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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. What would be the first song you want to play on a piano (if you could play it)? Watched someone's playing it which caught my interest.
  2. Have you been in a musical concert yet, and if so, what was your favorite? I don't like any type of beef.
  3. NEP everywhere Maybe someone should rename this thread into NEP-thread?
  4. What's your favorite system how weapon weight is handled? A short explanation of the given choices: build The build stats affects the attack speed of each unit. It's a gainable stat. It mainly depends on the gender and class. Men and tanky classes like brigands have higher base build and growth than females, but scrolls can fix this issue. constitution Constitution is a fixed stat which only can be increased by a class change. As for build it mainly depends on the gender and class. Men and tanky classes can use heavier weapons than fragile classes in the entire game. strength A similar system to build, only that strength is the buffer here. In the Tellius games it only really matters in early game. After a while the units have the required strength to use all the weapons without speed penalty. However mages will have issues to use heavier tomes. Especially bad in FE11 since magic users don't have a strength growth. fixed (de)buff In FE14 some weapons give you a speed boost / penalty. For example javelins give you -5 speed. It goes for all. no buffer The weapon weight will be reduced from the speed, so negative speed is a thing here.
  5. That's how I saw it after all....... but I'm pretty sure that he wasn't kidding. He's just complaining that I still live at home with him (not long anymore thankfully) and go on his nerves (what I actually don't really do, but oh well). I mean it's his own fault that he even got me, so he should whine about himself.
  6. Seriously this was my reaction too. I just looked at his face with my large eyes... without knowing what to say right now. ... After five seconds I went to my room and started to laugh.
  7. Wouldn't you feel at least a bit insulted, if you heared of your own parent you were just an accident?
  8. Time for a little anecdote: I visted my cousin after a loooooonnng time who became daddy this year. I wanted to see his little daughter. She was so adorable! Smiling and laughing at me all the time when I patted and hold her for a very short moment. A true piece of gold. When I came back home and told my dad how adorable she is he asked me, if I want to have any kid(s) in the future? Me: I don't want to have any kids... and my girlfriend doesn't either. My dad: Sometimes it just happens suddenly. You weren't planned either. Me: ......... (Why the fuck are you telling me this?!? Do you want to puke on me just because you were unable to prevent?)
  9. In hard mode it'd hurt a bit because you want to have one for Jill. But in NM she doesn't really need one since she can survive two physical hits. Rafiel's angelic robe comes in time for Micky in 1-9. (if she still shouldn't have enough HP a/o defense to survive a shot)
  10. Chapter 11 part 1 [spoiler=It's true that he's not permamently member in your team.]He's not available in chapter 12, but returns in 13 with different stats and equipment again.
  11. Here, getting some Noire for changing your avi: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56588355 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53733727 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56274561&uarea=recommend_on_member_illust If from the Neptunia series
  12. A morning without nutella is a bad morning for me. Honestly Bamco is the main reason why I switched to Sony console(s). When I have Berseria, then I own all possible Tales of parts for the PS3. Proud! And yeah, I haven't heared of a translation patch for Bersy yet and I highly doubt that one will be released (unlike Vesperia) since it's coming out for an other Sony console already.
  13. Didn't you point out the subjunctive in my post? If not, then sorry for my poor English. No, ToB won't come out for the PS3 in English. But if it really was, then I'd wait till the western release date.
  14. Also I'd have waited till the date of release, if this game had been released for the PS3 in the west too. Thanks Namco! A game is more enjoyable, if you understand the language. Anyways I had fun with Vesperia without understanding anything, so hopefully same goes for Bersy.
  15. Most endgame maps are bossfocussed unfortunately, and if not, they tend to be warpchain-festivals. I prefer a mix of both. FE7 did it well with the two parts. Yeah, FE7's final map was a good mix of being map and boss focussed. Also I liked the idea of getting the S weapons by defeating the reanimated bosses.
  16. Going to order Berseria this week. Hype! ... And that's how Morgan was created.
  17. But still... no one shall steal mah Noire.
  18. There are two free-riders around in this forum. (currently only one because the other dropped Noire already) The worst part is that this person used my sig. as their avi.
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