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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I was adviced to do it. (didn't play this bossfight alone) The blitz attack didn't work for the first twenty times because I didn't and still don't know how this attack works. I'm a person who ragequits fast whenever something goes wrong or dislikes certain game mechanics. It just happened here... and I can't change it. And tbh I don't care if I'm the only one who has this opinion. > opinions are opinions
  2. The main thing I missed in the 3DS version was the soundtrack. The difference of the number of songs between the 3DS and Wii U version was too large. (of course I missed a story mode like Subspace Emissary the most... but the Wii U version didn't have it either) Despite that some amazing stages like Port Town Aerodrive or Lylat Cruise didn't make it in the 3DS version, the number of stages in the 3DS version was alright. At least classic ones like Flat Zone and Brinstar returned. These both were the only ones I really played besides Final Destination. Never really played any of the new stages except for Coliseum. Smash 4 was the least enjoybale game of this series for me. Playing the Wii U version wouldn't change my opinion.
  3. Not that I'm aware of... but I would like to have. Can you bake a cake?
  4. Chip and Dale - Rescue Rangers And I still watch it. same question
  5. Depends on the costume. Normally I only add accessoires to them; changing clothes rather rarely. Also the only character like to change the costum is Xillia 2 Jude, because I prefer his one from the prequel. Also thanks! I'm feeling a bit embarrassed. Tales of character you'd like to change the clothes the most because you really hate them?
  6. Lailah for being like the "mummy" of SF who takes care of other members and likes to get into contact with them. I hope it wasn't an insult. same question
  7. No interest in Pokémon. What was the last videogame you really got angry?
  8. Mixed it up with boarding school - My bad! Also speaking from the view how I see it in my country.
  9. A smell of a drink you find disgusting? They're ok for summer. I own one but I only wear it if it's really hot. Mainly wear jeans.
  10. Disliking popular and beloved games is part of my weirdness. FF6 should introduce me into the series but I really disliked random encounters. Also the second part of this bossfight killed the entire fun for me. I had no clue how to use the special attack. After the 20th time it worked suddenly without knowing what I exactly did. Sry, but I don't need sth. like this in a videogame. Went for Mother 3 instead, which is enjoyable because it has mechanics I can deal with.
  11. 1. Yes, it worked fine when I started it the first time. But with the second time the problem happend I told you. 2. No, haven't downloaded any other ROMs yet.
  12. Thank you! Already asked Sophia who will try to do it. If she can't help me either, then I'm going to ask you. Also my problem was that the emulator started... but I didn't have any access to it... because a second screen with the codex appeared and I'm unable to switch to the screen of the opened emulator. If I close the codex screen, the emulator closes too. Also might register in Discord.
  13. Forgot what I said before. It still doesn't work. PSX started once... but not anymore. *quitting* For me... it is honestly.
  14. Phantasia looks pretty much like Final Fantasy 6... and has random encounters.... which isn't all that great tbh. But I must not think about these aspects... it's still a Tales of game... and I have to finish it!
  15. Ugh... nothing works with the **** PS1 emulators. God... I'm so tired... Well, going to play the beta version of Phantasia (=GBA version) then. Taking the booby prize: SNES version
  16. Thanks! Alright found a program which transforms files into iso-files. Did it with ToP... but whenever I opened the rom... ePSXe crashed. Alright! Have to do it now anyways... because ePSXe didn't work.
  17. Alright, then it might explain why it can't open ToP, because it's a rar-file.
  18. I tried it... but then I got an error message. I had to change sth. with the iso in the configurations. But I can't do anything except for removing a checkmark what I did... but the problem wasn't solved. Just an other question: Can EPSXE open rar-files? I know that the DS emulator could do this. Hehe... I just noticed your UN and sig. (BTW I find this line hilarious in this game) Yeah, I really enjoy it because it's really emotional... even very depressing.
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