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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. That's the problem if you like too many things at the same time. I know this feeling, man. ;) Changing my avatars like each week because there are too many I want to use.
  2. Oh... what a coincidence *probably not Yeah, that's the problem when you have like 10 good images and you need almost 30 minutes to decide for one. Life can be hard. Also I hope my images have your approval. Took me long enough.
  3. I'm thinking about a NEP avi... but I don't know who to choose. Yeah, opinions are opinions. Bringing multi-culture to everyone is one of the hardest tasks in the world society.
  4. It's true, especially if people spread sth. wrong. I just feel a bit like a smart-ass when I post sth. serious here. It's a common problem, not only in the US.
  5. Proves would interest me. Also mainly the Muslim women are disadvantaged. Of course no Central African woman is safe from any terror group like Boko Haram. Sry for being political right here in this chat... but this post really forced me to it.
  6. It's a current trend you see in some (important) countries: The majority of the population in a country is unstatisfied with the work of the current government. The consequence is that more and more small right populistic parties take the chance to get this target group - with success! With "big" speeches they badmouth the current government and promise improvement, a politics mainly for the home population. Foreigners will be discredit for the most part. Economically and socially the country isolates more and less with dramatical consequences (like Brexit). The causes are hard to determine: Economically the collapse of Greece made lots of people to wish their country to leave the EU. But it's only a very little argument. Socially the refugee politics spilts the people: Many people are afraid of over-emigration and disassociation. results: Brexit Trump became US president Viktor Orban, president of Hungary Austria almost voted for a right populist as Federal Chancellor some other countries like France or Netherlands could have a right populistic government in the future because their approval rises Trump's success will decide about the future. If he can prove himself, the right populism will grow up even faster and affect other countries. What's your opinion of it? Are you a bit afraid of the cohabitation in the entire world?
  7. That's exactly why I discredit the presidental elector system. It doesn't count with how much lead you win a state. You can still lose if you have the actual majority of the total of votes. That's undemocratic! It has to be abolished to have clearer majorities. It also would save lots of time for the counting. Each person votes directly the canditate - state independent.
  8. My opinion is quite short: Abolish DP (because it's nothing else than murder to me) and let terrorists suffer in isolation till the rest of their life. As for murder pretty much the same... but after 25-30 years you can think of reprieve.
  9. Also I just read that Hillary had more votes in total than Trump. * tears US election system
  10. Has best waifu from the Project X Zone series as his avatar.
  11. ... But learning rhetoric is important too.
  12. ... But learning rhetoric is important too.
  13. Alright, thanks! At least it didn't happen I was afraid of.
  14. Trump is a great rhetorician The skill how he could win the election.
  15. what the fuck!? This have nothing to do with democracy and equality. Another reason why the US isn't great. Also it would interest me, if Hillary got more votes in total than Trump.
  16. A country where multiple millions of people have no health insurance can't be a great country.
  17. My post is stolen. Also Game Over, US.
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