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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Oh... ok! Tbh I somewhat expected that I'm the only one who can't stand this dude. ;) I'd speculate that the interest in Star Wars depends on the generations. The older people who grew up with the older parts still like them more of the newer ones because of their nostalgic charme and the actors (Hamill, Fisher...), while the younger people might prefer the later parts because they seem to be more modern. (I can only guess because I'm not fond with the Star Wars fandom anymore nowadays)
  2. Animes are boring unless these are in videogames Chip and Dale are my favorite Disney characters; so Chip and Dale The Rescue Rangers is also my favorite Disney cartoon series Sylvester and Tweety are my favorite Looney Tunes characters. Ja Ja Binks is one of the most annoying movie characters in existence and ruined Star Wars I for me. The classic Star Wars parts are still the best ones. The 80s were the best decade in terms of music, movies, clothes and hairstyle. Also the birth of videogames. I'm not a big fan of animated Disney movies. Prefer still classic ones. I only liked watching The Simpsons when I was young.
  3. It was my first PS3 game too... because you made me to buy to this game by watching your LP. I'd say it's my second favorite part after Abyss so far. Unfortunately I don't own this game anymore. :.( Gave it to my girlfriend to her birthday who lives in the US... so at least it's in good hands nevertheless.
  4. Opinion of Russia? It's has a nice landscape for being between the sea and the mountains, but too many snobby people live there who are too stingy to pay the taxes in their home country. I only like to be here for exact one day: watching the Formula 1 race from the swimming pool
  5. Haven't you heared of the most luxury country of Europe, Monaco, and its capital yet?
  6. Opinion of Monte Carlo? Nope, and I never ever have seen it offered somewhere yet.
  7. After reading it, I have to admit that it would make sense. Vesperia was the first game which made it for the PS3, one year after it came out for the Xbox.
  8. Most aesthetical language to listen to? yes I referred to burgers here.
  9. I still don't understand why Vesperia came out for a console in the west which isn't really popular for having many (great) RPGs. The Xbox never deserved a Tales of game.
  10. Opinion of Hillary Clinton? They're supersmart and supercute.
  11. I've read Symphonia was released for PC this year... but it shall be very buggy.
  12. Wow... you really got me. I always pay attention on the art... but ironically never who created it. If you had a PAL Wii (which I highly doubt). I could sell you the Tellius parts for a low price since I'm going to sell all my Wii stuff. Dumbest Youtube video you ever watched?
  13. Xenoblade Chronicles Unfortunately I haven't been so lucky yet (unlike I was with FE10) to find a favorable copy of this game. When I bought the Wii in 2012 there weren't any copies of this game available in stores anymore. same question
  14. CUTE!!! I had one like 20 years ago. He was like an alarm for me because he always squealed whenever the microwave gave the finish tone. same question
  15. migration policy There are so many improvements needed, you might see in the refugee policy. If you had the chance to become a politician, what ressource (foreign, economic, family, education...) would you choose?
  16. Im hyped for Velvet already. Tbh I wasn't a huge fan of Milla.
  17. She led Germany well economically. The jobless rate never ever has been as low after the reunion as now. Also I support her EU politics. However she did mistakes in the refugee politics... which caused displeasure among the population (including myself) and a swing to the right populism... which also has the consequence that stable government majorities don't exist anymore. I'm highly sure that three parties will be in the government participation in the next government period. It would be the first time. Favorite US president (of the ones you witnessed)?
  18. Honestly it has been my least favorite part of the ones I've finshed yet, so you're not alone with this opinion. Berseria looks very promisingso far. However I will have to deal with JP version since I own neither a PC nor a PS4. Idk if you own a PS3. There are lots of good parts for the PS3: Vesperia (JP-version), Graces, Xillia 1 + 2
  19. Well, do the anime scenes in the Tales of games count? If not, none. Opinion of Silvio Berlussconi?
  20. same here That's the reason why I consider rather Titania as a "Cain-type"... at least in FE10. She's not so many levels ahead of Oscar and both share the same speed. Both join in both games at the same time but in FE9 she's really the "Jagen". Kieran's support with Oscar makes him probably the "Cain" in FE9. In FE10 I don't see him as "Cain" at all because they're separate till 3-11 and he's outclassed due to his bad availibility.
  21. Actually I may not be very amused either since I like Isabeau.
  22. #11: Day organisation Tomorrow is saturday. Jonathan will have a very busy day but he still doesn't know how to plan his day. It's your task to do it for him! He usually gets up at 07:00. The first things he does are cleaning himself and then having breakfast. Since he doesn't need to go to work on saturday, he can spend his time for his friends. Isabeau, his girlfriend, will meet him at his home at 13:00. However Jonathan has to do lots of preparations before. He has to clean his home and cooking for her. But first he has to buy the ingredients. It'd be nice, if he could cut the lawn but it's not absolutely necessary. He has a fixed date for a haircut at 10:00. His other meeting will be Walter. He wants to go to the latest Star Wars movie with Jonathan. It's shown at 14:00, 17:00 and 20:00, so Jonathan can decide. Before he's going to the cinema, he has to take a shower. But Jonathan may not forget to bring rent books back to the library till 18:00. Futhermore he has an own fixed time for this lunch: 19:00 - 20:00. However it doesn't matter, if he starts at 19:00 or 19:30. His grandma will have her 80th birthday on monday. He has to write a letter for her and bring it to the post office till 15:00. At 15:30 he'd like to stress out a little bit by watching several soccer matches... but if the time doesn't allow it, he can deny it and spend the time for more important things. Also reading a newspaper before Isabeau's arrival would be nice. If it's somehow possible, he also would like to clean his car. If Jonathan has done all the "must have done" things, he'll spend the rest of the day with videogaming till midnight. Edit: I hope it's clear enough, which activities have to be done. [spoiler=If not:] washing breakfast writing letter for grandmother bringing letter to the post office bringing books back to the library watching Star Wars movie with Walter meeting Isabeau cleaning house buying ingredients cooking haircut taking shower lunching Here is a list with the tasks and a given excel table with the times where you can enter each activity: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By3VdhdU6OlxQnU4RHVCN2YwanM Edit: I forgot to add "writing letter to grandma" to this list. It takes 30 minutes.
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