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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I'm open for any new (American) food, even if it's junk food. Might try them out, if I find them in a store. I doubt that cheetos are popular in GER, so I guess I have to go to a store with International food.
  2. Oh, I see. Just like cheese puffs. Sounds delicious, if they really taste...... unlike in your case unfortunately. *pats
  3. I know that romhacks are kinda disqualified... but they still belong to FE somewhat. [spoiler=Gheb FE]
  4. Eirika's route has better plot while Ephraim's route has more challenging and interesting map design. Also I mainly go for Eirika's route because of Joshua's and Cormag's special conversation with Caellach and Valter and the fact that she needs more training than Ephraim. Even an untrained Ephraim can catch up fast and easily in chapter 15.
  5. What are cheetos exactly? Somewhat similar to peanut puffs? If the bag was opened already, then it's not surprising that they don't taste anymore after a few hours. If the bag was unused, then you were really unlucky.
  6. If I'm in a hurry, yes. (crossing red traffic lights, if the road is clear) Have you ever got a motoring fine?
  7. The total of all the numbers in his sig. is 91. crap My plan of having an avi no one knows has failed already.
  8. I'm wondering about all these complaints about FE10's voiceacting. I only found Mist's and Rolf's bad, but the others were fine; Shinon's and Zelgius's were great.
  9. Member title includes one word three times and three dots.
  10. I don't think so either. There are too many burdens to realize this "project". It was rather just bigmouthing by this jerk to manipulate the people.
  11. Yes, Ike's and Mist's voice in the cutscene before the prologue and in the scene when Serenes Forest was restored.
  12. Favorite Linkin Park album? If their price is reduced... then... maybe.
  13. I don't see a point of buying the arms scroll since you have discipline you can pass around and multiple hidden arms scrolls you can get in part 1. I always would go for the status boosts, if I have the money. The iron long bow has actually uses in chapters with ledges (1-5, 1-7, 1-F) despite Leonardo's attack speed is screwed. In 1-5 most enemies can't be onerounded by anyone aside of Sothe except for the fire mages. However with Leonardo's long bow and someone else you can kill pretty much each enemy on the ledge. I guess Aran has the discipline scroll currently, right? Because he wants to use Tauroneo's silver lance early on. The others won't have issues with their weapon level.
  14. Ike's behavior towards Sanaki when he met her the first time in temple Mainal. Camilla in general Vaike in general the variety of different mission objectives in FE13
  15. the castle theme from Super Mario World Do you enjoy listening to orchestral remixes of videogames?
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