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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Went to the doctor - waited about 1,5 h - for nothing! There was no sting inside the skin to remove. I'm not only good in screaming but also great in timewasting.
  2. I wished to see you on the moon... at least far away from other people. Anyways thanks to your concern!
  3. I know... and it really hurt at the first moment... but I had a so bad conscience about this entire situation... that I wanted to spare an emergency doctor myself. After a few minutes the pain became better, but I still have issues to move my right hand. However I won't forget this so quickly... that everyone looked at me with big eyes. I mean, if anyone screamed like a baby and ran like a fury, who wouldn't stare on this person?
  4. this With the lack of knowledge about the Japanese history I've a bit issues to get into the story and characters.
  5. I had one of these awkward moments today I never wished anyone got into. When I sat in the bus on the way back home... suddenly I felt pain on my right hand. I looked... A wasp! My reaction: SCREAM... panic (I have a wasp phobia) I guess I never screamed as much as I did today. Everyone stared at me. Me: Absolutely embarrassed Bus driver wanted to call emergency doctor... but I refused... because the situation shouldn't become more embarrassing than it already was. I mean I didn't want to let the other guests come too late to work just because of me. My right hand hurts... but it's not that I have to go in a hospital. Doctor will remove the spike later hopefully. Fuck phobias!
  6. I normally don't go to restaurants, especially not expensive ones, unless I'm invited (wedding, birthday...). Prefer to cook or to go to restaurants where I can take the lunch home. I'm stingy with my money in this case.
  7. I saw I posted here already but I'd like to correct a few things here and go a bit more into detail. Barth is better than Wendy because of his base level and stats. He'd be pretty decent if lances weren't as bad as they were made in FE6. Sophia is awful too but she can attack from range at least which makes her better than Wendy. Also shoutout to Ward. In HM he'll get destroyed fast with his awful speed base + growth, and axes are shit. Sothe is the worst combat unit in FE9 without discussion but he can make chapter 13 and the desert chapter faster. Rhys is also useless if you have Mist a / o sage with staves. Light magic is pointless in FE9 because darkness doesn't exist. Also with his awful speed growth and high weight of light tomes he can get into double-territory easily. However this game is so easy that no one is really useless. In FE10 hard mode I never saw a point in using Fiona and Lyre. Fiona's base level, stats, availibility and the maps totally screw her. Lyre's only use is to be sent as canon fodder in 3-1. Lethe is bad too but in part 2 she has her uses to tank. But definitely no longrun material. Akaneia: almost 50%... but it's been a while since I played it. Can't really judge right now. FE13: Donnel because he joins with awful bases in a lanceunfriendly map. Ricken is awful too - but same what went to Sophia - he can attack from the range and can do effective damage to the dracos in the chapter he joins. Birthright: Honestly it's similar to FE9 to me. It's an easy game, so I find each character has its uses. Conquest: Odin because of bad bases and wrong growths for his base class. Revelations: about 50%, almost the entire Nohrian cast FE5 is the most balanced game in terms of unit bases and growths in the entire series to me. By giving propriate skills and passing scrolls to the units everyone can become usable.
  8. I'd like to pet a koala immediately... if I just could. The most adorable animal in existence - Perfect for cuddling! :)
  9. I have a poster of the cover from FE8 which was included in FE9's copy FE14 for owning the special edition Project X Zone 1 (haven't hung it) Would like to get a poster of a certain videogame (- character)?
  10. I also prefer Persona + Devil Survivor over SMT4 mainly because these games take place in normal locations and I can identify with the characters easily. I guess I've issues to get into the story of SMT4 because I'm not fond with the Japanese history at all... and I miss the fanservice a little bit.
  11. Have you ever thought you could improve your language skills by consuming a media (watching movie, reading book, playing videogame...) in a foreign language, a language you have limited vocabulary at least? Idk, if I may count PS3 Tales of Vesperia as a remake. If not, then Devil Survivor 2.
  12. Ethlin isn't hard to train when she has got the light sword. It's a very powerful 1-2 range sword. However it won't help her much in the arena though since the enemies have melee weapons. However she's still good enough against generics. Also for Dew... Idk... "Give abusing" maybe... He's so awful in combat, so he can only gain exp. by stealing and giving. The arena with him is always an experience for itself.
  13. [spoiler=Part 2] The mission is still to save Fuel. Here he is! He's begging for help from this cottage. However he's not the only in habitant in this cottage. There's also a giant mouse... definitely not a friendly one. a flying mouse - a (mini)boss This was a really tough boss. It can attack twice to you and does serious damage. Wirdo took heavy damage and almost died. I had to use a couple of vulneraries to survive. With a bit effort I could beat it. Now I can save Fuel. Before you can get to him, you have to destroy a log in your way a by dashing. Of course Fuel is relieved and thankful. A few seconds after you left the house with him... Rescue at the last second! However this rubble blocks you the way. Wirdo and Fuel have to return to bring the news to his dad. They become black. While they return to town, Wirdo has to do a few battles. Fuel isn't a party member, so it's only up to Wirdo. level 10 The hint where to find Fuel's dad. Here's Lighter... unfortunately not in very good condition. Fuel: Yes it's me! Everyone is asking them about their black face. The attempt of calming him down. The doctor is already here to heal his injuries. Wirdo, the Hero Heh :P Call it a day. The next day... It wasn't too bad thankfully. So, I have to expect with poison attacks from now on!? Otherwise there's nothing in this inn. The moment when Wirdo leaves the inn... It's the guy who should actually be in the mountains to pick up mushrooms. So he'll join only because of rain? Not that I'm aware of. Ok, he already did his task. That sounds worrisome. Umm... After this conversation Wirdo can walk freely through the overworld. He discovers this odd as a bit spooky place. However he can't enter the tent (yet). Idk how to get this box. He can't walk on these wooden stakes. Ok, Wirdo has to retrun home. In front of his house is a bird... ... with Hinawa's letter. Inside in Wirdo's house: Fuel wants to pay his debts on Wirdo by serching them on his own. But of course teamwork will grant a better success. Dewie is excited. Oh yes! The doggie is a party member - coote! Thomas is panicing. You can only talk to him by blocking the way. However he doesn't bring you any further here. understood The older guy is quite important later on. The heavy rain extinguished the fires. Now you can walk through the forest easily. Time for a few battles again: Dewie is very squishy. <= 50% HP than Wirdo. However I don't think, I'll lose if only one party member dies. Would be stupid otherwise. Encounter links can happen in this game... and not only if two enemies stand next to each other. Even from a little distance they still can link. A little bit grinding for Dewie is helpful to become a bit more tanky. His level up is worse than Wirdo's because for example he didn't gain any IQ here. I used the hot spring quite a lot to save vulneraries. Hey, I figured out how can I see the stats of my party members. You see the huge difference between a human and an animal. Wirdo has better growths. a new enemy - I guess to know what it can. It didn't happen here though (yet). It gives slightly more experience than the bat. This time he became smarter. I knew dogs are smart as cute animals. Here it happens what I expected from the snake: It posions you. Thankfully I've something against it. ... but not for two - damn! I hope these enemies might drop antidots. I believe poison damage is based on the unit's HP. Wirdo loses more than Dewie does. It'll stay after the battle and you'll lose HP while crossing the overworld. It's nasty because I only had one antidot which I used on Wirdo because he can lose way more HP than Dewey. Since Dewie is still poisoned... ... I get the information if someone is low on health. However in this situation there's nothing else left to do than to hope to get another antidot quick. Thank goodness! Nothing really special here. new equipment Some people are hanging around. There must be sth.! the power of destruction You migth see the problem here. The way is blocked. ok Lighter and Isaac join. They try to push the tree to open a small path. However they can't do it without Wirdo. Wirdo has to help them... ... but either Wirdo is a weakling or a dork right here. He's not able to push the tree with his two helpers. PS: I have no clue what to do here. Even dashing doesn't work. So he's going an other way... close danger Dewie sniffles sth. A scrap of cloth on top of the mountain. It's just the question to reach the top. The elder returns and has maybe a solution... his son. Since we have Wirdo, Nerdo may not miss! He sniffs on Nerdo's sock to identify his smell. Dewie is on the way to bring Nerdo here. Poor dog... he had to carry the sleepy nerd from his house to the cliff. Show us your moves! He's really smart. He created a stairs to climb the mountain. Nice! I won't LP this game anymore because it's too hard to do it. Playing it for myself with a bit support. I might use this thread to ask, if I should stuck.
  14. yes Would take part of a lottery, if the jackpot was incredibly high?
  15. I don't really care. People are grown enough to decide what to do with their money. I've played a bit Poker and even won a bit... but I never would do it sustainably. Opinion of Discord?
  16. Thinks to know a like of mine for something I don't even know what it is. ?
  17. Since I don't know what it is, no. Opinion of gambling?
  18. Knows more than I do... at least in Dragon Quest.
  19. FE12 + Tales of Vesperia Would you ever play a game in a foreign language?
  20. Sony because most popular JRPGs were released for the Playstation. I only own Nintendo consoles because of FE and Devil Survivor tbh. Never ever owned a Microsoft console. Have you ever imported a game from Japan because it wasn't released for the west?
  21. In general I decide very early if I want to continue a (not so good) game or not. I usually drop it. Latest example was Final Fantasy 6. Dropped it after like 2h playtime because certain mechanics pissed me off. I still have to finish some other games, so it'd be stupid to waste time and effort on sth. which can't satisfy me.
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