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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Sry, if I sounded like that FF is already dead.
  2. same here till a year ago Sophia tried to introduce me into FF6 last year........... with the pronounciation in "tried". I couldn't get into it, because the random encounters and one certain bossfight pissed me off. Don't have any interest to play an other game of this franchise. Went for Mother 3 instead what I'm enjoying much more right now. However story in the FF series seem to be very good from what I've heared and seen yet. PS: I know now that random encounters are a part of old school RPGs, but I still hate this feature and it daunts me to play games with this mechanic, even Tales of Phantasia.
  3. The replayability is the only weakness of a stealth mission, because after playing the first time you know exactly what to do in the second run since you're not affected by the RNG. Only a different A.I. of the opponent could change the gameplay of the stealth mission in future runs. But I still defend my point to see at least one stealth mission in future FE games / hacks. It forces me to think contrary than usual.
  4. Fire Emblem is a series which requires strategical thought from someone. I don't think it's a mess to expect to see this mission objective in a FE game with this condition. FE has the objective you have to beat all the enemies, so why not adding an objective you're forced to let everyone alive / avoid them?
  5. As for player phase I like chapter 3's theme the most (idr its name). Edit: I'm stupid, was already mentioned in the title. As for enemy phase:
  6. Lives in the Canadian province with the second largest population. In term we can talk to you, if someone has a problem.
  7. Midnight Sun's stealth mission was a superb example how a stealth mission has to be, even if it was a bit too complicated with visiting all the villages in the right order. A stealth mission is only a real stealth mission for me, if you must avoid the enemy. If you're in the attack range of an opponent, the consequence must be Game Over.
  8. Lives in the Canadian province with one of the best Formula 1 circuits.
  9. Name of his avi isn't mentioned in his claims... as far as I can see. Fact still applies.
  10. I don't like grinding at all. Do you prefer RPGs you can control humans or rather control creatures like Pokémon?
  11. Favorite videogame animal? Was a good and cute addition. However very hard to find all items of a place. (only got all items in Duval yet)
  12. I completed Gheb-FE, and I have to say it would be a great hack gameplaywise, it it wasn't designed so careless in some points. It had some cool ideas like stealing or third tier class, but all the bugs and glitches dropped the fun. I even had to replay an entire chapter because the game was frozen. Also the balance of the classes and units is stupid. But all in all it's not the worst FE game / hack I've played yet. I even tend to replay it on hard mode.
  13. Knows this chapter wasn't played too strategical.
  14. Will know it was my own fault to send him the fanart.
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