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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Roller coasters because I can't stand carousels. Favorite attaction in a theme park in general?
  2. I haven't played many RPGs yet... but I think the music style isn't so different in other similar RPGs unless it's Neptunia.
  3. Theme 3 returns in the fight I mentioned in my previous post. I believe 1 returned too once, 2 seems to be new for me. I also favor 3 because it reminds me a little bit on , my favorite boss theme in the series.
  4. ... maybe Would you rather to go in a carousel, or rather in a roller coaster?
  5. Yeah Milla is eh in 1... but I like her much more in 2. Tbh I like each character in 2, actually my favorite cast.
  6. Still have to play Jude's route. I don't know this battle theme actually. Though I guess it was played in 2 when you had the choice to fight Jude in Spirius. Winged Duke was so fun and I found the difficulty perfect for me. Also if someone is weird... then it's me.
  7. Honestly I had issues with most earlygames in the series. Symphonia is very hard for me. Lloyd even died in the very first bossfight (before Kratos joins). Even in generic bossfights several people die; I had a total wipe out against the "chest" in the lava ruins. Dear god... Xillia 2 has Volt as boss early how is super annoying. Chapter 7 has an incredibly big difficulty jump. In Xillia 1 I couldn't beat 80% of the bosses in a higher difficulty than in easy, because... I didn't feel comfortable with the bond system. None of the units met my playstyle. I couldn't play as Milla; mainly played as Jude or Leia. I didn't figure out how to use mystic artes. Funny thing: I didn't know how to use them in Vesperia either, but Flynn activated one randomly in the final dungeon. Only Abyss and Graces (-Emeraude) had a moderate difficulty curve. It was fair the entire time. Also I found Duke (without third phase) the easiest boss I've faced yet in the series (tied with Lambda).
  8. Vesperia's earlygame was tough. I needed to "overlevel" my party just because of Gattuso. After him I could beat most of the bosses and gigantos in my first try (except for the high leveled ones like Brucis) because my team was overleveled. However most of these battles ended like so: He died pretty much in each second big fight and was underleved at the end (~3 levels lower than the rest). Thankfully the PS3 version gave me Flynn, so I didn't care about Yuri.
  9. lowest difficulty (Abyss and I believe Vesperia have no easy mode, only normal) I forgot to admit that I played Vesperia for like 75% in the second lowest difficulty... accidently... because of my non existing JP knowledge. I wondered for more than a half year why this game was so incredibly hard (needed like 50 attempts to beat Gattuso; almost quitted)... just because I was an idiot and didn't switch the difficulty to the lowest one. At least I gave myself a good challenge.
  10. Beaten the final boss in Xillia 2 in unknown and unlocked the good ending. I never ever thought to beat a final boss in a Tales of game in a higher difficulty than in easy. Tbf it was new game + and my units got 5x exp., so they were leveled high enough to beat him. But stil!
  11. Take a guess, who suggested it? ;) Also it seems to become a fight between wife and husband. I hope it won't end with a divorce
  12. Whenever I played Conquest... it turned into a massacre. Couldn't even beat it in hard. And in normal mode I only beat the final map with the literally last breath. I had only one unit left (avatar) I could use to kill the final boss. If he failed... Game Over. ... Thankfully it didn't happen and I could beat the final map at cost of a half dozen of units. Now everyone knows how amazing I'm in FE. Tbh... same went for SMT4's earlygame: Game Overs over Game Overs... But thankfully I've beaten the worst part. Cost me lots of overcoming.
  13. How would you describe yourself in three words? Jokes about minorities or other religions.
  14. Favorite soup? It's not my favorite veggie but still ok.
  15. ...That's more than a Halloween shocker for me.
  16. I only prepromote someone, if it has maxed 1-2 stats at least. A good contender is Rutger because he maxes out skill and speed quickly. As for the others I normally wait till level 20.
  17. I thought this was the part of the unpopular opinion. If people like me disliked... didn't like much the game, they brought up probably a different positive point than I did. Honestly I have to agree with that... but I also appreciate the fanservice.
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