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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I like Midir x Aideen because it can give Lester the Brave Bow and Pursuit.
  2. Honestly I was a bit shocked and speechless at the first moment when I saw this scene. For me it was a disturbing scene, even for a Tales of game. In general I find Berseria the darkest part of the series I've played yet, at least after playing the earlygame I can say that.
  3. Azel has three main problems for me: non mounted no special tome (unlike Lewyn and Tiltyu) no special skill He has his uses in earlygame because he can double most of the enemies and even oneround in the prologue thanks to continue. However he will fall behind levelwise fast because he can't catch up the others. Even in the arena he's incredibly hard to train because of his bases. Even his restistance is so low that he can't even take two hits by magic users. Another issue is that he starts with the heaviest anima tome so you have to buy wind or thunder to benefit from pursuit. He has continue which makes him a potential average husband for women who don't have it. Pairing him up with Tiltyu and Silvia would make the most sense for their children, but pairing him up with Tiltyu automatically means no access to Forseti in earlygame. All in all it's so effortful to give him kills and the promotion what I haven't could do yet. He's totally outclassed by Lewyn and Tiltyu. 4,5 / 10 Also I don't give any (anti-)bias boosts. All ratings are absolute objective depending on the usefulness in terms of gameplay.
  4. Spared me from guessing who's his current avatar is with his last post.
  5. I don't know if this topic would disqualify FE9's maniac mode since it only exists in JP. If it really does... then... well...
  6. [spoiler=Chapter 6 part 5] Both new allies can talk to Seliph. Arthur: Eh, it was n big deal. Seliph: You are capable of wielding magic, yes? That's truely impressive. I'm almost envious! Arthur: My mother was a talented war-mage... But I've still got a lot to learn myself. Seliph: We all do, do we not? So long as we all fight together, though, perhaps we still truly can change our world. After all, that's waht brought us here today. Arthur: Yeah, you're right... My piwer's at your disposal, sir. I'll give all to aid the cause. I'm glad we could finally meet, Lord Seliph. majestic Two alright levels. All the cavs. are defeated. Only Dannan is left. Looks quite tough at the first sight, but he isn't because he doesn't have a range weapon. It takes a few turns till I reach him... It's ok. She could bring his HP down from 57 to 0. Honestly I didn't even know what was activated (Astra, Charge and Crit in once). She attacked like a dozen times. pretty nice Seizing of Isaach. Elder: Indeed, and ecstatic to see you to boot! Thanks to you, Lord Seliph, we know that at long last, Isaach shall have its freedom! Seliph: Thank you, sir but the effort isn't mine alone. I could never hav come so far without the support of the common man. You've all supported me from the beginning. I likely wouldn't be here if not for you! Elder: Fate is a funny thing, isn't it, sir? Just twenty years ago, our late king had the utmost trust in your grandfather's wisdom. Then your father came to protect Prince Shanan, and now the prince has guided to you to adulthood. Perhaps fate has bound Isaach and Chalpy as one... Seliph: Mm. Isaach is the only home I've ever known, and Prince Shanan is like a brother to me. I pray our friendship lasts the rest of our lives. Elder: Lord Seliph, you are the rightful heir to House Belhalla and the throne to Grannvale. Not a soul alive in Isaach, nor in the rest of the world, can doubt this. We beg of you! Raise the banner of justice high, march on Belhalla and reclaim your true throne! This event triggers a conversation between Julia and Seliph. The gift I was talking about in the previous part. If you visited Castle Sophara, Seliph'd get an Aura tome. Seliph: Excellent! Hopefully you'll now have an easier time protecting yourself in combat. Julia: Thank you, Lord Seliph. Thank you so much... Julia obtains Nosferatu. Nosferatu is a light tome in this game. It's better for Julia than Aura because it doesn't only restore her HP, but it's also much lighter than Aura (weight 20). Childhunting is a serious thing in the Judgral series. Young woman: Thanks to you lot, Isaach's free from the Empire at last, but the rest of the world's still in a really dark place... All across Judgral, they're all waiting for Lord Seliph to rise up and defeat the Empire! Please, I'm begging you... You've gotta make it to Grannvale soon! Obtains 5000 gold. useless Finally time to seize! Lewyn: Yeah... I only just got back now. Look, Seliph. Are you aware that right now, this world's at a critical turning point? Seliph: Hm? No... I'm afraid not. Lewyn: It's been 15 years since Arvis conquered all of Judgral and united it as the Grannvale Empire. Honestly, for a while at first it wasn't all that bad. It's the empire's dawn, Emperor Arvis sought to bind his nation using only the strictures of law. Sure, it was strict and constraining, but we still got a good few years of peace out of it. But obviously he changed his mind. A few years back, as if by magic, the Empire turned into that oppressive force we all know and love today. Even worse... the ancient heretics of the Loptyrian Order have arisen from the shadows once more and raised influence across the land. Their murderous rituals have retunred with them, and all across Judgral they abduct children to sacrifice in droves to resurrect their fell god. All attempts to resist the Empire are crushed and met with brutal executions or enslavement. It couldn't be plainer that they seek to return Judgral to the days of brutal control by that ancient abomination, the Loptyr Empire. Seliph: This cannot be happening! I've heared all the rumors saying the same, but... Never did I think they could be more than rumors... Lewyn: By the look of it, Isaach hasn't had it quite as bad as most. Dannan's two sons, at least, refused to follow through on the child hunts. Of course, there's always been people trying to rebel against the Empire left, right and center, but they were all scattered and disorganized. Before you, none have ever posed a proper threat to the Empire. They were all swiftly crushed before they could so much as blink. Judgral desperately needs a savior. It needs a man to unite behind in the name of liberty. And I'm pretty sure that man is you, Seliph. You're the only one who stands a chance. Seliph: Hold on a moment! Are you sure of this? A savior would require power I sorely lack... Lewyn: Chalk it up to duty, Seliph. You're the eldest child of Empress Deidre... Your destiny is to unite the power of the Crusaders of this era and free the world from this evil grip. Seliph: But... Lewyn: Trust me, you really have what it takes. Your true power and potential sleeps within you: that is, the sacred blood of the Crusader Baldur. Once you get your holy blade, Tyrfing, not even the heavens will be able to stand in your way! Seliph: But I... Lewyn: Sorry, Seliph, but that's how the gods will it. You're Sigurd's son: the son of a man who fate led to a brutal end. The fulfillment of his dying wishes and his final quest falls to you. You can't afford to go doubting yourself now. You understand, Seliph? Seliph: Y-yes... Yes, I do. If this is fate and the will of the gods, then so be it. I will do my duty. Lewyn: There actually isn't a single absolute fate, nor is there just once person it all hinges upon. As obtuse as that sounds, trust me, one day it'll make sense. Sigurd left behind so much to help you on your quest. Most importantly, the many friendships he forged in this life... Me, for instance. Brave youths from all over are already lining up to join your cause, all guided by Sigurd's kindness. Seliph: Mm. My father won the love and trust of so many people, from all walks of life. I can only pray that in time I'll prove my worthiness to his legacy. Lewyn: You'll be fine. Anyway, to business. Our immediate goal now is to reach Leonster. The son of Quan, your father's closest friend, raised his own rebellion only to suffer severe losses. He's in pretty urgent need of backup. I know you've had no time to rest, but we need to get going as soon as possible. For now, at least, we can leave Isaach in the care of its citizens. Odds are we'll run into Prince Shanan on our way. Seliph: Understood! Accidently I forgot to do Fee's conversation with Seliph. I hope it won't hurt me.
  7. [spoiler=Chapter 6 part 4] Lana can talk to Julia. Lana: You know, Lord Seliph's actually really been worrying about you. If there's anything I can do to help you, just let me know and I'll get right on it. Julia: Mm. Thank you... Lana: Oh, and I've got something for you. Julia: This is... A Mend staff? Lana: You can use these, right? Julia: For me? Thank you, Lana. With this... I know I can help everyone. Lana: You're welcome, Julia. Let's give this war our all, together. Julia obtains Mend. Now Julia can do something useful. She'll be able to do more things later on. A formation of axe cavaliers is prepared for the assault. These two groups were green. Now they've turned into red which means trouble. My party will be flanked from two sides. A peggy is arriving who carried a mage. It's Erin daughter... and I'm not sure who Arthur is. Arthur: Er, right. Sorry about that. Say, Fee. I don't have too far to go. If you want, I can just walk from here. Fee: Where are you off to, anyway? Arthur: Oh just Alster. Fee: A-Alster?! Geez, you're dumber than I thought! Alster's waaay south of here. There's an entire sea in the way, for crying out loud. I dunno what you're thinking, but you haven't got a hope in heck of walking the rest of the way there! Arthur: Eh, it's fine. I'm hardly in a hurry. Fee: So, er, why do you need to go to Alster? Since it's his sister she has to be recruitable. Arthur: She and my mom were taken away when I was just a kid. I was sort of left alone in some far corner of Silesse or another. I just heared a rumor, but at this point even a rumor's enough if it means I might find her. Fee: Huh, really? Y'know, I know just what that's like. My big brother's been missing for ages. Both have the same goal: Searching for their sibling. Arthur: Your father, huh? Fee: Yeah, he's been missing for years. Mom spent the rest of her life waiting for him come back, but he never did... Arthur: What happened to her? Fee: She... She's dead. Illness... Arthur: Oh, er... Sorry about that. I shouldn't have brought it up. Fee: It's okay! I mean, you've already brought lots of things that you shouldn't have. Heh, kidding. You're actually not bad. Arthur: Heh heh, thanks. And thanks for giving me a chance and letting me come along. Fee: No problem! So was the sister thing real? Is that actually why you're travelling? Arthur: Yeah, it's real. But what about you? What's your deal? Fee: Actually, I kinda want to join that Isaachian rebel army. When I was little, my mom told me stories about the paladin Sigurd and his brave allies, and those have always meant a lot to me. Lately I've been hearing about how Sigurd's son's somewhere in Isaach, raising a revolution. And it all just sort of clicked, y'know? I knew that's where I need to be, so I just ran right out of home to try and find him. ... And both won't have it... Arthur: Heh! Upbeat as ever, aren't you? Here's Fee, Erin's and Azel's daughter. She comes up with Erin's original equipment and the Berserk edge. This sword can affect Berserk status on the opponent but it's not guaranteed. I don't know on which stat the activation rate is based. Unfortunately she onle inherited continue but that's better than nothing I guess. Her main job is to save the villages with her mobility. This is "Beast" Arthur. You can see on his skills and weapons that he's Lewyn's and Taillte's son. With Forseti he's just a monster who can wreck all the enemies with no matter. Here are the two groups you have to fight now: A group of fighters from the west and a group of axe cavaliers from the south. From the west (Sophara) a group of fighters is coming towards you. Johalva is the leader who has Charge. From the south (Isaach) a group of axe cavaliers is coming. Johan, their leader, has Vantage. Here's the thing: Johan and Johalva are recruitable with Ayra, but you can recruit only one of the brothers. You have to decide. If you have recruited one, the army of the reruited leader will turn into green and fight against the other army. Alternatively you can fight both armies to get the maximum of experience but I'd recommend to get one of these two because more manpower is always nice. The best way to get as much experience as possible is to eliminate the whole army before you recruit their leader. I'm going to recruit Johan simply because he's mounted. Rivough sent also axe cavaliers. All the generics have hand axes which is annoying. The boss has a droppable brave axe. He's really scary because he'll oneround everyone except for Oifey. Thanks to his three authority stars he has a pretty high hitrate. Larcei will attract a few of the cavs. more good levels The fighters decided to go towards Fee and Arthur. Actually not bad because it's the perfect opportunity for Arthur to get some levels . A heartbeat attack so early in this game. Johan's recruitment, a romantic one ... There are better places for love-drivels than here... Johan: I can deny my heart no longer, Larcei. Believe me when I say I've tried! Alas, love is maddening beast at times... What else can I do but be at your side? Men, we are joining the liberation army! From this say on, we are men of honor! Fight on, in the name of justice, love and Larcei! Larcei is so shocked that she doesn't know what to say right now and silences. Johalva feels insulted and betrayed. He'll let out his anger on my army. After one of Dannan's sons is recruited he gives the sign for the axe cavaliers to move. Arthur and Fee manage the Sopharian fighters: meh I was too stingy to let him equip the Forseti. I hope I won't pay for it... Please stay alive! ... deep breathing... unfortunately true... Facepalmcount: 4 ______________________ ... So I had to change to the Forseti heavyheartly. His level up became slightly worse. The NPCs save this village for me. Obtains 4000 gold. I switched to a weaker tome again. Unfortunately I was a fool (again) and switched to wind instead of elwind accidently. Even a wrath-crit can't oneshot these fighters. Whoops... she was in the attack range of one of the fighters. Yeah... this chapter went really badly for me. I had tons of death because my units liked to get hit with 20s and 30s. Furthermore Ulster and Lakche died multiple by the Isaachian axe knights with abysmal hitrates. I had like ten deaths... SAD! I completly changed my playstyle. Arthur is going to solo all the fighters with Forseti while Fee just shall save the villages. Obtains 2500 gold. Johalva challenges Dermott without being successful luckily. The end of Johalva and a bad level as reward. Obtains 3000 gold and a Skill ring (+5 skill). This gambling paid well for me this time! I'm very surprised about his high HP and defense growth because his parents are both mages. Obtains 2000 gold. Obtains 3000 gold. Isaach is conquered by the enemy. It doesn't trigger anything except that the cavs. will go for your units from now on. Arthur kills the guard of Sopharian Castle. Seizing this castle is optional. Seliph doesn't need to seize neither Sophara, nor Isaach. However you should still seize one of the two because Seliph will get a reward for Julia there. I recommend to seize Isaach because this gift is more useful for her. Time to fight the cavs. It was very good that Ayra got the wind sword. This range weapon helps her a daughter A LOT against the hand axe cavs. Oifey attracts the boss. He can survive two hits by his brave axe. However he shouldn't get hit by the generics too often. Erin attracts a couple of them. Again got hit with a poor hitrate. Dodged both attacks - NICE! Fee takes out the weaken axe cavalier. A much better level up than before her death. Lester pokes the boss for a good level. Oifey gets hit twice and obtains a pathetic level. One crit is enough to take him out. She obtains the brave axe. Oifey rides to back to get healing. You can see who her father is. This LP showed impressively that I never ever will do Lex x Aideen in my future playthroughs. I don't need a healer with high defense, but low magic. The worst part is done but Larcei isn't 100% safe because lots of cavaliers can attack her. But Larcei gives a shit to them and gets level over level. Maybe I can promote her in the next chapter already. yes
  8. It's still uncertain. Wanted to celebrate with my relatives but it seems to be that they're going out... so Idk yet. Favorite Christmas dish?
  9. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest 26 Donkey Kong 64 15 Donkey Kong Country Returns 9
  10. Biorhythm was terrible in FE10's hard mode without the weapon triangle. It could even revert the weapon triangle if you fight with an unit (with weapon advantage in easy and normal) who has worst biorhythm against someone with best. Honestly Idc for it but in my eyes biorhythm was just an artifical mechanic to increase the luck factor in this game.
  11. There was no point in Gen.1 Lex stopped being useful. Chapter 4 features lots of mages he can oneround without taking counterdamage. Same goes for chapter 5.
  12. Also I just noticed that I mixed Trails in the Sky with Trails of Cold Steel and turned it into Trails of the Sky. Whoops! Really? Didn't know that. I guess they have to be superrare since I haven't seen a PS3 copy in the internet yet. I'd not have a problem to get an import of TitS if I found one and the price was ok... but playing a new game series in JP... this will become tedious... As for Tales of parts I can do it without any problems since I'm familar with their gameplay.
  13. ^ I know, Estelle Bright. Actually I was interested in TotS... but it didn't come out for the PS3 unfortunately.
  14. [spoiler=Chapter 5 part 5 / The end of Gen. 1] This is the last group of enemies you to have to fight in Gen. 1. Knigths, mercenaries, snipers with silver bows and mages. Lewyn can solo them easily. healer There are some stationary meteor mages on isolated hills. Avoid their attack range or take them out by Erin one by another. Here's the final boss: Reptor. He's the counterpart to Holsety: Mjolnir. He's incredibly powerful and can oneshot some of my units. Again Holesty is the best weapon against him since it has weapon advantage. Also Sigurd with Tyrfing or someone with enough HP and the armorslayer can take him out without many problems. He's very powerful but his defense and resistance aren't good at all. final level ups I accidently place Dew in the attack range of this group. He can survive a hit. I don't even know if they're going to move. Would be easier for me if they did. final conversation Beowulf: Quan's kid's there with Finn. Help 'em out where I can't, yeah? Raquesis: No! You mustn't say such things! If I go to Lenster, you will come with me! Beowulf: Raquesis... I don't think I've done right by ya. Raquesis: W-what? Why...? Beowulf: I knew how ya really felt all along... Raquesis: ... Oh... Beowulf: Look after yourself, Raquesis. This was fun while it lasted. Raquesis: Wait! Beowulf!!! Erin is in the attack range of the first meteor mage and gets hit. The generics didn't move... but what about Reptor? Lewyn checks it out. Bridget will manage the generics. A really risky move I must say... Bridget isn't by far as dodgy as Lewyn. First meteor douche defeated. This is the sign that they're going to move. It happens either if you killed the first meteor mage, or if someone is in Reptor's attack range. I don't know. Woah... the enemy's hitrate is >50%. And there are quite a lot of them who can attack her. Losing someone at the very end would be the last thing I need. And I'm highly sure that I won't be able to bring up Claude to 30000 gold to repair the Valkyria Stave. That means Bridget has to stay alive. CRAP!!! She dodges the fatal hit... but with all her kills... more enemies can attack her. Thank goodness! I don't fucking care that great shield was activated twice. Honestly it would be even better if it was activated on the first general already since this one wouldn't be able to attack her otherwise. Here comes the boss! Here ends the boss! One crit is enough to take him out. Umm... this quote isn't quite... right. Even this translation patch isn't free of mistakes apparently. final level up Gen. 1 If Reptor is fallen, Aida gives the order to her soldiers to retreat. All the generics vanish from the map the moment Reptor is killed and all the meteor mages turn into green NPCs unit. That automatically means you've beaten the first generation of FE4! There's noting to do anymore in this chapter... ... except for Sigurd talking to Aida. Sigurd's wondering about Vel Aida: Lord Arvis has long been aware of your innocence, and was on your side all along. This affair in its entirety was dictated by the whims of Reptor and Langbalt, architects of the conspiracy against you. Lord Arvis was unable to act until now, as the dukes' control of the royal court was simply too powerful to contravene. Sigurd: Is that so... All's well that ends well, then. I can restore my father's good name in the court, and that'll be the end of it. Aida: Indeed. Lord Arvis and His Majesty await your return in Belhalla, Lord Sigurd. The whole business stinks! Aida: I hear that Lord Arvis arranged a ceremonical reception for you with the entirety of the Belhalla royal guard. Quite the magnicifent celebration of your glorius return is in order today, it seems. Sigurd: Thank you. After all that's happened the past few years, this ought to be a fitting conclusion. Once we're done I should look into getting my allies some compensation for their help. They certainly deserve it after all this! Aida: Indeed, sir... The royal court of Belhalla awaits the hero. ... But not to celebrate them. Arvis: Alas, His Majesty is take severly ill. He has become permanently bedridden. As such I am administering all affairs of state on his behalf for the time being. Sigurd: Is that so? I'm sorry to hear that. I bet my misadventures didn't exactly help His Majesty feel any better. Once we're finished here, I should visit the palace and give him my sincerest apologies. ... ooohhhh? ... It was just a trap! A DEATH TRAP!!! Arvis: He... You are only realizing now? You are far too naive, Sigurd. Need I remind you that you and your father still sought to usurp the throne and plotted against the crown? Nothing has changed. Now he knows the truth about Arvis's relationship with her. Arvis: Ah, of course. You've never met, correct? Very well. I suppose an introduction would be a fair parting gift before your demise. Come, Deidre! Greet our guests! Here she comes. Actually someone has to bring her here. Sigurd: Deidre?! No... This can't be happening... Deidre: Why? Why are you speaking like this? Sigurd: Deidre! It really is you! No... No, no, no... Deidre: Do... Do you know me, sir? Arvis interrupts Sigurd at the "right" time not to bring her the memories back somehow. She's taken back to the castle. Sigurd's final words The green units became red. A meteor storm hits my team... ... while Arvis kills Sigurd. This is the very sad and depressing end of Generation 1. Each character is mentioned in the epilogue: I screwed up right here and didn't catch Noish's portrait. Alec's the worst cavalier in the game. Pursuit can't compensate his low strength. Even his other stats aren't amazing at all. Okay for the first two chapters, garbage later on. 5 / 10 Noish in this run was actually pretty good, much better than normal. His skill and speed grew suprisingly well. By giving him the Pursuit and Speed ring he was even able to double enemies. Normally 6 / 10 but in this run 8 / 10. Arden's main purpose was to sit on the throne... and... oh... I almost forgot... to find the pursuit ring. 2 / 10 Lex with the Brave Axe and Paragon is great. He can easily get levels and oneround mages without taking counterdamage. His two skills make him to one of the most favored dads in this game. Unfortunately he got the probably worst wife he could get (Aideen) because her children won't benefit much from Paragon and Vantage at all. 8 / 10 Azel is unquestionable the worst mage in the game. Pursuit is nice but he has no personal tome like Taillte and Lewyn and his awful movement screws him. He was fallen back so badly that he couldn't even used in the arena anymore. I guess it was all my fault. 5,5 / 10 Ayra is a great offensive unit thanks to Brave Sword and Astra and a good bosskiller thanks to Nihil. Her skills make her the best mommy in the game and her children broken. 8,75 / 10 Aideen mainly serves as healer. Her combat abilities are really limited due to her lacking of any skills. 7 / 10 Midir couldn't be promoted but that doesn't mean that he's so bad. Statwise and weaponwise he'll get outclassed by Jamke and Bridget. But with giving him the killer bow or giving him access to use the brave bow by marrying him with Aideen, he can become a decent bow user. 7 / 10 Jamke is for me the best archer in the FE series, tied with FE10 Shinon. He comes up with two great skills and the killer bow which is super accurate. And his growths were really good for a Gen. 1 unit. His strength, speed and even defense growth were great. I find Jamke with killer bow even better than Bridget with Ichival just because of his high accuracy. 8,5 / 10 She has the best class combined with the worst growths. At least in this LP she had the worst growths of all my units. Nevertheless her weapon flexibilty and her ability to use silver weapons make her automatically great. 8,5 / 10 Beowulf is by far better than Alec due to his higher strength and speed growth. His only real weakness is that he can use only swords. 7,5 / 10 Holyn is actually really good. Luna is an excellent skill to fight armor knights. He's not as dodgy as Ayra but still a good 8 / 10 He can steal, that's it. ... And he has to repair the bridge in chapter 4. An awful combat unit but he should be used nevertheless if you can. 7 / 10 He's like Speedy Gonzales and has Holsety. 9 / 10 (He'd get 10/10 if he had pursuit.) Erin was pretty tanky at cost of strength in the beginning. Her flying abilites are more than welcome. With the brave lance equipped, she's really good. Also a good user of magic weapons. 8 / 10 She can refresh four units which is great. She doesn't exist to be used in combat. 8 / 10 Claude can revive, that's it. 7 / 10 Taillte is a really good mage because of her personal tome, thoron. Combined with wrath she can turn into a killing machine. However don't place her in enemy attack ranges. 8 / 10 She's a worse sniper than Jamke. Ichival isn't even too amazing since it's heavy and rather inaccurate. 8 / 10 Only their name and status are mentioned. Of course this game can't end as depressing as here. Gen. 2 will have a much better ending! Promised! Next time a new journey with tons of new and a few familar characters will begin...
  15. Woah... after reading the comment about Berseria for the first moment I read this... ... and was thinking. What? Tales protagonist in your dreams? Also Laphicet is adorable... but Eizen is MAH BRO!
  16. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest 24 Donkey Kong 64 15 Donkey Kong Country Returns 13
  17. There are three points why I dislike this pairing: Paragon on a bow user doesn't work well. It works better on a dodgetank or wall who attacks / gets attacked much. I like it to see paragon on Lakche the most. Lana gets experience easily by stave spamming. Lana wants to have a father which gives her magic or at least a speed boost. Oh yeah, that's true. Tiltyu with vantage + wrath is amazing.
  18. If he has the Brave Axe, he's great. If not, he's very mediocre, in a niveau of Alec and Noish. Anyways I rate him with the Brave Axe. He can take out mages without taking counterdamage which is great. Thanks to his excellent defense he serves as a good wall. He has two excellent skills although he can only benefit from paragon. This skill makes it easy to give him levels. Vantage doesn't help him much because he can't oneround 95% of the enemies with melee range weapons (unless you give him pursuit and a speed ring). However it's a very good skill for Ayra's children for example. Pairing up with Ayra is probably the best choiche because his strength and her speed are a welcome addition for their children. Lex is one of the best fathers in the game. He's good for pretty much everyone except Aideen. (ironically it's the support I had to do in my FE4 run... but oh well...) 8/10
  19. I hope you didn't take it as an insult. Honestly I wished I was as good in shitposting some other people here. Anyways I've reached my personal limit in posting in this thread for the next six months already... so see ya... sometime in 2017...
  20. I pet a sick one for a couple of days and I can imagine to do it again if I found one outside. What do you think of hedgehogs in videogames?
  21. I was curious and checked it out. Result: Twice as much posts as the second person. Good job, Vincent! You're the born shitposter. However it's known that records are made to be broken. ... It doesn't mean that I want to become a new #1 here.
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