in the prolog already. He has to level speed immediately to double all the bandits in the prolog and the fighters in chapter 1. Furthermore he's forced to level strength and in his first level up to finish off a weaken fighter by Nolan. If he levels neither in his first level... well... then you have already a problem. Edward needs good levels in the beginning so badly to shine. If he does, he really can shine. He's the only first tier unit besides Jill who's able to double some enemies in HM. With good strength and a support with someone who gives him strength (Leonardo, Micaiah) he can even oneround a fighter, archer and soldier. With a decent defense and Leonardo support he might even take two steel lance hits. Wrath is a skill which screws him more. It mainly will kill himself for the most part. He can only really benefit from it in the chapters you fight Laguz. Bring his HP down to wrath-zone and attack with wind edges and storm swords till the rest of the chapter. That's the way how he can get experience. In the other chapters Micaiah will benefit more from this skill. Unfortunately his support doesn't give him any evasion. Of course you could support him with an earth-unit, but honestly they want to have a support who gives them evasion too to take more use of their affinity (other earth-unit or Jill / Aran). Leonardo is Edward's best option because it gives him strength and defense, two important stats for a front unit. Many people tend to bench (even a good Edward) when they get Zihark. In general both are absoulutely usuable, just different. Zihark will become a dodgetank while Edward a powerhouse from range. If you play on EM / NM, Edward doesn't really have all the mentioned problems. 7.5 / 10
  11. Pretty much like Cuan only unpromoted. Instead of Adept he has Pursuit. Furthermore he has Prayer, another very useful skill and makes him an excellent dad mainly for Lachesis. He has good growths which will make him better than Cuan in the long run. The brave lance is great, but I prefer to give it to Erin / Fury. In chapter 7 he serves as a "semi-Jagen" and saves Leif's and Nanna's ass. His biggest plus is that he has the highest availibility of all characters in FE4. 8,5 / 10
  12. That's a good question. Also I was thinking to determine an average stat regarding all three difficulties and with / without transfer boosts. However I'm absolutely open if someone has a better idea. Since there are few characters left before Ilyana, there's still a bit time to think about a concept. Also I have to rethink about the poll voting since I have to update it everyday. (pointless for all the people who want to vote afterwards)
  13. Ilyana is good in HM, if she has transfer boosts in speed at least. With 15 base speed she can double steel axes and lances in 1-3 and some of the tigers in 1-4. It makes it easier to give her experience. But it won't change much that she'll be underleveled when she joins GM's. She also survives Deghinsea with 1 HP, if her HP and defense are maxed and is placed on a cover tile. However E-3 is the only chapter she's really useful.... and Cain and Giffca still can oneround Degh with a Heron's help. Edward can oneround enemies (aside of mages) even in hard mode with Leonardo support and decent strength. With this support he can take even take two hits by steel lance soldiers. Zihark can barely take more than two physical hits in 1-E. Edward with support can become as tanky as him. Oh... shoot.. I forgot that each poll has to be voted. My original plan was to add a poll to each new charcter with my intentention that "new" people still can vote for already discussed characters afterwards. I have to rethink this right now.
  14. Ilyana has a good speed base but she will share the same fate as Micaiah of getting oneshotted. (already in 1-4 by the tigers). Furthermore thunder magic is bad. Weakest anima spell and very inaccurate. You'll rarely see 90% hit on her. You need to forge her a tome to make really useful in part 1. (normally bench her after 1-6-2 even in hard mode) Aran has massive speed problems in hard mode. He needs to level it fast not to get doubled. If he gets doubled... well then his high defense won't save him anymore. Edward is the most underrated unit of FE10 besides Jill imo, but I'll mention it when I'm going to talk about him. Leonardo is a worse chipper than Micaiah in part 1, but Lughnasadh can make him really good in part 3. But it depends a little bit on luck (mainly speed). Also vulneraries heal 20 HP and concoctions 40. You could disarm the BK and Micaiah with resolve (if she's fast enough) can ORKO everyone except for the myrms. After reading all the comments, it might be true. I'll think about my rating once more...
  15. Question you were asked the most? Auto-equipping doesn't exist when I found a new weapon or bought weapons or items in the shop (unless I oversaw it).
  16. Inspired of a similar topic this is an attempt to create a tierlist of the characters from FE10. Every second day I'll name five characters you can rank and comment. Voting rule Please vote in the poll, even if you ranked the unit in your comment. It's much easier for me to visualize. I will accept only the votes from the poll, not from your comments. Exception: If a voting is passed already and you didn't vote, you may rank your units in your comment (or PM me) afterwards. Then I'll add your belayed vote in my table and update my list. Submitted votings via PM will be made public in this thread. Micaiah Growthrates (%): HP: 40 Strength: 15 Magic: 80 Skill: 40 Speed: 35 Luck: 90 Defense: 20 Resistance: 90 Personal skill: sacrifice Affinity: darkness Micaiah is one of the two lords in the game who may not die at any time in the game. Since she's a magic user she's fragile, so fragile that she'll be oneshotted by almost everyone in harder difficulties. Combined with her rather low speed base and growth, she'll become an ultimate walking target. Never place her on the front, otherwise you'll get Game Over over Game Over. However in 1-9 she needs stats to survive. In hard mode she requires at least 13 speed and most likely an angelic robe or draco shield to survive a shot and not to get doubled. That means you are almost forced to invest items in an unit you don't want to. At least resolve could fix her speed issue. So fragile and slow she is, she's still a very powerful unit and an excellent healer in part 3. Thani can oneshot the bosses in 1-2 (you don't have to though), 1-3 and 1-6-2. She needs a bit help to take out the sword armorknight in 1-7. With support she can oneshot each knight of part 1 what is very nice. Otherwise she's can excellent chipper against units with melee weapons. Her affinity is darkness, a semi-usuable one. It gives her attack boost what is very useful and evasion what she doesn't need because you really don't want to send her in any enemy attack ranges unless it's a magic user. However she has a default A-support with Sothe what is very nice in earlygame at least. However you could support Sothe with an earth unit to increase his evasion and to establish a support between Micaiah and someone who gives attack boost like Leonardo. She has sacrifice, a indirect healing skill. Since her HP is very low she can't sacrifice all that much. She's a good contender for using Edward's wrath because she could oneshot everything with a crit in part 1 including Jarod. Resolve works too if her speed is high enough to double with resolve. That means she needs at least 14 speed in HM to double all the generics except for myrms in the endgame of part 1. 6.5 / 10 Tierlist
  17. Because it was about time. Anything you dislike in the Neptunia series?
  18. A mobile but not too amazing healer due to her low magic. However she can be a lifesaver with her return stave and a mounted healer is always welcome, especially in mounted FE like FE4 is. In close combat she's not all that great with her rather low strength and lacking of pursuit but with the light sword she can do tons of damage from range. 8 / 10
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