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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I never would have thought to regret the choice for a theme.............. but as for the NEP one I really do right now,
  2. But you do the exact same joke all the time. It's ok... I forgive you this one time!
  3. I did it with FE13 all the time... and I really regret it and feel sorry for all people who were annoyed by my antibias. Everyone has own interests and favors and they should be respected.
  4. @Sophie Sorry, if I sounded really offended..... but I got a bit sick what's going on in the forum lately. Please don't keep my post too personal. You're not the only one who does it.
  5. You make me cry! Seriously I get tired of anitbiasing things just to take the fun of someone who might like it. I also stopped with shitting about FE13 and things I haven't even tried out yet because there are lots of people who actually enjoy them. Sure, opinions are opinions... but whining and badtalking just because someone plays a game you don't like, is pretty cheap. Four is pretty much the magic number here. There are lots of other people who quit this game at this point for an understandable reason.
  6. Chapter 9 part 2 Alright, thanks. Never read it, so I never heared of it. I searched for a few other words without getting a result. Apparently these are just self-created words. I never ever had it. After watching an other LP I know what it that is: It's a lance Gheb got in the prolog for Amelia. But apparently I'm playing a different hack version (Idk which one because a friend of mine sent me the patch).
  7. The A.I. behavior in normal and hard is always the same. The boss only moves, if someone attacked him before / he attacked someone.
  8. Uses my sig. and desktop backround as his avi.
  9. Knows I really consider to do it. Umm... why is a replica here? What have I just done?
  10. neither Do you prefer to do male activities (handcraft) or female activities (cooking, cleaning)?
  11. beef Any food whose smell you find disgusting, but it's still tasty for you?
  12. Heather also appears in an other hack, A Sacred Dawn. also a pegasus knight
  13. Will know I'd rather buy the Wii version because it's easier to get, so more favorable.
  14. Explained me very detailed the differences of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess between the GC/ Wii and Wii U version. I appreciate your answer... but I'm afraid of it's not enough to convince me to buy this console. Sorry! If a regular FE and / or Tales of game was planned for the Wii U... then I might rethink my decision.
  15. Normally I don't watch video LPs anymore nowadays because of my limited internet capacity... but for FE10... I must do an exception right here. I might watch only small parts later on, if the length of the episode becomes too long.
  16. In FE4 an unit always does at least one damage, even if the attack power is equal or less than the defense of the opponent... unless you have a glitched rom or sth.
  17. Knows more than I do. I'm neutral towards Zelda. If I wanted to play them, I still could get the GC / Wii version to play it on my Wii. I don't waste my money for a videogame console, if there are only like 2-3 interesting games are out (which is the case for the Wii U). I'm into (J)RPGs, and the latest stationary Nintendo consoles don't offer all that many games of this genre unfortunately (for the Wii I could count them on a single hand).
  18. Interested in FE14 characters, surprisingly.
  19. Recently started a thread about the death penalty.
  20. What mean DM and BTS? (I have an idea what DM stands for, but I know it rather under a different abbreviation) LPs, classic cartoon series, documentaries
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